Number bonds to 10
Number bonds to 20
Number bonds to 50
Number bonds to 100
Designed to support home learning - linked to whole school challenge with children moving on to x table champion cards, also available on TES. Shown on instagram page.
Number bonds to 10, 20, 50 and 100
x2, x5 and x 10
x3, x4 and x8
x6, x9, x11
x7 and x12
All designed to support and motivate learning at home!
Children bring in the slip at the bottom of the card when their adult/s feel they have secured the skill. Staff will check in school and children are rewarded e.g. house points, raffle tickets, etc.
Print the relevant card for each child. Children colour the stars once theyve secured each task. Children/ adults can tick off the facts they are getting right so they can focus on the ones they are finding tricky (2 star task).
Cards are to track, motivate and support children to learn their tables.
3 sets of increasing complexity. Each set is a double sided A4 card. These go along with the other talk like… cards on my TES store to support and promote oracy in the classroom.
Designed to be printed back to back and laminated, we use these cards one between 2 as a resource in class.