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Ksp755's Academic Shop

Preparing educational lesson slides, lesson notes, game class activity websites, and worksheet for all types of school subjects. Perfect for teachers, professors and instructors.




Preparing educational lesson slides, lesson notes, game class activity websites, and worksheet for all types of school subjects. Perfect for teachers, professors and instructors.
Understand Ancient Roman Political System And Society Classical Age Empires Lesson Notes

Understand Ancient Roman Political System And Society Classical Age Empires Lesson Notes

Lesson notes that explain the roman political system and society from the writings of the ancient writer, Polybius. The notes cover; A breakdown of the roman republic’s constitution The tribune system The dictatorship system How the constitution was used in society A diagram of the social classes of the roman society The failure and collapse of the roman republic’s constitution The notes are presented in a word file as to make easier for instructors to add or edit any information.
Ten Figures Of The American Revolution Independence July Fourth History Crossword With Answer Sheet

Ten Figures Of The American Revolution Independence July Fourth History Crossword With Answer Sheet

A wordsearch puzzle worksheet for students and young kids learning about the american revolution leading to the independence of the 13 colonies. There are a total of ten words of prominent individuals during the revolution. Students are encourage to learn and memorize fact of many prominent figures during the american revolution to complete this puzzle worksheet. There is no blank spacing between the first and last name of the prominent individual. An answer sheet is provided to aid teachers and instructors with grading. It is prefect as a pop quiz, exam review game, classroom worksheet or homework.
Basic Medieval European Societal Labeling Diagram Worksheet With Answer Sheet

Basic Medieval European Societal Labeling Diagram Worksheet With Answer Sheet

Labeling digram worksheet for young kids and students learning about medieval European society and the social hierarchy. Students are asked to label the different parts of the digram to complete the worksheet. An answer sheet is provided to aid teachers and instructors with grading. It is prefect as homework, or as classroom worksheet.
Religious Heresy And Albigensian Crusade Beginning The Inquisition Medieval European History Notes

Religious Heresy And Albigensian Crusade Beginning The Inquisition Medieval European History Notes

Notes that cover the Albigensian crusade and the religious heresy that led to the age of the medieval Christian inquisition. The lesson notes cover; Manicism Duelist Understanding Of The Trinity Cathism Languedoc Region of France Albigensian Crusades Birth Of The Inquisition The note are in a word file to aid students and teacher by making editing and adding content easier for study purposes.
The Third Crusade (King Richard The Lionheart's Crusade) History of Medieval Europe And The Crusades

The Third Crusade (King Richard The Lionheart's Crusade) History of Medieval Europe And The Crusades

The notes cover the third crusade, its causes, and the people involved in the decisions made during that time. First, it covers the three monarchs that will participate in the Third Crusade; King Phillips II, King Richard III, and Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I “Barbarossa”. It explores King Richard’s landing in the Holy land, the battles he fought with Saladin’s armies, and the end of the crusade.
The Second Crusade History of Medieval Europe And The Crusades

The Second Crusade History of Medieval Europe And The Crusades

The notes cover the second crusade, its causes, and the people involved in the decisions made during that time. It also covers the key events during the crusade such as the Fall of Edessa and the Siege of Damascus. Characters include strong Muslim generals such as Zengi and Nur ad-din. It ends with a chart to display the differences between the first and second crusades.
The First Crusade History Of Medieval Europe And The Crusades

The First Crusade History Of Medieval Europe And The Crusades

The notes cover the first crusade, its causes, and the people involved in the decisions made during that time. First, it covers the political landscape, the religious schism between western and eastern churches (Roman Christian and Orthodox Christian), and the preliminary events that led to the call for a crusade. this was followed by events within the crusade and the relationship between the Byzantines and Crusaders. It also covers the key events during the crusade such as the siege at Antioch and the Massacre of Jerusalem. People who played an important role in this crusade include; Emperor Alexios I, Pope Urban, Peter The Hermit, Adhemar of Le Puy, Raymond IV, and more
La Reconquista Christian Reconquest of Spain History of Medieval Europe And The Crusades

La Reconquista Christian Reconquest of Spain History of Medieval Europe And The Crusades

The notes cover La Reconquista, the Christian reconquest of the Spanish Iberian peninsula, and the people involved in the decisions made during that time. It provides the context of the religious landscape of Muslim Spain and a brief overview of the Spanish Inquisition. It includes the beginning of Muslim Spain until the eventual end of Muslim rule in Granada, Spain. It also explains the unique dynamic between the christian, muslim and jewish cultures during in the iberian peninsula. Characters included in the notes include Ferdinand of Aragon, Isabella of Castille, Ibn Sina “Avicenna”, and Averroes
Introduction And History Of The Order of The Knights Templar Medieval European History Lesson Notes

Introduction And History Of The Order of The Knights Templar Medieval European History Lesson Notes

Notes covering the brief history of the Knights Templar order during the middles ages. The notes explore; The founding of the order The Templar’s oath Their roles as bankers and money lenders in the Holy Land Their decline Their violent end by the French King, Philip IV Jacque De Molay’s Prophecy The notes are in a powerpoint slide form for teachers or students to easily add or edit the content inside, and make it easier for instructors to use as a teaching material.
Women's Role In Medieval Europe And Crusades Middle Ages History Lesson Notes

Women's Role In Medieval Europe And Crusades Middle Ages History Lesson Notes

Lesson notes that cover the different roles women played in the medieval Europe and prominent female figures of the middle ages. The notes cover the following topics; Women of the Manor/Estate (Noblewoman) Woman of the Field (Common born women) Debunking myths of women’s role in the middles ages I. Women can’t hold property II. Women can’t hold power III. The church’s view on women IV. Women never participated in war Brief overview of Eleanor of Aquitaine Brief overview of Anna Comena of the Byzantine empire Role of Muslim women int he middle ages The notes are in a slideshow format to make it easier for teachers to use as a teaching resource and better allow content to be added or edited. Students can also use it as a study resource.
Medieval European History Lesson Notes & Activity Worksheet Bundle

Medieval European History Lesson Notes & Activity Worksheet Bundle

11 Resources
A bundle that includes all the lesson notes, worksheets and activity presentations that deals with the history of medieval Europe. The material covered in the current bundle includes; Basic Medieval European Social Class Diagram English Royal History Tudor Dynasty Introduction And History Of The Order of The Knights Templar La Reconquista Christian Reconquest of Spain Life In Medieval Europe Medieval Western Christianity Church Hierarchy Religious Heresy And Albigensian Crusade First Crusade Second Crusade Third Crusade Prominent Women and Women’s Role In Medieval European Society The bundle would be updated whenever new resources are added.