Key Stage 3, GCSE and A Level History resources available for purchase and download.
New Focus Education offer resources from a teacher with 10 years teaching experience, a track record of excellent outcomes and experience of leadership at several levels.
The main focus is AQA 8145 and AQA A Level, with key stage three resources available with GCSE skills and requirements embedded throughout.
Key Stage 3, GCSE and A Level History resources available for purchase and download.
New Focus Education offer resources from a teacher with 10 years teaching experience, a track record of excellent outcomes and experience of leadership at several levels.
The main focus is AQA 8145 and AQA A Level, with key stage three resources available with GCSE skills and requirements embedded throughout.
Full pack containing all lessons on Hardwick Hall including: An introduction to features of Elizabethan manor houses, who Bess of Hardwick was and how she could build Hardwick, features of Hardwick, what changes in England Hardwick demonstrates and essay planning lesson. A revision lesson (pre-exam) is also included, along with a model answer for the 16-mark response and a knowledge organiser for Hardwick Hall.
Model answer for specimen paper question: ‘The main change that manor houses demonstrated was the greater prosperity of their owner’. How far does a study of Hardwick Hall show this?
A model answer to a sample question for the AQA 2024 HE on Drake’s Circumnavigation of the Globe 1577-1580. The answer explores several factors to address the question: “The main result of journeys of exploration was the increase in the wealth and power of Elizabethan England”. How far does the study of Drake’s circumnavigation support this statement? You should refer to Drake’s circumnavigation and your contextual knowledge (16 marks)
Lesson exploring how slaves resisted on plantations. Inference starter, two layers of inference sources linked to utility, card sort categorising passive and active resistance leading to an explanation judgement regarding the most successful forms of resistance.
Two lesson series exploring life on plantations for slaves.
Lesson 1 focuses on day-day life. Hyperlinked vider starter leads to a data capture carousel activity and judgement line plenary. The second lesson involves students exploring life on plantations using sources and creating positive and negative interpretations to enable them to reach a clear judgement.
First lesson in the scheme - how was the power of the monarch challenged in Medieval England
Lesson exploring interpretations of King John. Interpretation starter exploring ideas of John as a King, video exploring the views of John presented in modern media, comparison of Richard and John - annotation of their personalities based on the profiles, source analysis leading to a table creation on the positive and negative aspects of John’s character, individual written interpretation of John, leading to a vote/judgement line plenary on John as a King.
A knowledge organiser summarising the key content required as part of the AQA 2024 Historic Environment study of Drake’s Circumnavigation 1577-1580. It covers, who Drake was, why he embarked on the journey, key events, benefits and dangers, impact and overall success, alongside tips on how to approach the question
Lesson 5 in the Hardwick Hall 2025 Historic Environment learning sequence.
This lesson focuses on application of knowledge of Hardwick Hall to the 16-mark essay on the Elizabethan paper. The lesson begins with a recap of the changes in the period demonstrated by Hardwick, leading to a paired retrieval task reviewing the key features of Hardwick. Students then explore the 16-mark essay criteria and then apply their learning to a plan for the following question: “The main change that Elizabethan manor houses demonstrated was the greater prosperity of their owners”. How far does a study of Hardwick Hall support this statement? You should refer to Hardwick Hall and your contextual knowledge. (16 marks).
Students then explore a WAGOLL paragraph and assess the strengths and weaknesses of this. A model answer for this question is included in the bundle pack.
A workbook that reviews the key content required for the 2025 Historic Environment study on Hardwick Hall. The booklet covers why manor houses were built, who Bess of Hardwick was, typical features of manor houses, how Hardwick Hall was and was not a typical manor house, changes reflected by Hardwick and essay planning.
Revision resource focusing on how to answer the 16 mark ‘Hardwick Hall’ question on Paper 2. The resource models the structure and models examples of good practice, offering pupils then the chance to structure their own answer. The key changes demonstrated by Hardwick are also included.
Lesson 2 in the Hardwick Hall 2025 Historic Environment learning sequence.
This lesson focuses on who Bess of Hardwick was and why she was able to build Hardwick Hall. The lesson begins with an image starter, asking students to explore how people like Bess could build manor houses. Students then explore Bess from a video, moving on to the creation of a timeline of her life. From this students create a spider diagram showing how Bess was an effective businesswoman, then explaining how Bess was able to redevelop Hardwick. Finally students assess how far Bess was a typical member of the Elizabethan Gentry.
*Eleventh lesson in the scheme - how the Normans changed England *
Lesson exploring the extent of change brought to medieval England under the Normans. Video starter introduces the key changes made, paired card sort - change and continuity leads to completion of Venn diagram (attached at end of PPT), judgement on the most significant change, summary answer to how far the Normans changed England, plenary reviewing different groups in society and how far their lives changed.
NB: Assessment GCSE write an account question plan attached for completion next lesson
Lesson 4 in the Hardwick Hall 2025 Historic Environment learning sequence.
This lesson focuses on what Hardwick Hall can show about changes in the Elizabethan period. The lesson begins with a knowledge recall of Hardwick Hall, moving on to a carousel source activity where students use sources to explain key changes in England that Hardwick demonstrates (fashions, wealth, support for Elizabeth, rise of Gentry and new architectural styles. Students then explain what Hardwick Hall can show about Elizabethan England, explaining why Hardwick can be seen as a symbol of Elizabeth’s reign.
L2 in the 2024 Historic Environment series on The Americas and Drake’s circumnavigation, 1577-1580.
This lesson begins with a recap of knowledge about Francis Drake, leading into a video that introduces John Hawkins’ role in the slave trade. Students then explore how Hawkins’ role in influencing Drake in undertaking future voyages. The main activity focuses on exploring the 6 main motivating factors for Drake in undertaking his 1577 voyage, with students assessing the strengths and weaknesses of each, leading to a judgement on the main factors that influenced Drake. The plenary sets up the following lesson with students considering the benefits and dangers to sailors in undertaking such a lengthy voyage.
Two lesson sequence exploring the impact of the three key individuals: Video starter, group assessment of one individual and presentations, summary information sheet for each student, signficance card sort linked to 8 mark significance of Vesailus question, impact guess who plenary.
Introduction to Thatcher - images starter, two videos comparing interpretations (hyperlinked in), spider diagrams on key aspects of Thatcher's leadership, source analysis of Thatcherism (content, tone and provenance), impact of Thatcher judgement. Homework included to research one minister with view to present findings next lesson - summary sheet to give out also attached.
Knowledge organiser that reviews three key topics integral to assessing how the power of the King changed/was challenged in Medieval England. Summary points useful for revision.
For AQA 8145 Conflict and tension, 1919-39
Three lesson sequence focusing on the events and impact of the Manchurian Crisis
Lesson 1 introduces the crisis with a video, note sheet and hand out.
Lesson 2 is a role play news report on the crisis with roles including - The league, China, Japan and a reporter
Lesson 3 analyses the impact of the crisis on the league building towards a 'write an account' question with planning sheet and hints
Lessons focused around the 2020 Historic Environment on the Spanish Armada.
The fourth lesson focuses on the key reasons for the failure of the Armada.
The lesson starts with pupils analysing Phillip II’s plan and assessing advantages and disadvantages for Spain. Pupils then categorise the cards into reasons for failure; focusing on weather, English tactics, leadership, luck, Spanish mistakes and English ship design/weapons. Using the cards and additional information (plus relevant textbooks if required), in small groups pupils create a mini poster explaining one of the above reasons for defeat - presenting back after 15 minutes whilst all students complete a table recording the key details, allowing students to assess which reason for defeat they feel is most significant. The plenary focuses on the ‘how convincing’ question, using the Armada portrait as the source material.