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Learning_the_lingo's Shop

I am a primary school teacher with over 5 years of teaching experience. I have a Masters in Education, a degree in English and Music and a level 5 TEFL certificate. I have taught English abroad and I have experience with all class levels including SET. I am currently working as an English language teacher for adults, teenagers and children. I am passionate about creating opportunities for my students to succeed and to excel at their own pace. Thank you for visiting my store! :-)

I am a primary school teacher with over 5 years of teaching experience. I have a Masters in Education, a degree in English and Music and a level 5 TEFL certificate. I have taught English abroad and I have experience with all class levels including SET. I am currently working as an English language teacher for adults, teenagers and children. I am passionate about creating opportunities for my students to succeed and to excel at their own pace. Thank you for visiting my store! :-)
Maths Rap (x2, x4, x5, x6, x8, x10, x12)

Maths Rap (x2, x4, x5, x6, x8, x10, x12)

This product contains some times table raps that were written by my class. It can be used to inspire children to write their own rap. It can also be used as a fun way to recite the times tables. It includes a different rap for each of these times tables: x2, x4, x5, x6, x8, x10, x12. It is 13 pages long.
Halloween Vocabulary Display (Verbs & Nouns)

Halloween Vocabulary Display (Verbs & Nouns)

This product can be used to create a colourful Halloween display in your classroom. It can also be used during literacy lessons, as a prompt during speaking and written tasks. The product consists of 32 words (nouns and verbs) which are related to Halloween. You can easily cut these cards out for class activities or simple hang them in your classroom to add a spooky mood to the room. 21 pages in total.
Halloween Themed Procedural Writing Pack 3rd to 6th Class

Halloween Themed Procedural Writing Pack 3rd to 6th Class

This pack contains a week of English work for the Senior classes. It includes information about procedural writing, an example of Halloween themed procedural writing, activities based on the example and the necessary templates for students to plan their own writing and write their finished product. The pack is 13 pages in total. The pack contains the following: “What is procedural writing” display poster. Procedural writing checklist for students. An example of procedural writing “How to carve a pumpkin”. Comprehension questions based on the example. “Spooky Synonyms” worksheet. This is a differentiated fill in the blanks activity based on the example. One worksheet has the first letter of each word to prompt students while the other does not. Answers for the “Spooky Synonyms” activity. Storyboard template for students to plan their procedural writing. Blank mind map template. Useful vocabulary for procedural writing (linking words, action verbs, adverbs) Procedural writing, writing frame/template.
Halloween Story Starters for Senior Classes (Roll the Dice Activity)

Halloween Story Starters for Senior Classes (Roll the Dice Activity)

Encourage your learners to write spooky stories using this ‘roll the dice’ story starter prompt sheet. Product also includes some useful vocabulary to help students as they write. This is perfect for reluctant writers and those who struggle to come up with ideas. Students can use the prompt sheet individually in pairs. It can be used to create oral stories as a transition activity, warm up or as a stand alone lesson. Students roll the dice to determine the story opener, main character, setting and an object which they must include in their story. This activity encourages creative thinking and is a fun way to develop the skill of writing. Product is 2 pages in length.
English Lesson Plans based on Jungle Theme for 1st & 2nd Class

English Lesson Plans based on Jungle Theme for 1st & 2nd Class

This product contains a week of very detailed English lesson plans for 1st & 2nd Class based on the theme of the jungle. Four of the lessons focus on the book “Alan’s Big, Scary Teeth” by Jarvis and one lesson is based on the poem “If you ever meet an elephant” by Kenn Nesbitt. Number of pages: 14 Format: PDF
Electricity Worksheet for 5th & 6th Class

Electricity Worksheet for 5th & 6th Class

his worksheet is perfect for teaching the topic of Electricity and Magnetism to 5th & 6th class. It could be used in class to reinforce new learning or as a homework task. It includes the following activities and more: Match the definition to the description Label the diagram Investigate at home This worksheet goes with the “Lesson Plans for History, Geography & Science to teach Electricity to 5th & 6th Class” product which you can also find on my store. Number of pages: 3 Format: PDF
DIP NIPT Long Term Plans Term 2 (Jan-Apr) - 2nd Class

DIP NIPT Long Term Plans Term 2 (Jan-Apr) - 2nd Class

These are the long term plans that I used for my DIP for term 2 in 2nd Class. It includes English, Maths, Gaeilge, Science, History, Geography, SPHE, Visual Art, Music, Drama and P.E. You could use this for your own planning folder or to give you an idea of what is expected as an NQT during induction. Hope it helps! Number of pages: 44 Format: PDF
Carúil na Nollag (Christmas Carols as Gaeilge)

Carúil na Nollag (Christmas Carols as Gaeilge)

Start preparing for your Christmas performance now with these Christmas Carols as Gaeilge. This resource contains 8 different Christmas Carols (some secular Christmas songs and some religious Christmas Carols) in a colourful PDF. You can use this for a transition activity in the run up to Christmas or for a particular class or school performance. This resource is 17 pages long. Suitable for Catholic Schools, Educate Together Schools and Secular Schools.
Tree Trail Booklet for 1st & 2nd Class

Tree Trail Booklet for 1st & 2nd Class

This product contains a Tree Trial booklet suitable for 1st and 2nd class. I created this booklet based on the trees that are on the grounds of my school. You can use it to reinforce previous learning, as a homework task or even as part of a virtual tree trial. The trail has five different stops. It covers topics from the Geography, History and Science curriculum. This is also a great idea for school placement. I have included pictures of the tree at each stop along the trial if you wish to do this tree trial virtually. Stop 1: Oak tree Stop 2: Ash tree Stop 3: Hedgerow Stop 4: Beech tree Stop 5: Scots pine Number of pages: 15 Format: PDF
Cluiche: An Siopa Bréagán

Cluiche: An Siopa Bréagán

This game helps to reinforce vocabulary (17 words) surrounding the theme “An Siopa Bréagán.” After reading the sentence, the children have to choose the correct picture. You can also choose one student to read the sentence and another student to select the correct picture. Correct answers are included. Number of pages: 36 Format: PPT & PDF
Gaeilge Neamhfhoirmiúil Posters

Gaeilge Neamhfhoirmiúil Posters

These posters are perfect to encourage Gaeilge Neamhfhoirmiúil in your classroom throughout the day. I first created these posters for school placement and I used them to remind myself to be using Gaeilge throughout the school day. There are more than 25 phrases as Gaeilge as well as some blank speech bubbles for you to edit yourself. Number of pages: 18 Format: PDF