We love learning and are always looking for ways to help pupils find their lessons fun. So our resources are full of graphics, activities, games, puzzles - to make each class imaginative and fun.
We love learning and are always looking for ways to help pupils find their lessons fun. So our resources are full of graphics, activities, games, puzzles - to make each class imaginative and fun.
This 90 page pack contains resources and activities to teach German words for talking about Christmas. The vocabulary set includes: der Weihnachtsmann, der Schlitten, das Rentier, der Engel, die Weihnachtskarte, das Geschenk, der Stern, die Kerze, die Zuckerstange, der Lebkuchen, der Tannenbaum, die Stechpalme, die Glocke, die Krippe, die Schneeflocke, der Schneemann.
The pack comprises:
* 5 pages of suggestions for use of the resources in the classroom
* Word wall set with separate title.
* 16 large color flashcards - image and text
* 16 large b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* A set of small b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* B/w and color handouts of pictures and words
* A matching activity set (words and pictures)- color
* A b/w activity - color and label the picture
* 2 b/w anagram worksheets- unscramble the anagrams and match to the picture. (Each worksheet comes in 2 versions, one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer keys
* A Christmas acrostic puzzle (2 versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key
* A b/w Wordsearch activity with answer key
* 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board
* A set of b/w playing cards for games such as dominoes, pelmanism (pairs)
* 4 bookmarks with German Christmas messages to cut out and color
* 4 Christmas cards with German Christmas messages to cut out and color
* 6 Christmas present tags/tree decorations to cut out and color
* A Christmas gift box to cut out, color, label and construct.
31 NO PREP pages of fun resources with cute winter graphics for teaching addition to 20. Seven different activities including picture lines, word problems, arithmagons and roll, add and color. Worksheets contain either numbers up to ten or up to twenty allowing for differentiation in the classroom.
This set comprises:
* 6 pages of count the pictures and do the addition worksheets (3 pages of numbers up to ten and 3 pages of numbers up to twenty).
* 6 pages of addition using picture lines (3 pages of numbers up to ten and 3 pages of numbers up to twenty)
* 6 pages of arithmagon worksheets (3 pages of numbers up to ten and 3 pages of numbers up to twenty).
* 4 pages of addition word-problem worksheets using pictures, number line and equation (numbers up to ten).
* 2 pages of ‘Roll, Add and Color’ game/activity sheets (1 page of numbers up to twelve and 1 page of numbers up to 18) and an instructions sheet.
* My Winter Addition Booklet to cut, color, complete, staple and take home (numbers up to ten).
* 3 ‘Help Penguin make a snowman’ worksheets, one with sums up to ten, one with sums up to twenty and one without sums (the teacher inserts sums for personalized learning).
41 pages of fun Spanish worksheets and activities to teach 12 words for pets - includes ‘Write Around the Room’, crossword, word search, anagrams, flip book, mobile and bingo.
This Spanish pets set includes:
* Write around the room activity to learn 12 Spanish words for pets - 12 half page pictures to hide around the room and two different styles of worksheet (one interactive notebook style, the other single sheet) for the students to complete as they find the words. The pictures can also be used as flashcards.
* Anagrams worksheet plus answer key.
* ‘Mis animales domésticos favoritos’ flip book to color, complete and assemble.
* Crossword activity (two versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key.
* Wordsearch activity plus answer key.
* Pets Mobile to cut, color, complete and assemble.
* 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board.
Fun activity making spooky French color by number Joyeux Halloween cards to take home.
This set includes:
* Three color by number ‘Joyeux Halloween’ cards. Each design comes in two versions. The first has both numbers and colors to follow. The second has blank spaces so that the teacher or student can choose the colors to match each number.
Crossword, wordsearch, missing letters puzzles plus color and black and white handouts to practice Spanish camping vocab. Great for a summer vacation topic.
The vocab set includes: la tienda de campaña, el saco de dormir, el lago, el bosque, la montaña, el impermeable, el oso, el mapa, la navaja, la linterna, la brújula, la fogata, la canoa, la caña de pescar, la mochila, la cantimplora.
These puzzles are included in our complete Spanish El Camping resource so please do not buy if you have already purchased that.
This set comprises:
* Two handouts of pictures and words (color and b/w)
* Missing letter puzzle and answer key(b/w)
* Crossword activity (two versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) and answer key (b/w)
* Wordsearch activity (two versions - one with just pictures, one with pictures and words) and answer key (b/w)
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Spanish Summer Beach - en la playa
Spanish Summer flip books and vocab worksheets
Spanish Summer Vacation - Write a Postcard Home
Spanish Summer Word Puzzles
Fun Spanish flip books and worksheets to practice summer vocabulary: summer clothes, summer activities, summer food, summer places and summer toys and verbs llevo, me gusta, como, voy and juego.
Students enjoy coloring and constructing the flip books for themselves.
This set comprises:
Flip book - En el verano llevo... (for girls)
Flip book - En el verano llevo... (for boys)
Summer clothing vocabulary worksheet
Flip book - En el verano voy ...
Summer places vocabulary worksheet
Flip book - En el verano como ...
Summer food vocabulary worksheet
Flip book - En en verano me gusta ...
Summer activities vocabulary worksheet
Flip book - En en verano juego con ...
Summer toys vocabulary worksheet
Los Números y Los Colores – Fun activities for young learners.
Fun activities for practicing Spanish numbers and colors vocabulary. The completed pictures make a colorful wall display.
This pack comprises:
1. 2 Las Mariquitas worksheets. The students read the words for numbers and colors in order to be able to complete the pictures of the ladybugs.
2. 2 pictures to color in by reading the color words. Also a completed example.
3. 3 color by numbers pictures to color in. Read both number words and color words to color in the picture.
Spanish bedroom vocabulary – Mi Dormitorio - Flashcards, word wall, handout, worksheets, flip books, activities and games - this 84 page pack contains everything you need to teach 16 Spanish words for talking about ’my bedroom’.
The vocabulary set includes: una cama, una mesa, una silla, un edredón, una almohada, un cuadro, un osito, una cómoda, un armario, un estante, un despertador, una alfombra, una puerta, un libro, una lámpara, un ordenador.
The pack comprises:
1. 5 pages of suggestions for use of the resources in the classroom
2. Word wall set with separate title (can also be cut up to use as small color flashcards with text)
3. 16 large color flashcards - image and text
4. 16 large b/w flashcards - image (no text)
5. A set of small b/w flashcards (no text)
6. A b/w handout of pictures and words
7. A matching activity set (words and color pictures)
8. A b/w worksheet - color and label the picture
9. A b/w worksheet - unscramble the anagrams and match
10. A crossword (two versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key
11. A b/w wordsearch activity with answer key
12. A b/w gap fill worksheet - Javier describes his room
13. 3 b/w flip books to color, fill in and assemble. En mi dormitorio hay ...
14. Two sets of playing cards for games such as dominoes, pelmanism (pairs) etc - 1 color, 1 b/w.
15. 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board
Spanish Farm – En la granja. Flashcards, word wall, handout, worksheets, flip books, activities and games - this 87 page pack contains everything you need to teach 16 Spanish words for talking about a farm.
The vocabulary set includes: un granjero, un tractor, una vaca, un toro, una gallina, un cerdo, una oveja, un pato, un pavo, una cabra, un caballo, un perro, un gato, un campo, una puerta, un espantapájaros.
The pack comprises:
1. Suggestions for use of the resources in classroom
2. Word wall set with separate title
3. 16 large color flashcards - image and text
4. 16 large b/w flashcards - image (no text)
5. A set of small b/w flashcards
6. A matching activity set (words and pictures)
7. A b/w handout of pictures and words
8. A b/w worksheet - color and label the picture
9. A b/w worksheet - unscramble the anagrams and match
10. A fill in the words vocabulary worksheet (two versions - one partially completed for differentiation)
11. A b/w Wordsearch activity with answer key
12. 3 b/w flip books to color, fill in and assemble. En la granja hay ...
13. 1 b/w flip book to color and assemble. Practices farm and color vocab.
14. 2 b/w flip books to color, fill in and assemble. Practices farm and number vocab.
15. En la granja de mi tío - fun song - lyrics and music
16. 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board
17. Two sets of playing cards for games such as dominoes, pelmanism (pairs) etc - 1 color, 1 b/w.
18. A farm picture to color in
89 pages of fun flashcards, word wall, write around the room, bingo, word search, Mes Amis booklet, anagrams, crossword, flip book, dominoes and more to teach French words for clothes; great for elementary students.
French clothes vocabulary set includes: un pull, un pantalon, un chemisier, une chemise, une robe, une jupe, un blouson, un bonnet, une écharpe, des gants, des bottes, des chaussures, des chaussettes, un tee-shirt, un short, des tennis.
You can also buy this in our French Bundle - 8 Topics
The pack comprises:
* 5 pages of suggestions for use of the resources in the classroom
* Word wall set with separate title (can also be cut up to make small color flashcards)
* Large color posters/flashcards - image and text
* Large b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* Small b/w flashcards - image (no text)
* Write Around the Room activity sheet b/w
* Handout of pictures and words b/w
* Matching activity set (words and pictures) color.
* Label and color the picture b/w
* Missing letters puzzle with answer key b/w
* 2 unscramble the anagrams with answer keys b/w
* Crossword (two versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key
* Word search with answer key b/w
* Les Amis booklet - match the text to the pictures, color and assemble b/w
* A flip book to color, fill in and assemble. ‘Je porte ...’ b/w
* 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board
* Two sets of playing cards for games such as dominoes, pelmanism (pairs) etc - 1 color, 1 b/w.
If you enjoy using this resource please look at our other French resources at the Llanguage Llamas store.
79 pages of fun posters, flashcards, bingo, matching activities, word search and dominoes to teach French words for colors; great for teaching elementary students. Our little alien family make learning fun!
This French colors vocabulary set includes: bleu, jaune, rouge, vert, orange, rose, violet, noir, blanc, gris, marron.
The pack comprises:
1. Suggestions for use of resources in the classroom
2. 11 color posters - image and text
3. 11 black and white posters to color in
4. 11 large color flash cards
5. 11 large black and white flash cards to color in
6. A set of small color flash cards
7. A set of small black and white flash cards to color in
8. A set of word cards
9. A color handout of pictures and words
10. A color Match the Picture activity sheet
11. A black and white Match the Picture to match and color in
12. A set of color playing cards for games such as dominoes, pelmanism (pairs) etc.
13. Color and black and white Wordsearch activities with answer keys
14. 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board.
This pack contains resources to teach los champiñones, la zanahoria, el brócoli, el pimiento, la lechuga, las judías verdes, los guisantes, el maíz, la calabaza, la coliflor, la col, la patata/la papa, la batata, la cebolla, el pepino, el tomate.
Each resource comes in two versions - one using ‘la patata’, the other using ‘la papa’. Just print the pages for the word you wish to teach.
The pack comprises:
* Suggestions for use of resources in the classroom.
* 16 color flashcards to play ‘Write around the room’ plus recording sheet.
* Color word wall.
* B/w and color handouts of vocabulary.
* Color and b/w sets of 16 small flashcards without text. See ‘Suggestions for use’ for ideas of games and activities.
* A set of 16 matching word and picture cards for matching/pelmanism.
* Crossword activity (two versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key.
* 2 Anagram worksheets plus answer keys.
* Word search activity with answer key.
* ‘Mis verduras favoritas’ flip book to fill in, color and assemble.
* 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board.
24 pages of fun activities for practicing zoo animals vocabulary – el león, el tigre, el oso, la cebra, el lobo, el elefante, el rinoceronte, el hipopótamo, el canguro, la serpiente, el cocodrilo, el pingüino, la jirafa, el mono, el panda, el camello.
This pack includes:
* Suggestions for use and instructions.
* Write Around the Room activity - 16 half page pictures to hide around the room and two different styles of worksheet (one interactive notebook style, the other single sheet) for the students to complete as they find the words. The pictures can also be used as flashcards.
* Match and Color activity.
* Matching cards.
* My ‘En el zoo’ book to complete and color.
* Zoo Map activity.
This can also be bought as part of our Spanish ‘en el zoo’ Bundle which includes Spanish ‘en el zoo’ Activities, Spanish ‘en el zoo’ Puzzles, Spanish ‘en el zoo’ Word Wall and Zoo Animals Bingo.
You might also like our Spanish ‘en el zoo’ Go Fish! Game
24 pages of fun activities for practicing zoo animals vocabulary - un lion, un tigre, un ours, un zèbre, un loup, un éléphant, un rhinocéros, un hippopotame, un kangourou, un serpent, un crocodile, un pingouin, une girafe, un singe, un panda, un chameau.
This pack includes:
* Suggestions for use and instructions.
* Write Around the Room activity - 16 half page pictures to hide around the room and two different styles of worksheet (one interactive notebook style, the other single sheet) for the students to complete as they find the words. The pictures can also be used as flashcards.
* Match and Color activity.
* Matching cards.
* My ‘Au Zoo’ book to complete and color.
* Zoo Map activity.
This can also be bought as part of our French Au Zoo Bundle which includes French Au Zoo Activities, French Au Zoo Puzzles, French Au Zoo Word Wall and Zoo Animals Bingo.
You might also like our French Au Zoo Go Fish! Game
French Vegetables - Les légumes.
56 pages of 'Write around the room' flashcards, word wall, worksheets, games and activities to teach 16 French words for vegetables.
This French Vegetables pack comprises:
* Suggestions for use of resources in the classroom.
* 16 color flashcards to play ‘Write around the room’ plus recording sheet.
* Color word wall.
* B/w and color handouts of vocabulary.
* Color and b/w sets of 16 small flashcards without text.
* A set of 16 matching word and picture cards for matching/ pelmanism.
* Crossword activity (two versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key.
* 2 Anagram worksheets plus answer keys.
* Word search activity with answer key.
* ‘Mes légumes préférés’ flip book to fill in, color and assemble.
* 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board.
You might also like our French Fruit and Vegetables J'ai ... Qui a ...? Game
22 pages of fun resources with cute graphics for learning French vocabulary associated with winter:
* activities and sports - skiing, ice-skating, snowboarding, curling, ice hockey, snowmobiling, sledding, making a snowman, having a snowball fight and snowshoeing.
* animals - penguin, polar bear, wolf, owl and reindeer.
* clothes - boots, coat, gloves, scarf, hat.
This resource comprises
* Les activités d’hiver handout.
* Les activités d’hiver booklet to complete and color
* Les activités d’hiver - Match the vocabulary to the picture.
* Les activités d’hiver - Matching activity
* Les animaux d’hiver hand-out.
* Les animaux d’hiver flip book
* Les animaux d’hiver anagram worksheet and answer key.
* En hiver on porte ... handout.
* En hiver on porte flip book.
* Que porte Nounours?
* En hiver on porte ... worksheet and answer key.
* Winter animals and clothes acrostic and answer key. (A version with the first letter completed also included for differentiation).
56 pages of 'Write around the room' flashcards, puzzles, games, handouts and activities to practice German words for fruit; great for elementary students. The vocabulary set includes: die Orange, der Apfel, die Kirsche, die Zitrone, die Melone, die Banane, der Pfirsich, die Traube, die Ananas, die Pflaume, die Erdbeere, die Birne, die Himbeere, die Mango, die Kiwi, die Heidelbeere.
The pack comprises:
* Suggestions for use of resources in the classroom.
* 16 color flashcards to play ‘Write around the room’ plus recording sheet.
* Color word wall.
* B/w and color handouts of vocabulary.
* Color and b/w sets of 16 small flashcards without text. See ‘Suggestions for use’ for ideas of games and activities.
* A set of 16 matching word and picture cards for matching/ pelmanism.
* Crossword activity (two versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key.
* 2 Anagram worksheets plus answer keys.
* Word search activity with answer key.
* ‘Mein Lieblingsobst’ flip book to fill in, color and assemble. Instructions included.
* 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board.
Fun Christmas activities for practicing German numbers and colors vocabulary. The completed pictures make a colorful wall display.
This pack comprises:
* 2 Rudolph worksheets. The students read the number and color words in order to be able to complete the pictures of Rudolph the Reindeer.
* 1 Decorate the Christmas Tree activity. Students read the number and color words and look at the pictures in order to decorate the tree and put out the right number of gifts.
* 2 color by numbers pictures to color in. Students read both number words and color words to color in the pictures. Each design comes in two versions. The first version has both number and color words. The second has number words but not colors, in case the teacher wants to teach particular colors or for students to choose the colors themselves. Completed versions included for example or display. Completed versions included for example or display.
24 pages of fun activities for practicing German zoo animals vocabulary – der Bär, das Kamel, der Wolf, der Löwe, der Tiger, der Elefant, das Nashorn, das Nilpferd, der Panda, die Schlange, das Krokodil, der Pinguin, die Giraffe, das Zebra, der Affe, das Känguru.
This pack includes:
* Suggestions for use and instructions.
* Write Around the Room activity - 16 half page pictures to hide around the room and two different styles of worksheet (one interactive notebook style, the other single sheet) for the students to complete as they find the words. The pictures can also be used as flashcards.
* Match and Color activity.
* Matching cards.
* My ‘Im Zoo’ book to complete and color.
* Zoo Map activity.
This can also be bought as part of our German Im Zoo Bundle which includes German Im Zoo Activities, German Im Zoo Puzzles, German Im Zoo Word Wall and Zoo Animals Bingo.
Great for a 'Colors' project or for practicing color vocabulary in any language. Students love the cute aliens! This set includes 30 color bingo game boards and a teacher’s master board. Whole class activity or small groups - students practice listening skills and reviewing vocab. Perfect for a group of fast finishers or for a substitute lesson.