Drama Grade Scale ( Level 1 / Level 2)
Visual aid to show the grading scales on Level 1 and Level 2 within drama.
This scale really helps both students and parents alike to understand the - and + within the grading system and the gaps between the next grade / sub grade.
Drama Reflection Stickers
These reflection stickers can be printed 2 or 4 on a page and cut in half to be stuck into students exercise books or they can be printed onto stickers to be stuck straight into.
These are great for students to complete at the end of each lesson to be able to show what they have learnt and for a bit of self reflection.
Technical Theatre Word Bank
This Technical Theatre Word Bank Resource is perfect for helping students to reflect and write up their assignments.
Featuring technical theatre key vocab for Lighting, Sound, Projection (AV) and Stage Management.
It also includes key literacy vocab for adding ideas, Explaining Evidence, Sequence/ Time Order and Concluding.
This comprehensive word bank is a must-have for budding technicians and theatre enthusiasts alike. Get your resource today!
Cutting Lighting Gel Poster
Teach students how to cut and label lighting gel to industry standard with this educational poster.
Common Theatre Cables Poster
Technical Theatre Cable Poster - help students to learn and remember common theatre cables & information, with this unique school poster.
Improving both students’ understanding and nice classroom décor.
Technical Theatre Abbreviations
The language of theatre is littered with strange and often confusing abbreviations for different things. This Technical Theatre Abbreviations contains an alphabetical list of words relating to productions arts and theatre industry.
This can be used to support students learning or as an activity to complete the blank glossary when they learn a new definition. They can also return to this as and when it’s useful.
Abbreviations are also complete with Stage Directions.
Technical Theatre Glossary
The language of theatre is littered with strange and often confusing terms for different things. This in-depth Technical Theatre Glossary contains an alphabetical list of words relating to productions arts and theatre industry.
This can be used to support students learning or as an activity to complete the blank glossary when they learn a new definition. They can also return to this as and when it’s useful.
Traffic Light Reflection
Traffic Light Reflection to help students understand how they have performed in today’s lesson.
Red, Amber, Green to help RAG rate their performance on how they felt they performed.
This is great for performance subjects such as Drama,Music, Dance and PE however it can work across all subjects.
Theatre Job Roles Hierarchy
Job Roles Hierarchy within the Creative and Technical departments, The Performing Departments and Administration Departments
Drama Reward Postcards
Drama Reward Postcard template.
Reward postcards are extremely popular amongst secondary school teachers as they’re a unique and fun way of both motivating your class and effectively communicating with pupils’ parents.
Drama Certificates (Bronze Silver Gold)
Our Drama certificates are the perfect way to reward your pupils for their achievements within the Drama Department. They are a great way to acknowledge pupils in School Assemblies and save you the hassle of creating your own certificates.
The Certificates and are available in Bronze Silver and Gold.
For best results print on white card.
Why not upload your own school logo onto the template to customise them.
What, So What, Now What Display
Use this visual display to help prompt students when writing up their BTEC assignments.
Whether you’re guiding a reflective log or tackling assessment criteria, this resource is a must-have!
Technical Theatre Dictionary
In technical theatre we use a lot of specialist language. It will be important that we can all communicate clearly using the right language.
This dictionary is a beginners’ list of terminology and helps students to understand key terms and be able to refer to when they need help spelling key terminology or what a word means - helping them to write independently.
These are great to print for individually for students, support and scaffold for SEND students or to have a group/table resources to refer to.
-General Theatre Terms
-Types of Stages & Stage Directions
-Production Process
-Technical Theatre Cables
-Hierarchy & Job Roles
-Unions and Associations
-BTEC Glossary - support with assignment briefs.
Stage Lighting Poster
Types of Stage Lighting poster helps students to learn and remember the types of theatre lighting, with this unique school poster.
Improving both students’ understanding and nice classroom décor.
Types of Staging Poster
Types of Staging poster helps students to learn and remember the types of theatre staging, with this unique school poster.
Improving both students’ understanding and nice classroom décor.
Technical Theatre Terms Poster
Technical Theatre Terms poster helps students to learn and remember the different theatre terms used with technical theatre , with this unique school poster.
Improving both students’ understanding and nice classroom décor.
Performing Arts Quotes
Brighten up your classroom by displaying these inspirational performing arts quotes for Dance, Music and Drama to motivate your students during the day.
These posters are printable, easy to download - save you time. Simply print off and display, and you’ll see how engaging and inspiring they can be.
They include colourful illustrations which are extremely eye-catching and a great way to bring about some classroom inspiration.
Drama Project Reflection Mat
Project Reflection Mats are an engaging way of re capping projects and giving students chance to reflect on the the projects they’ve just completed, looking at the links to the next project, remembering key words and answering a question on what they have learnt!
Costume Design Challenge Mat
Costume Design Challenge Mat.
Use these 25 design tasks to teach theatre Design an help to develop students’ knowledge and understanding, challenge students, Revision and independent study.
Lighting Design Challenge Mat
Lighting Design Challenge Mat.
Use these 25 design tasks to teach theatre Design an help to develop students’ knowledge and understanding, challenge students, Revision and independent study.