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Welcome to the M Teaching Peaks store! With over 20 years of classroom experience across multiple states and countries, we offer a diverse range of products designed to boost student engagement, consolidate taught concepts, and promote classroom discussion. Enjoy exploring our store!
Classic Psychology Theories and Experiments Task Cards – Set 2 is a set of multiple-choice styled questions that cover the topics most often taught in introductory or first year psychology courses.
The questions can be used as:
Task cards to be placed around the room
For small group discussion
For individual or small group research
For summative assessment
For assessment revision or formative assessment
For a diagnostic assessment for 2nd year or more advanced psychology courses
A foundation for educators to develop a unit plan from since the theories, theorists and experiments covered are consistently taught in most, if not all, introduction to psychology courses.
Theorists in set 2:
Pavlov, Bandura, Erikson, Bronfenbrenner, Milgram, Harlow, Skinner, Freud, Piaget, Festinger, Vygotsky, Ainsworth
Theories in set 2:
Social learning theory, classical conditioning, stages of psychosocial development, ecological systems theory, operant conditioning, the broken windows theory, cognitive dissonance, model of psychosexual development, assimilation and accommodation, schemas, zone of proximal development, psychoanalytic theory, attachment
Experiments in set 2:
The little Albert experiment, Pavlov’s dog, the Bobo doll experiments, the Milgram experiment, Harlow’s monkeys, the Skinner box, the strange situation
This resources contains:
23 cards (22 task cards, 1 title card)
Student recording sheet
Answer key
Classic Psychology Theories and Experiments Task Cards – Set 1 is a set of multiple-choice styled questions that cover the topics most often taught in introductory or first year psychology courses.
The questions can be used as:
Task cards to be placed around the room
For small group discussion
For individual or small group research
For summative assessment
For assessment revision or formative assessment
For a diagnostic assessment for 2nd year or more advanced psychology courses
A foundation for educators to develop a unit plan from since the theories, theorists and experiments covered are consistently taught in most, if not all, introduction to psychology courses.
Theorists in set 1:
Freud, Marcia, Piaget, Zimbardo, Chomsky, Bowlby, Maslow, Kohlberg, Erikson
Theories in set 1:
Psychoanalytic theory, 4 statuses of identity formation, attachment theory, theory of cognitive development, egocentrism, language acquisition device, defense mechanisms, hierarchy of needs, stages of moral development, bystander effect, theory of mind, stages of psychosocial development
Experiments in set 1:
The marshmallow test, The Stanford prison experiment, Asch conformity experiment
This resources contains:
23 cards (22 task cards, 1 title card)
Student recording sheet
Answer key
Classic Psychology Theories and Experiments Task Cards Bundle are two sets of multiple-choice styled questions that cover the topics most often taught in introductory or first year psychology courses.
The questions can be used as:
Task cards to be placed around the room
For small group discussion
For individual or small group research
For summative assessment
For assessment revision or formative assessment
For a diagnostic assessment for 2nd year or more advanced psychology courses
A foundation for educators to develop a unit plan from since the theories, theorists and experiments covered are consistently taught in most, if not all, introduction to psychology courses.
Theorists in set 1:
Freud, Marcia, Piaget, Zimbardo, Chomsky, Bowlby, Maslow, Kohlberg, Erikson
Theorists in set 2:
Pavlov, Bandura, Erikson, Bronfenbrenner, Milgram, Harlow, Skinner, Freud, Piaget, Festinger, Vygotsky, Ainsworth
Theories in set 1:
Psychoanalytic theory, 4 statuses of identity formation, attachment theory, theory of cognitive development, egocentrism, language acquisition device, defense mechanisms, hierarchy of needs, stages of moral development, bystander effect, theory of mind, stages of psychosocial development
Theories in set 2:
Social learning theory, classical conditioning, stages of psychosocial development, ecological systems theory, operant conditioning, the broken windows theory, cognitive dissonance, model of psychosexual development, assimilation and accommodation, schemas, zone of proximal development, psychoanalytic theory, attachment
Experiments in set 1:
The marshmallow test, The Stanford prison experiment, Asch conformity experiment
Experiments in set 2:
The little Albert experiment, Pavlov’s dog, the Bobo doll experiments, the Milgram experiment, Harlow’s monkeys, the Skinner box, the strange situation
This bundle contains:
46 cards (22 task cards, 1 title card per set)
Student recording sheets
Answer keys