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Primary School Teacher | Year 6
KS2 Writing Intervention

KS2 Writing Intervention

Writing Intervention for children to improve their understanding of basic sentence structures. Short 10-15 sessions | Lesson Plan | Resources for each activity provided for each session Session 1: Simple statements (SVO) Session 2: Short sentences (SV) Session 3: List sentences Session 4: And/but sentences Session 5: Extra information sentences (how, when, where, why) Session 6: Fronted extra information sentences
English - Diary of a Red Blood Cell

English - Diary of a Red Blood Cell

English Unit for a diary of a red blood cell. Link to Science - The Circulatory System. PPT included which goes over the steps, collects vocabulary and descriptive language. Diary WAGOLL included (diary of a platelet and diary of a red blood cell) Ordering cards for the journey of a red blood cell. Ideal for Year 6
DT - Combining different fabric shapes

DT - Combining different fabric shapes

DT Unit based on the topic of Combining different fabric shapes Outcome: Recycled Bag PPT covering these lessons: Evaluate existing products. * Carry out market research * Know and choose the most appropriate stitch. Develop design ideas * Make 2D paper patterns and create a 3D mock up. Create a 3D textile product. Evaluate my finished product. * Worksheet included for lesson
Geography-  Energy

Geography- Energy

Geography Unit on Energy covering these objectives: Know why we need energy. Understand the processes involved in moving energy from “source to socket” Know the different energy sources and their environmental and human impact. Know how common different energy sources are. Understand the concept of sustainability. PPT for each lesson and resources included for activities.
RE - Different religious  views on suffering

RE - Different religious views on suffering

KS2 Year 6 R.E Lesson - Consider how Buddhism compares with other religions in terms of their views on suffering. Included: Memory Training about the Eightfold path Powerpoint Information about each Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism Cut, sort and stick activity Writing frame to compare religions
Fundamental Movement Skills Progression

Fundamental Movement Skills Progression

Fundamental Movement Skills Progression Map from Reception to Year 6. A breakdown of the fundamental movement skills for each year group. Skills covered: Balancing Rolling Running Jumping Sending Receiving Striking
Grammar Posters

Grammar Posters

KS2 Grammar Posters 11 posters Pronouns, possessive pronouns, subject and object, relative clause, modal verbs, determiners, prefixes, suffixes,synonyms and antonyms, passive voice, perfect form
DT Shell Structures - Biscuit Packaging

DT Shell Structures - Biscuit Packaging

DT Unit based on the topic of Shell Structures Outcome: Packaging for biscuits PPT covering these lessons: Investigate and evaluate structures. Construct nets to create 3D shapes. Explore the use of graphics on packaging. Booklet for each child with these pages: Investigate and evaluate existing packaging. Explore the use of graphics on packaging. Know how to strengthen and stiffen shell structures. Develop a design brief and sketch ideas for a product. Design my final product Assemble and create a finished product. Evaluate my finished product.
DT Levers and Linkages - Greeting Card

DT Levers and Linkages - Greeting Card

DT unit based on the topic of Levers and Linkages Outcome: Greeting Card PPT covering these lessons: WALT: Evaluate existing products WALT: Understand how a range of mechanisms create movement. WALT: Create a design criteria meeting the needs of a user. WALT: Create a prototype to develop ideas. PDF with worksheets
DT Simple Circuits and Switches Torches

DT Simple Circuits and Switches Torches

DT Unit based on the topic of SImple Circuits and Switches Outcome: Torch PPT covering these lessons: Understand how circuits are used in simple products Investigate how to make an electrical circuit using switches. Investigate casings for torches Design a torch for a particular purpose. Evaluate a finished product. PDF with resources
DT 2D Shape to 3D Product - Wallets

DT 2D Shape to 3D Product - Wallets

DT Unit based on the unit 2D Shape to 3D Product. Outcome - Make a purse/wallet PPT for the whole unit covering these lessons: Evaluate exsiting products Practicse different types of stitches Make a paper pattern Create a design crieteria meeting the needs of a user Plan your final design Create a 3D textile product Evaluate final product PDF with worksheets
Y6 KS2 Maths Mat Toolkit

Y6 KS2 Maths Mat Toolkit

Maths Toolkit Ideal for classroom use to increase independence SATs revision 26 pages of key facts and steps (print 2 per page and double sided to save paper) Topics covered: divisibility rules, square numbers, percentages of amounts, measurements, angle facts, parts of a circle, mean, prime numbers, multiplying and dividing by powers of 10, negative numbers, factors and multiples, common factors, common multiples, orders of operations, roman numerals, equivalent fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers, multiplying fractions, dividing fractions, fractions of amounts, FDP, quadrilaterals, area, volume, miles and km