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Computing & English Resources - From Binary to Ballads and Beyond...

Computing & English Resources - From Binary to Ballads and Beyond...
End of Year Assessment - Year 7

End of Year Assessment - Year 7

It is exam season - Year 7 English test or classwork. A comprehension with a serving of Paul Jenning’s “Smart Ice Cream” adapted for a 1 hour test. The ending is missing! Reading Assessment Questions cover a range of comprehension skills and grammar focus. Encourages quoting from the text. Writing Assessment Three different tasks with style choices. The mark scheme is attached. A lovely engaging resource and ideal for end of year assessment.
Seeds of KODU Game Creation

Seeds of KODU Game Creation

Teaching game narrative in Computing combines English skills with their coding ability. This sheet offers the nudge that Kodu gaming demands a seed of creativity just like a story. Make them think about characters and setting then create the worlds and the creatures that inhabit their visualisations. Plenty of discussion and then loads of fun. A writing frame is provided.
Pimp my Writing  - upgrade your writing!

Pimp my Writing - upgrade your writing!

We know that our students have to upgrade their writing - here is a handy worksheet to get them going. Could be used with KS3 and it should motivate for better style. A few tricks to offer them a way forward. Happy Pimping!
21st Century English - Library Booklet

21st Century English - Library Booklet

The English Language is influenced by our technological age. This free library booklet of 5 lessons is a companion to my SOW covering 21st Century Language and offers students a glimpse into Language and Technology with a view to future A Level English Language aspirations. Ideally for Yr 8 to stimulate a reading lesson in the library linked to non-fiction texts. The booklet stimulates discussion on topics such as Language & Technology, Instant Messaging, Websites, Reviews and the Language of Gaming. Grab a bargain and be enthused by language that is evolving in our influential tech world.
21st Century English - Writing Assessment

21st Century English - Writing Assessment

The English Language is influenced by our technological age. This free writing assessment with 3 tasks is a companion to my SOW covering 21st Century Language and offers students a glimpse into Language and Technology with a view to future A Level English Language aspirations. Ideally for Yr 8 - this offers a website stimulus and three non-fiction tasks. It can be marked using an in-house criteria or NC levels. Grab a bargain and be enthused by language that is evolving in our influential tech world.
Non-Fiction Assessment - Writing to Instruct - KS3

Non-Fiction Assessment - Writing to Instruct - KS3

Non Fiction writing - a good area for exploration of language and layout. Here is a piece of writing to instruct stimulus with questions and mark scheme. Lovely test for Yr7 or 8 to do in 30 minutes. Worth a look even…just for the lemon drizzle recipe!
KS3 - unseen poetry assessment - WINTER

KS3 - unseen poetry assessment - WINTER

A little bit of winter comfort - use as a homework task, end of unit assessment or a seasonal classroom opportunity to consider personification. Mark scheme attached. Have a good one…
Small Basic - Christmas Assessment

Small Basic - Christmas Assessment

Who says we can't have festive fun in Computing. If you are teaching Small Basic (free coding software from Microsoft) then how about a Christmas assessment for KS3 with If Then Else. Teaching Selection has never been more festive! Try the worksheet and then set the assessment - Mark Scheme and code provided. HO - HO - HO!
21st Century English - Yr 8

21st Century English - Yr 8

The English Language is influenced by our technological age. This SOW comes at Language Change from the front-end and offers students a glimpse into Language and Technology with a view to future A Level English Language aspirations. Ideally for Yr 8 but Yr 9 could be switched on. The lessons offer discussion points, linguistic terminology and tasks to do in class or at home. I have put together 8 lessons covering topics such as the language of Webpages, Reviews, Texting, Twitter, Memes, Emails and a fun game show to end the term. Grab a bargain and be enthused by language that is evolving in our influential tech world.
World Cup - Lexical Fields

World Cup - Lexical Fields

Some of you will want to watch the game but you have to teach - why not combine the two! Here is a quick sheet I have knocked up for any age group with a focus on lexical fields (an A Level English Language topic) so start them off early! Have fun and may the best team win.
Summer Sway Project

Summer Sway Project

A lovely ICT project using Sway from Microsoft Office 365 suite of programmes - an alternative to PowerPoint with lots of fun and presentation skills to consider. The students can create a SWAY for a fictitious shop - Wind and Waves - consider layout, graphic skills and language to support all abilities and a lovely transition topic for Year 6 too. Our students enjoy this to round off the year in Computing.
Spreadsheet Task - Football League

Spreadsheet Task - Football League

A stay at home task sheet in Excel covering formulae, formatting, sorting and a bit of football knowledge. Great for Year 7/8 for basic skills in ICT/Computing Task sheet and model answer attached.
KS3 Python Assessment

KS3 Python Assessment

Time for a python coding task -my Yr7 will have a go at this as I have covered Sequence, Selection and Iteration. So if you have taught For and While loops then this is a cute little challenge. Room for extension with lives if the array is extended. Have fun!
Python Year 7 assessment - Bear Hunt

Python Year 7 assessment - Bear Hunt

If you are teaching Python to lower school and have taught sequence and selection then perhaps they need an assessment, perhaps they need to go on a bear hunt! Attached is a task sheet with marks allocated for different jobs - also my rudimentary code on repl.it - I show the students the output first and then they should have a go at coding it in a lesson or homework. A fun task (open book) so look up old code - if you have taught random and if statements then this is an ideal challenge. A suggested solution can be accessed here: https://replit.com/@WilsonWorks/BearHunt#main.py