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Mathsright's Shop

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I have brought 20 years classroom experience to these resources. They are structured in small steps to build skills and confidence, providing opportunities to practice and reinforce techniques at every stage. Open ended challenges are incorporated to encourage development of creative skills and encourge independent thought. Please use and enjoy.




I have brought 20 years classroom experience to these resources. They are structured in small steps to build skills and confidence, providing opportunities to practice and reinforce techniques at every stage. Open ended challenges are incorporated to encourage development of creative skills and encourge independent thought. Please use and enjoy.
Odds and Evens (5 worksheets)

Odds and Evens (5 worksheets)

A set of worksheets for use with Yr2. Revision of Year 1 work on Odds and Evens extended to numbers up to 99. Extension sheets finding odd and even numbers which add to a given total.
Easter eggs!

Easter eggs!

Complete the symmetrical patterns on Easter Eggs to create fantastic designs. Use this as a themed activity in the runup to Easter. Give prizes for the best use of colour! Make into Easter cards to take home. Covers Reflective symmetry, accuracy in copying, colouring. This resource contains three sheets.
Time Zones

Time Zones

This resource consists of a Time Zone map and a sheet for pupils to complete using the information provided. Work out the time in different cities of the world. This is a cross-curricular resource.
Christmas Activities Pack

Christmas Activities Pack

Three activities which can be used as fillers or as part of the mathematics curriculum. Christmas Lights 1 Continue the sequence of shape and colour Christmas Lights 2 Complete the odds and evens number sequences, match colours St Nick's Navigation Use the map to identify addresses by coordinates. Use coordinates to identify addresses. The first two sheets are suitable for KS1 & KS2. The last two sheets are aimed at KS2.
Counting in steps (4 worksheets)

Counting in steps (4 worksheets)

Year 1 Maths A set of worksheets for reinforcement or extension. Introduce the concept of counting up and down in steps of 3. counting up and down in steps of ten from any number. Can be used in class or for homework.
Butterfly Symmetry

Butterfly Symmetry

Use the grids to help you make reflective symmetry patterns. Two beautiful designs, and outline shapes for your own creations! Colour and cut out to make cards, mobiles or wall displays. KS2, KS3, Grades 3-7
St George's Day

St George's Day

Celebrate the patron Saint of England with our themed activities for KS1 and KS2! Be a super sleuth. Discover the secrets of St George with our code breaking activity.
Shakespeare Code Words

Shakespeare Code Words

April 23rd 2014 marks the 450th anniversary of the birth of Shakespeare. Many of the words we use today were invented by Shakespeare. Practise your code breaking skills to discover some of them.
Peacock Symmetry colouring exercise

Peacock Symmetry colouring exercise

An activity based on Rangoli Patterns to provide opportunities for illustrating reflective and rotational symmetry. The Peacock is the Indian national bird and it’s importance is seen in festivals like Diwali when the Peacock shapes and colours are drawn in the form of Rangoli.
Fathers Day Listening Exercise

Fathers Day Listening Exercise

Combine maths with listening practice! This activity is suitable for KS1 and lower KS2 pupils. Follow instructions to colour in kites and balloons to end up with posters that can be sent home or displayed in the classroom. Immediate visual feedback on concentration and accuracy for the pupils in your class. The instructions could also be given in writing to hearing impaired children or those for whom English is not their first language.
Mothers Day flowers and chocs Mathematics

Mothers Day flowers and chocs Mathematics

Have fun with Maths for Mother's Day! Choose flowers and calculate how much you spend. Own a chocolate shop and make gift boxes of chocolates! This resource contains four sheets with differentiation for use in a range of environments.
Statistics Resource Pack for Year 2

Statistics Resource Pack for Year 2

10 sheets. The first exercises lead pupils through steps to construct Pictograms and Bar Charts. Later sheets require pupils to construct Pictograms and Bar Charts from supplied data. They form a structured sequence, and can be used as a stand-alone resource to cover the requirements of the National Curriculum. They can also be used individually, and are equally valuable to supplement existing teaching materials, for • Homework • Reinforcement • Extension work • Mixed-age environments.
World Time Zones Activity Pack for KS1 & KS2

World Time Zones Activity Pack for KS1 & KS2

- Time Zones Map and Universal Time - Daylight Saving Time - Setting the clocks forward for Summer Time. - Time Zone Clocks - Flight Times and arrival times - Compare data on sunrise and sunset times . - Construct a bar chart of hours of daylight each month. -Make a line graph comparing hours of daylight and extract information. -Blank Templates suitable for making further bar charts. -Templates and instructions for making your own sundial. - PDFs for printing - A Powerpoint of the sheets for use in class
Multiplication Division and Tables Resource Pack for Year 4

Multiplication Division and Tables Resource Pack for Year 4

21 worksheets plus a leaflet that can be given to parents explaining the approaches taken to multiplication and division at KS2. Multiples Factors Multiplication by 10 and 100 Division by 10 and 100 Multiplication and Division by 0, 1, 10, 100 Multiplication and Division to two decimal places Multiplication 1 Multiplication 2 Division Quick-fire Multiplication! Multiplication and Division: Problem solving 11 & 9 x table 6 & 12 x tables 7 x table Dividing by 11 & 9 Dividing by 7 Dividing by 6 & 12 Times Tables Problem Solving Times Tables Test (i) Times Tables Test (ii) With the Year 3 Pack this gives complete coverage of the National Curriculum requirements.
Number Card Matching Activity for KS1 Maths

Number Card Matching Activity for KS1 Maths

This pack contains 5 sets of cards: Number bonds to /20 Subtraction from 20 /Addition and Subtraction as inverse operations/ Fractions/Multiplication tables Each set can be printed on card and laminated. Different colours have been used for different types of card. The cards within each set can be used for matching. This helps students recognise matching pairs. Number bonds of 20 (Pale blue) Count the spots to make 20. This game can also be played as number bonds to 10. Subtraction from 20 (Orange) Match the subtraction sum with its answer. Fractions Percentages (Blue borders) Decimal fractions (Yellow borders) Common fractions (Red borders) Match all 3 or any two of the three. Multiplication tables A set of 26 question and answer cards for all the tables from 2 – 12, and also for square numbers.
Time, Sequencing, Dates, Geometry for Year 1 Combined Pack

Time, Sequencing, Dates, Geometry for Year 1 Combined Pack

32 sheets providing a range of interesting exercises for the National Curriculum at KS1. - Telling the time - hour - Telling the time – half hour - Telling the time – hours and half hours - Time- how long? (6 sheets) - Time – earlier and later (2 sheets) - Spell and write ordinal numbers - Sequencing ordinal numbers - Writing ordinal numbers and dates - Writing ordinal numbers as figures - Write and sequence days of the week - Write “comes before”, “comes after” between days - Associate days with typical activities - Write the months of the year - Sequence the months - Write “comes before” or “comes after” between months - Cloze exercise based on weekend diary - 2D shapes - 3D shapes - Position - Direction - Turning
Length Weight and Capacity for Yr1 Maths

Length Weight and Capacity for Yr1 Maths

Practical exercises using everyday items that can be found around the home. - Write shortest and longest - Longer & Longest, shorter & Shortest - Comprehension, longer longest shorter shortest - Comparing Heights - Comprehension, tall taller tallest short shorter shortest - Measurement exercise using hand spans (practical) - Choose objects and measure using hand spans - Comparing objects against a metre measure - Choose objects to compare against metre measure - Measure lines in centimetres - Choose items to measure in centimetres - Use and write “full, almost full, empty, almost empty” - Compare capacity, “more than, less than, most, least, the same as” - Comparison, “heavier, lighter, heaviest, lightest” - Writing sentences using “lighter, heavier” - supplement existing teaching materials, for • Reinforcement • Extension work • Mixed-age environments