★This bundle includes:
-The Mid-Module 4 Review & Answer Key
-The Mid-Module 4 Assessment & Answer Key
-The End of Module 4 Review & Answer key
-The End of Module 4 Assessment & Answer key
-A Smart Board document with the Review, Assessment, and Answer keys
★Both, the Reviews & Assessments have:
-Simplified directions
-Enlarged Font
-Key words bolded and underlined
-More work space/better page layout
-Text boxes and other features
★These reviews will help prepare your students for the actual assessments.
They are aligned to the actual assessment’s language, skill-set & format.
These reviews help identify gaps in student learning prior to the assessments.
★You can also use these reviews as extra assessments after students have had
extra support/practice and are ready to be assessed.
Grade 3 Review & Assessment Bundles
Module 1 Review & Assessment
Module 2 Review & Assessment
Module 3 Review & Assessment
Module 4 Review & Assessment
Module 5 Review & Assessment
Module 6 Review & Assessment
Module 7 Review & Assessment
WHOLE YEAR Review & Assessment BUNDLE
►Visit my shop for more resources.
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
★This file includes:
Symmetry in the real world: in people, animals, and nature
-A PowerPoint slideshow
-A Smart Board document
►Visit my shop for more resources.
I skillfully enhance EngageNY-Eureka Math Modules for teachers, students, and parents.
❖Enhancements include:
⇨simplified directions for students
⇨enlarged font
⇨bold and underlined key words
⇨better page layout ≫work space
⇨text boxes, tables, charts
❖Student pages include:
⇨Every module lesson
⇨Lesson objectives ≫typed out on every lesson
⇨Application problems ≫typed out
⇨Problem Sets
⇨Exit Tickets
⇨Higher-Order-Thinking Questions writing prompts ≫typed out
⇨Math Writing Rubric for H.O.T. questions
⇨Some lessons have extra problem set & homework practice
⇨Some lessons have “pre-requisite lessons” to build understanding
⇨Review for the Mid-Module Assessment & key {aligned to the Mid-Module test}
⇨Mid-Module Assessment & key
⇨Review for the End of Module Assessment & key {aligned to the End of Module test}
⇨End of Module assessment & key
⇨Module Vocabulary handout
⇨Parent Newsletters for all unit topics
❖Smart Board lessons include:
⇨Every enhanced module lesson is included
⇨Interactive features that support learning such as: {place value charts, fraction tiles, rulers, protractors, dice, diagrams, etc.}
⇨Strategies Handouts for students & parents
⇨Many lessons include: activities & links to supportive videos, games, and songs that match the lesson objectives
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
This Number Talks bundle includes the Smart Board document and PowerPoint slideshow.
Number Talks increase computational fluency.
★My students love Number Talks. They are short and allow students to do mental computation and explain (using mathematical language) and defend their answers, as well as allow the opportunity for students to defend, support, or appropriately disagree with their peers’ answers.
This is a powerful tool to develop math discourse and also a class culture of accepting and respecting answers from all students.
►Visit my shop for more resources.
I skillfully enhance EngageNY-Eureka Math Modules for teachers, students, and parents.
❖Enhancements include:
⇨simplified directions for students
⇨enlarged font
⇨bold and underlined key words
⇨better page layout ≫work space
⇨text boxes, tables, charts
❖Student pages include:
⇨Every module lesson
⇨Lesson objectives ≫typed out on every lesson
⇨Application problems ≫typed out
⇨Problem Sets
⇨Exit Tickets
⇨Higher-Order-Thinking Questions writing prompts ≫typed out
⇨Math Writing Rubric for H.O.T. questions
⇨Some lessons have extra problem set & homework practice
⇨Some lessons have “pre-requisite lessons” to build understanding
⇨Review for the Mid-Module Assessment & key {aligned to the Mid-Module test}
⇨Mid-Module Assessment & key
⇨Review for the End of Module Assessment & key {aligned to the End of Module test}
⇨End of Module assessment & key
⇨Module Vocabulary handout
⇨Parent Newsletters for all unit topics
❖Smart Board lessons include:
⇨Every enhanced module lesson is included
⇨Interactive features that support learning such as: {place value charts, fraction tiles, rulers, protractors, dice, diagrams, etc.}
⇨Strategies Handouts for students & parents
⇨Many lessons include: activities & links to supportive videos, games, and songs that match the lesson objectives
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
This is an assessment I created to assess multiplication, division, fractions, and decimals skills for my students.
Problems are in isolated form, word form, grids, and visuals are incorporated.
►Visit my shop for more resources.
I skillfully enhance EngageNY-Eureka Math Modules for teachers, students, and parents.
❖Enhancements include:
⇨simplified directions for students
⇨enlarged font
⇨bold and underlined key words
⇨better page layout ≫work space
⇨text boxes, tables, charts
❖Student pages include:
⇨Every module lesson
⇨Lesson objectives ≫typed out on every lesson
⇨Application problems ≫typed out
⇨Problem Sets
⇨Exit Tickets
⇨Higher-Order-Thinking Questions writing prompts ≫typed out
⇨Math Writing Rubric for H.O.T. questions
⇨Some lessons have extra problem set & homework practice
⇨Some lessons have “pre-requisite lessons” to build understanding
⇨Review for the Mid-Module Assessment & key {aligned to the Mid-Module test}
⇨Mid-Module Assessment & key
⇨Review for the End of Module Assessment & key {aligned to the End of Module test}
⇨End of Module assessment & key
⇨Module Vocabulary handout
⇨Parent Newsletters for all unit topics
❖Smart Board lessons include:
⇨Every enhanced module lesson is included
⇨Interactive features that support learning such as: {place value charts, fraction tiles, rulers, protractors, dice, diagrams, etc.}
⇨Strategies Handouts for students & parents
⇨Many lessons include: activities & links to supportive videos, games, and songs that match the lesson objectives
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
I created this editing checklist for my students so that they can look over their writing, go through the checklist and make corrections, then they can put their initials in the column by each section. Students can even have a peer-partner look over their writing and make edit suggestions and put their initials in the column by each section as well.
I like this checklist because it guides my students through their writing, and helps them be more accountable for the editing process.
I adapted this writing checklist from the Lucy Caulkins writing program.
►Visit my shop for more resources.
I skillfully enhance EngageNY-Eureka Math Modules for teachers, students, and parents.
❖Enhancements include:
⇨simplified directions for students
⇨enlarged font
⇨bold and underlined key words
⇨better page layout ≫work space
⇨text boxes, tables, charts
❖Student pages include:
⇨Every module lesson
⇨Lesson objectives ≫typed out on every lesson
⇨Application problems ≫typed out
⇨Problem Sets
⇨Exit Tickets
⇨Higher-Order-Thinking Questions writing prompts ≫typed out
⇨Math Writing Rubric for H.O.T. questions
⇨Some lessons have extra problem set & homework practice
⇨Some lessons have “pre-requisite lessons” to build understanding
⇨Review for the Mid-Module Assessment & key {aligned to the Mid-Module test}
⇨Mid-Module Assessment & key
⇨Review for the End of Module Assessment & key {aligned to the End of Module test}
⇨End of Module assessment & key
⇨Module Vocabulary handout
⇨Parent Newsletters for all unit topics
❖Smart Board lessons include:
⇨Every enhanced module lesson is included
⇨Interactive features that support learning such as: {place value charts, fraction tiles, rulers, protractors, dice, diagrams, etc.}
⇨Strategies Handouts for students & parents
⇨Many lessons include: activities & links to supportive videos, games, and songs that match the lesson objectives
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
This planning page helps students organize their autobiography in an easy format. Students can either share their autobiography from this planning page, or use this to write their autobiography in paragraph form.
►Visit my shop for more resources.
I skillfully enhance EngageNY-Eureka Math Modules for teachers, students, and parents.
❖Enhancements include:
⇨simplified directions for students
⇨enlarged font
⇨bold and underlined key words
⇨better page layout ≫work space
⇨text boxes, tables, charts
❖Student pages include:
⇨Every module lesson
⇨Lesson objectives ≫typed out on every lesson
⇨Application problems ≫typed out
⇨Problem Sets
⇨Exit Tickets
⇨Higher-Order-Thinking Questions writing prompts ≫typed out
⇨Math Writing Rubric for H.O.T. questions
⇨Some lessons have extra problem set & homework practice
⇨Some lessons have “pre-requisite lessons” to build understanding
⇨Review for the Mid-Module Assessment & key {aligned to the Mid-Module test}
⇨Mid-Module Assessment & key
⇨Review for the End of Module Assessment & key {aligned to the End of Module test}
⇨End of Module assessment & key
⇨Module Vocabulary handout
⇨Parent Newsletters for all unit topics
❖Smart Board lessons include:
⇨Every enhanced module lesson is included
⇨Interactive features that support learning such as: {place value charts, fraction tiles, rulers, protractors, dice, diagrams, etc.}
⇨Strategies Handouts for students & parents
⇨Many lessons include: activities & links to supportive videos, games, and songs that match the lesson objectives
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
I created these handouts to post in my reading area and also keep them handy in my plan book. They can guide my planning and instruction.
There are 7 handouts/posters:
*Foundational Reading
*Informational Text Reading
*Opinion Writing
*Narrative Writing
*Informational Writing
*Using Language (speaking or writing)
*Speaking and Listening
►Visit my shop for more resources.
I skillfully enhance EngageNY-Eureka Math Modules for teachers, students, and parents.
❖Enhancements include:
⇨simplified directions for students
⇨enlarged font
⇨bold and underlined key words
⇨better page layout ≫work space
⇨text boxes, tables, charts
❖Student pages include:
⇨Every module lesson
⇨Lesson objectives ≫typed out on every lesson
⇨Application problems ≫typed out
⇨Problem Sets
⇨Exit Tickets
⇨Higher-Order-Thinking Questions writing prompts ≫typed out
⇨Math Writing Rubric for H.O.T. questions
⇨Some lessons have extra problem set & homework practice
⇨Some lessons have “pre-requisite lessons” to build understanding
⇨Review for the Mid-Module Assessment & key {aligned to the Mid-Module test}
⇨Mid-Module Assessment & key
⇨Review for the End of Module Assessment & key {aligned to the End of Module test}
⇨End of Module assessment & key
⇨Module Vocabulary handout
⇨Parent Newsletters for all unit topics
❖Smart Board lessons include:
⇨Every enhanced module lesson is included
⇨Interactive features that support learning such as: {place value charts, fraction tiles, rulers, protractors, dice, diagrams, etc.}
⇨Strategies Handouts for students & parents
⇨Many lessons include: activities & links to supportive videos, games, and songs that match the lesson objectives
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
★This bundle includes:
-The Mid-Module 3 Review & Answer Key
-The Mid-Module 3 Assessment & Answer Key
-The End of Module 3 Review & Answer key
-The End of Module 3 Assessment & Answer key
-A Smart Board document with the Review, Assessment, and Answer keys
★Both, the Reviews & Assessments have:
-Simplified directions
-Enlarged Font
-Key words bolded and underlined
-More work space/better page layout
-Text boxes and other features
★These reviews will help prepare your students for the actual assessments.
They are aligned to the actual assessment’s language, skill-set & format.
These reviews help identify gaps in student learning prior to the assessments.
★You can also use these reviews as extra assessments after students have had
extra support/practice and are ready to be assessed.
Grade 3 Review & Assessment Bundles
Module 1 Review & Assessment
Module 2 Review & Assessment
Module 3 Review & Assessment
Module 4 Review & Assessment
Module 5 Review & Assessment
Module 6 Review & Assessment
Module 7 Review & Assessment
WHOLE YEAR Review & Assessment BUNDLE
►Visit my shop for more resources.
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
-Keep track of your students’ progress towards mastery of any standard, objective, or skill
-A whole unit’s skills/objectives can be on 1 document sheet
-A great supplement to your grade book
-A great resource to communicate students’ proficiency to students & parents
-Adapt for any subject, skill, or grade level just by changing the categories
-Reformat field sizes for names, skills, standards, etc.
*Also included:
A Lesson Plan Template–on a single template sheet, you can score students towards mastery of the day’s objective with a 1, 2, 3, 4 rubric score, as well as write any observation notes next to any student, to help you plan and differentiate for the next day’s lesson.
-The Lesson Plan Template is a Word Document that is formatted to include:
*Student Rosters
*Rubric of 1 - 4 (with rubric description above the rubric)
*Comment column for each student
*Learning Standards
*Learning Targets
*Task Objectives
*H.O.T. (Higher Order Thinking) Questions
-You can copy & paste the pages to include your whole week for any subjects.
-You can copy & paste a spreadsheet, Word document or table with your class roster(s).
You can even print the template with the empty columns to hand write your information if you’d like to.
-You can change/edit any part of this document to meet your needs.
My colleagues and I find this lesson plan template so useful!
►Visit my shop for more resources.
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
This is an interactive Smart Board and PowerPoint of 20 multiplication problems with the answers behind a blue text box that you can slide to reveal the answers.
I use this with my students to review before an assessment.
►Visit my shop for more resources.
I skillfully enhance EngageNY-Eureka Math Modules for teachers, students, and parents.
❖Enhancements include:
⇨simplified directions for students
⇨enlarged font
⇨bold and underlined key words
⇨better page layout ≫work space
⇨text boxes, tables, charts
❖Student pages include:
⇨Every module lesson
⇨Lesson objectives ≫typed out on every lesson
⇨Application problems ≫typed out
⇨Problem Sets
⇨Exit Tickets
⇨Higher-Order-Thinking Questions writing prompts ≫typed out
⇨Math Writing Rubric for H.O.T. questions
⇨Some lessons have extra problem set & homework practice
⇨Some lessons have “pre-requisite lessons” to build understanding
⇨Review for the Mid-Module Assessment & key {aligned to the Mid-Module test}
⇨Mid-Module Assessment & key
⇨Review for the End of Module Assessment & key {aligned to the End of Module test}
⇨End of Module assessment & key
⇨Module Vocabulary handout
⇨Parent Newsletters for all unit topics
❖Smart Board lessons include:
⇨Every enhanced module lesson is included
⇨Interactive features that support learning such as: {place value charts, fraction tiles, rulers, protractors, dice, diagrams, etc.}
⇨Strategies Handouts for students & parents
⇨Many lessons include: activities & links to supportive videos, games, and songs that match the lesson objectives
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
This is a great science template that can be used for most science activities and experiments.
It is easy for the students to fill out and understand.
It is a nice way to help students stay organized by listing out their prediction, the materials, the plan, and the conclusion (pulling it all together).
►Visit my shop for more resources.
I skillfully enhance EngageNY-Eureka Math Modules for teachers, students, and parents.
❖Enhancements include:
⇨simplified directions for students
⇨enlarged font
⇨bold and underlined key words
⇨better page layout ≫work space
⇨text boxes, tables, charts
❖Student pages include:
⇨Every module lesson
⇨Lesson objectives ≫typed out on every lesson
⇨Application problems ≫typed out
⇨Problem Sets
⇨Exit Tickets
⇨Higher-Order-Thinking Questions writing prompts ≫typed out
⇨Math Writing Rubric for H.O.T. questions
⇨Some lessons have extra problem set & homework practice
⇨Some lessons have “pre-requisite lessons” to build understanding
⇨Review for the Mid-Module Assessment & key {aligned to the Mid-Module test}
⇨Mid-Module Assessment & key
⇨Review for the End of Module Assessment & key {aligned to the End of Module test}
⇨End of Module assessment & key
⇨Module Vocabulary handout
⇨Parent Newsletters for all unit topics
❖Smart Board lessons include:
⇨Every enhanced module lesson is included
⇨Interactive features that support learning such as: {place value charts, fraction tiles, rulers, protractors, dice, diagrams, etc.}
⇨Strategies Handouts for students & parents
⇨Many lessons include: activities & links to supportive videos, games, and songs that match the lesson objectives
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
★This is a fun, interactive multiplication game I have my class play when we review our multiplication skills (3 digits times 1 digit).
They are really engaged in this game!
You can create teams in your classroom and have students take turns to come up to the Smart board and tap the spinner to see how many points their shot will be worth if their team answers the problem correctly.
The answers to every problem are hidden behind the basketball on each page.
My students love this game, it’s a lot of fun, while reviewing multiplication skills.
★This can be used for Grades 4 or 5 (and supports the EnageNY Module 3 in grade 4 standards/objectives).
►Visit my shop for more resources.
I skillfully enhance EngageNY-Eureka Math Modules for teachers, students, and parents.
❖Enhancements include:
⇨simplified directions for students
⇨enlarged font
⇨bold and underlined key words
⇨better page layout ≫work space
⇨text boxes, tables, charts
❖Student pages include:
⇨Every module lesson
⇨Lesson objectives ≫typed out on every lesson
⇨Application problems ≫typed out
⇨Problem Sets
⇨Exit Tickets
⇨Higher-Order-Thinking Questions writing prompts ≫typed out
⇨Math Writing Rubric for H.O.T. questions
⇨Some lessons have extra problem set & homework practice
⇨Some lessons have “pre-requisite lessons” to build understanding
⇨Review for the Mid-Module Assessment & key {aligned to the Mid-Module test}
⇨Mid-Module Assessment & key
⇨Review for the End of Module Assessment & key {aligned to the End of Module test}
⇨End of Module assessment & key
⇨Module Vocabulary handout
⇨Parent Newsletters for all unit topics
❖Smart Board lessons include:
⇨Every enhanced module lesson is included
⇨Interactive features that support learning such as: {place value charts, fraction tiles, rulers, protractors, dice, diagrams, etc.}
⇨Strategies Handouts for students & parents
⇨Many lessons include: activities & links to supportive videos, games, and songs that match the lesson objectives
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
I put these strategies in students’ notebooks, insert them into their plastic white boards, send them home, post them in the classroom, and share them with tutors.
The key words for addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division handouts are so helpful for students during word problems.
*A Printable PDF document of the multiplication strategies to print for students & parents
*A Smart Board document with the multiplication strategies
*A Power Point document of the multiplication strategies
*A Math Key Words document to print and handout/post in the classroom
*A Math Key Words Smart Board document
►Visit my shop for more resources.
I skillfully enhance EngageNY-Eureka Math Modules for teachers, students, and parents.
❖Enhancements include:
⇨simplified directions for students
⇨enlarged font
⇨bold and underlined key words
⇨better page layout ≫work space
⇨text boxes, tables, charts
❖Student pages include:
⇨Every module lesson
⇨Lesson objectives ≫typed out on every lesson
⇨Application problems ≫typed out
⇨Problem Sets
⇨Exit Tickets
⇨Higher-Order-Thinking Questions writing prompts ≫typed out
⇨Math Writing Rubric for H.O.T. questions
⇨Some lessons have extra problem set & homework practice
⇨Some lessons have “pre-requisite lessons” to build understanding
⇨Review for the Mid-Module Assessment & key {aligned to the Mid-Module test}
⇨Mid-Module Assessment & key
⇨Review for the End of Module Assessment & key {aligned to the End of Module test}
⇨End of Module assessment & key
⇨Module Vocabulary handout
⇨Parent Newsletters for all unit topics
❖Smart Board lessons include:
⇨Every enhanced module lesson is included
⇨Interactive features that support learning such as: {place value charts, fraction tiles, rulers, protractors, dice, diagrams, etc.}
⇨Strategies Handouts for students & parents
⇨Many lessons include: activities & links to supportive videos, games, and songs that match the lesson objectives
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
★This is an 8 word document bundle that contains 36 division word problems (with all answer keys included)
★This Bundle consists of:
-2, 3, 4 digits divided by 1 digit word problems with & without remainders
-Problems that focus on understanding the quotient (answer) & the remainder (left-over)
Bonus: included in this bundle is a Word document, and matching Smart Board document of 4 handouts/posters of KEY WORDS for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division word problems to give to students and to post in the classroom.
★I use these word problems as extra practice, mini-quizzes, intervention groups, and for homework to supplement the module lessons I teach.
If you use the EngageNY/Eureka math modules, then you can put these division word document lessons with module 3, lessons 14, 16, 19 and so forth. Each document is labeled for which lesson skill it matches from EngageNY. If you don’t use the modules, then that’s fine too! These division word problems are great!
►Visit my shop for more resources.
I skillfully enhance EngageNY-Eureka Math Modules for teachers, students, and parents.
❖Enhancements include:
⇨simplified directions for students
⇨enlarged font
⇨bold and underlined key words
⇨better page layout ≫work space
⇨text boxes, tables, charts
❖Student pages include:
⇨Every module lesson
⇨Lesson objectives ≫typed out on every lesson
⇨Application problems ≫typed out
⇨Problem Sets
⇨Exit Tickets
⇨Higher-Order-Thinking Questions writing prompts ≫typed out
⇨Math Writing Rubric for H.O.T. questions
⇨Some lessons have extra problem set & homework practice
⇨Some lessons have “pre-requisite lessons” to build understanding
⇨Review for the Mid-Module Assessment & key {aligned to the Mid-Module test}
⇨Mid-Module Assessment & key
⇨Review for the End of Module Assessment & key {aligned to the End of Module test}
⇨End of Module assessment & key
⇨Module Vocabulary handout
⇨Parent Newsletters for all unit topics
❖Smart Board lessons include:
⇨Every enhanced module lesson is included
⇨Interactive features that support learning such as: {place value charts, fraction tiles, rulers, protractors, dice, diagrams, etc.}
⇨Strategies Handouts for students & parents
⇨Many lessons include: activities & links to supportive videos, games, and songs that match the lesson objectives
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
This bundle includes:
★A Smart Board document & a matching PowerPoint document
I use this unit to teach my students about the definition of a drug, how medicines (legal drugs) can still be harmful if not used properly, tobacco, alcohol, and peer pressure.
►Visit my shop for more resources.
I skillfully enhance EngageNY-Eureka Math Modules for teachers, students, and parents.
❖Enhancements include:
⇨simplified directions for students
⇨enlarged font
⇨bold and underlined key words
⇨better page layout ≫work space
⇨text boxes, tables, charts
❖Student pages include:
⇨Every module lesson
⇨Lesson objectives ≫typed out on every lesson
⇨Application problems ≫typed out
⇨Problem Sets
⇨Exit Tickets
⇨Higher-Order-Thinking Questions writing prompts ≫typed out
⇨Math Writing Rubric for H.O.T. questions
⇨Some lessons have extra problem set & homework practice
⇨Some lessons have “pre-requisite lessons” to build understanding
⇨Review for the Mid-Module Assessment & key {aligned to the Mid-Module test}
⇨Mid-Module Assessment & key
⇨Review for the End of Module Assessment & key {aligned to the End of Module test}
⇨End of Module assessment & key
⇨Module Vocabulary handout
⇨Parent Newsletters for all unit topics
❖Smart Board lessons include:
⇨Every enhanced module lesson is included
⇨Interactive features that support learning such as: {place value charts, fraction tiles, rulers, protractors, dice, diagrams, etc.}
⇨Strategies Handouts for students & parents
⇨Many lessons include: activities & links to supportive videos, games, and songs that match the lesson objectives
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
This bundle includes:
-Printable student pages
-End of unit Summative Assessment
-End of Summative Assessment Answer Key
-Planet Mnemonics for memorizing the planets in our solar system
-Visuals, pictures, activities
-Activity to find students’ weight on each planet in our solar system
-Size comparisons and visuals of our planets, our sun, and other suns in our universe
-Day/Night live stream
-Planet Rotation and Revolution
-Moon phases
-Reason for the Seasons
-Links to videos explaining concepts in an easy to understand way
-Planet Walk activity: realistic scaled simulation for your students
►Visit my shop for more resources.
I skillfully enhance EngageNY-Eureka Math Modules for teachers, students, and parents.
❖Enhancements include:
⇨simplified directions for students
⇨enlarged font
⇨bold and underlined key words
⇨better page layout ≫work space
⇨text boxes, tables, charts
❖Student pages include:
⇨Every module lesson
⇨Lesson objectives ≫typed out on every lesson
⇨Application problems ≫typed out
⇨Problem Sets
⇨Exit Tickets
⇨Higher-Order-Thinking Questions writing prompts ≫typed out
⇨Math Writing Rubric for H.O.T. questions
⇨Some lessons have extra problem set & homework practice
⇨Some lessons have “pre-requisite lessons” to build understanding
⇨Review for the Mid-Module Assessment & key {aligned to the Mid-Module test}
⇨Mid-Module Assessment & key
⇨Review for the End of Module Assessment & key {aligned to the End of Module test}
⇨End of Module assessment & key
⇨Module Vocabulary handout
⇨Parent Newsletters for all unit topics
❖Smart Board lessons include:
⇨Every enhanced module lesson is included
⇨Interactive features that support learning such as: {place value charts, fraction tiles, rulers, protractors, dice, diagrams, etc.}
⇨Strategies Handouts for students & parents
⇨Many lessons include: activities & links to supportive videos, games, and songs that match the lesson objectives
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
This is a Simple Machines Bingo game review (Smart Board & PowerPoint).
You can edit/change any questions-information in the PowerPoint slides to meet your needs.
★Also included:
-A PowerPoint slide show of visual examples of simple machines.
-Simple Machines Point of View Activity
-Simple Machines Riddles Activity
-Friction Lesson
-Work, Force, Distance handout
►Visit my shop for more resources.
I skillfully enhance EngageNY-Eureka Math Modules for teachers, students, and parents.
❖Enhancements include:
⇨simplified directions for students
⇨enlarged font
⇨bold and underlined key words
⇨better page layout ≫work space
⇨text boxes, tables, charts
❖Student pages include:
⇨Every module lesson
⇨Lesson objectives ≫typed out on every lesson
⇨Application problems ≫typed out
⇨Problem Sets
⇨Exit Tickets
⇨Higher-Order-Thinking Questions writing prompts ≫typed out
⇨Math Writing Rubric for H.O.T. questions
⇨Some lessons have extra problem set & homework practice
⇨Some lessons have “pre-requisite lessons” to build understanding
⇨Review for the Mid-Module Assessment & key {aligned to the Mid-Module test}
⇨Mid-Module Assessment & key
⇨Review for the End of Module Assessment & key {aligned to the End of Module test}
⇨End of Module assessment & key
⇨Module Vocabulary handout
⇨Parent Newsletters for all unit topics
❖Smart Board lessons include:
⇨Every enhanced module lesson is included
⇨Interactive features that support learning such as: {place value charts, fraction tiles, rulers, protractors, dice, diagrams, etc.}
⇨Strategies Handouts for students & parents
⇨Many lessons include: activities & links to supportive videos, games, and songs that match the lesson objectives
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
These are guiding/discussion questions and writing prompts for each of the book’s 15 chapters. Shiloh is written by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor.
I use these questions and prompts in my guided reading groups, and can use them as a whole-class unit.
►Visit my shop for more resources.
I skillfully enhance EngageNY-Eureka Math Modules for teachers, students, and parents.
❖Enhancements include:
⇨simplified directions for students
⇨enlarged font
⇨bold and underlined key words
⇨better page layout ≫work space
⇨text boxes, tables, charts
❖Student pages include:
⇨Every module lesson
⇨Lesson objectives ≫typed out on every lesson
⇨Application problems ≫typed out
⇨Problem Sets
⇨Exit Tickets
⇨Higher-Order-Thinking Questions writing prompts ≫typed out
⇨Math Writing Rubric for H.O.T. questions
⇨Some lessons have extra problem set & homework practice
⇨Some lessons have “pre-requisite lessons” to build understanding
⇨Review for the Mid-Module Assessment & key {aligned to the Mid-Module test}
⇨Mid-Module Assessment & key
⇨Review for the End of Module Assessment & key {aligned to the End of Module test}
⇨End of Module assessment & key
⇨Module Vocabulary handout
⇨Parent Newsletters for all unit topics
❖Smart Board lessons include:
⇨Every enhanced module lesson is included
⇨Interactive features that support learning such as: {place value charts, fraction tiles, rulers, protractors, dice, diagrams, etc.}
⇨Strategies Handouts for students & parents
⇨Many lessons include: activities & links to supportive videos, games, and songs that match the lesson objectives
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
This document is used to help students understand and practice using apostrophes and contractions.
►Visit my shop for more resources.
I skillfully enhance EngageNY-Eureka Math Modules for teachers, students, and parents.
❖Enhancements include:
⇨simplified directions for students
⇨enlarged font
⇨bold and underlined key words
⇨better page layout ≫work space
⇨text boxes, tables, charts
❖Student pages include:
⇨Every module lesson
⇨Lesson objectives ≫typed out on every lesson
⇨Application problems ≫typed out
⇨Problem Sets
⇨Exit Tickets
⇨Higher-Order-Thinking Questions writing prompts ≫typed out
⇨Math Writing Rubric for H.O.T. questions
⇨Some lessons have extra problem set & homework practice
⇨Some lessons have “pre-requisite lessons” to build understanding
⇨Review for the Mid-Module Assessment & key {aligned to the Mid-Module test}
⇨Mid-Module Assessment & key
⇨Review for the End of Module Assessment & key {aligned to the End of Module test}
⇨End of Module assessment & key
⇨Module Vocabulary handout
⇨Parent Newsletters for all unit topics
❖Smart Board lessons include:
⇨Every enhanced module lesson is included
⇨Interactive features that support learning such as: {place value charts, fraction tiles, rulers, protractors, dice, diagrams, etc.}
⇨Strategies Handouts for students & parents
⇨Many lessons include: activities & links to supportive videos, games, and songs that match the lesson objectives
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas
This is a great review/practice for multiplication and division.
It has problems on: factors, prime/composite numbers, multiples, input/output tables, and multiplication and division word problems.
►Visit my shop for more resources.
I skillfully enhance EngageNY-Eureka Math Modules for teachers, students, and parents.
❖Enhancements include:
⇨simplified directions for students
⇨enlarged font
⇨bold and underlined key words
⇨better page layout ≫work space
⇨text boxes, tables, charts
❖Student pages include:
⇨Every module lesson
⇨Lesson objectives ≫typed out on every lesson
⇨Application problems ≫typed out
⇨Problem Sets
⇨Exit Tickets
⇨Higher-Order-Thinking Questions writing prompts ≫typed out
⇨Math Writing Rubric for H.O.T. questions
⇨Some lessons have extra problem set & homework practice
⇨Some lessons have “pre-requisite lessons” to build understanding
⇨Review for the Mid-Module Assessment & key {aligned to the Mid-Module test}
⇨Mid-Module Assessment & key
⇨Review for the End of Module Assessment & key {aligned to the End of Module test}
⇨End of Module assessment & key
⇨Module Vocabulary handout
⇨Parent Newsletters for all unit topics
❖Smart Board lessons include:
⇨Every enhanced module lesson is included
⇨Interactive features that support learning such as: {place value charts, fraction tiles, rulers, protractors, dice, diagrams, etc.}
⇨Strategies Handouts for students & parents
⇨Many lessons include: activities & links to supportive videos, games, and songs that match the lesson objectives
►If you like my products, please leave positive feedback, and follow me.
-Mathster Vakkas