I am an ex-primary head teacher and English, Maths and History specialist. I've mostly worked in KS2, often in Year 6. Although for the last two years, I've been working in Year 1, which has been delightful!
All the resources have been used successfully with children in a range of schools all over the country.
I am constantly reviewing and updating my resources. Please follow me to ensure that you have the most up to date versions of the resources you buy.
I am an ex-primary head teacher and English, Maths and History specialist. I've mostly worked in KS2, often in Year 6. Although for the last two years, I've been working in Year 1, which has been delightful!
All the resources have been used successfully with children in a range of schools all over the country.
I am constantly reviewing and updating my resources. Please follow me to ensure that you have the most up to date versions of the resources you buy.
A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity with an extension activity for use in Continuous Provision and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity supported by a youtube video of the complete lesson for distance learning.
**Learning Objective To begin to recognize and name common 3-d shapes (edges, faces and vertices).
This lesson consists of:
A differentiated starter – where children work through a weekly Arithmetic test focusing on their knowledge of addition and subtraction.
An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart where the class revise revises its understanding of 3d shapes and are introduced to the different mathematical language that can be used to describe their properties.
A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, the main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary.
A challenge where the children match a range of 3d shapes to a variety of different descriptions which are then photographed as evidence and can be displayed on the Working wall.
A final AFL / Next Steps task, where children apply their knowledge of the properties of 3d shapes to describe a given shape.
A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity with an extension activity for use in Continuous Provision and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity supported by a youtube video of the complete lesson for distance learning.
Learning Objective: To recognise and name common 2-D shapes, including rectangles (including squares), circles and triangles.
This lesson consists of:
A differentiated starter – where children use a 100 square to recognise ten more and ten less of a given set of numbers represented by ten bars and one cubes.
An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart where the class works through a series of different shapes identifying the key properties which then can be used to create a working wall.
A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, the main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary.
A set of differentiated tasks, where children identify different shapes and draw examples of their own.
A final AFL / Next Steps task, where children apply their knowledge of the properties of 2d shapes to describe a given shape.
A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity with an extension activity for use in Continuous Provision and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity supported by a youtube video of the complete lesson for distance learning…
Learning Objective: To estimate mass and then check using balance scales
This lesson consists of:
A differentiated starter – where children solve a series of addition sums using a range of mathematical equipment.
An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart demonstrating how balance scales can be used to sort objects into 3 categories, less than 100g, between 100g and 1kg and more than 1kg.
A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, the main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary.
A series of tasks requiring the use of balance scales to sort objects into 3 categories, less than 100g, between 100g and 1kg and more than 1kg. A recording sheet to allow the children to record their findings.
A final AFL / Next Steps task which introduces the children to standard wieghing scales with an analogue scale.
A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity with an extension activity for use in Continuous Provision and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity supported by a youtube video of the complete lesson for distance learning…
Learning Objective: To estimate mass and then check using balance scales
This lesson consists of:
A differentiated starter – where children solve a series of addition sums using a range of mathematical equipment.
An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart demonstrating how a simulation of an analogue kitchen scales can be used to identify sets of weights that are the same as 10kg.
A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, the main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary.
A set of cut out weights to help simulate finding how many 1kg, 2kg and 5kg weights can been combined together to make 10kg, with a link to an online resource to allow the children to check their findings. .
A final AFL / Next Steps task which challenges the children to consider how they could build on their learning to find weights that make 100kg.
A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity with an extension activity for use in Continuous Provision and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity supported by a youtube video of the complete lesson for distance learning.
Learning Objective: To recognize and create a repeating pattern using two numbers
This lesson consists of:
A differentiated starter – where children use a 100 square to recognise one more and one less of a given set of numbers.
An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart where a series of repeating patterns linked to 2s, 5, and 10s are created and discussed.
A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, the main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary.
A series tasks where children use a 100 square and an extended 100 square (to 150) to investigate number patterns based around the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
A final AFL / Next Steps task, where children discuss what they have found and make predictions based on those findings.
A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity supported by a youtube video of the complete lesson for distance learning.
Learning Objective: To recognize the value of coins.
This lesson consists of:
A differentiated starter – where children use a 100 square to recognise one more and one less of a given set of numbers.
An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart where the children revisit the value of each coin before being introduced to the idea of paying for items using a single coin and receiving change.
A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, the main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary.
A differentiated set of tasks where the children identify the best single coin to use instead of a set of coins worth slightly less.
A final AFL / Next Steps task, where the children are introduced to the idea of how coins are used to buy specific objects in shops.
A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity supported by a youtube video of the complete lesson for distance learning.
Learning Objective: To recognize the value of coins.
This lesson consists of:
A differentiated starter – where children use a 100 square to recognise one more and one less of a given set of numbers.
An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart where the class is reintroduced to the different coins used in the UK focussing on the different groups and how much each is worth…
A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, the main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary.
A series tasks where the children investigate how different values can be made using only one type of coin.
A final AFL / Next Steps task, where children discuss what they have found and make predictions based on those findings.
A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity supported by a youtube video of the complete lesson for distance learning.
Learning Objective: To recognize the value of coins.
This lesson consists of:
A differentiated starter – where children solve a series of subtraction sums.
An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart where the children apply yesterday’s learning to identify the best coin to use to buy an object of a specific price .
A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, the main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary.
A differentiated set of tasks where the children take turns to staff a shop and give change, and to go shopping using single coins to buy specific objects they have identified in a shopping list.
A final AFL / Next Steps task, where the children review what they have learned in today’s activity.
A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity supported by a youtube video of the complete lesson for distance learning.
Learning Objective: To recognize the value of notes.
This lesson consists of:
A differentiated starter – where children complete a weekly arithmetic test focusing on addition and subtraction.
An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart where the children are introduced to the £5, £10 and £20 notes that are in common usage today in the UK
A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, the main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary.
A differentiated set of tasks where the children investigate how many £1 are equivalent to each note or permutations of sets of notes and the different ways that £20 can be made using notes and pound coins…
A final AFL / Next Steps task, where the children are review what they have learned about money over the last week.
A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity with an extension activity for use in Continuous Provision and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity supported by a youtube video of the complete lesson for distance learning…
Learning Objective: To compare 2 or more objects using the terms heavy, light, heavier and lighter.
This lesson consists of:
A differentiated starter – where children use a 100 square to recognise ten more and ten less of a given set of numbers. .
An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart demonstrating how balance scales can be used to compare the weight of two objects, complete with a recap of the maths vocabulary of heavier and lighter.
A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, the main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary.
A series of tasks requiring the use of balance scales to compare the weight of a range of common classroom objects. A recording sheet to help the children understand what happens to balance scale when one object is heavier than another.
A final AFL / Next Steps task, where children consider whether size is directly linked to weight.
A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity with an extension activity for use in Continuous Provision and AFL / Next Steps plenary class activity supported by a youtube video of the complete lesson for distance learning…
Learning Objective: To order five objects from lightest to heaviest.
This lesson consists of:
A differentiated starter – where children first identify a value of a number represented using tens and ones symbols. use a 100 square to recognise ten more and ten less of a given set of numbers.
An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart demonstrating how balance scales can be used to record the weight of five different objects using multilink cubes as non standard measures.
A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, the main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary.
A series of tasks requiring the use of balance scales to compare the weight of a range of common classroom objects. A recording sheet to record the weight of five objects and sort these from lightest to heaviest.
A final AFL / Next Steps task, where children identify objects that have particular weights and then work .
Key Stage 2 comprehensions. Ideal for homework or closed activity. Differentiated for main group and More able. Activity includes: Two texts factual and eye witness, a sequencing activity, two sets of comprehension questions, stimuli for short written task. MA also includes glossary dictionary work.
Key Stage 2 comprehensions. Text includes a range of non fiction, fictionalised, historical texts and short poetry. Questions include whole range of SAT style questions such as: inference and deduction, prediction and factual recall. Ideal for Guided groups, homework or whole class activity,
A series of questions, answers and reading journal activity based around all areas of reading. Great alternative to SATs tests.
To relate Roald Dahl’s childhood to their own,
To understand the nature of autobiographical writing.
Key Stage 2 comprehensions. Text includes a range of non fiction, fictionalised, historical texts and short poetry. Questions include whole range of SAT style questions such as: inference and deduction, prediction and factual recall. Ideal for Guided groups, homework or whole class activity,
A series of questions, answers and reading journal activity based around all areas of reading. Great alternative to SATs tests or written comprehensions.
To be able to empathise with the main character.
To understand different layout forms and how they can be used in narration.
To be able to use contextual clues to understand unfamiliar and foreign language.
To understand how an author uses language to reveal things.
To be able to comment on the whole story
To be able to recognise the purpose of a glossary, its layout and organisation.
A series of questions, answers and reading journal activity based around all areas of reading. Great alternative to SATs tests or written comprehensions.
To develop an understanding of the genre – real life stories
To be able to empathise with a character in a difficult situation.
To draw conclusions about a whole text.
A series of questions, answers and reading journal activity based around all areas of reading. Great alternative to SATs tests or written comprehensions.
To read a classic text.
To be able to explain the meaning of archaic language.
To be able to use inference and deduction to make predictions about the plot of a short story.
Ideal for Year 2, 3 and 4
a series of questions and activities linked to six of Dick King Smith's easier texts:
Connie and Rollo - simplest
The Guard Dog
All about Jackson
Sophie's Snail
ESP - hardest