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Virtual tour- French Polynesia
This is a virtual tour of French Polynesia including a lot of authentic material.There is a quiz at the end which will give a certificate to your students and there is a fill the gaps activity for the song.

French year 7 knowledge organiser/parallel texts
One sample of my KS3 French booklet organised in different units and covering all topics in KS3.It inlcludes universals and a variety of structures/tenses to support students in learning French.More challenging sentences are also included for higher ability students.
Quizlet sets are available after each subtopic including vocabulary substitution.

KS3 French knowledge organiser/parallel texts
Big booklet organised in different units and covering all topics in KS3.It inlcludes universals and a variety of structures/tenses to support students in learning French.More challenging sentences are also included for higher ability students.
Quizlet sets are available after each subtopic including vocabulary substitution. A free year 7 sample is available in my shop.

NEW GCSE 9-1 progress chart
This is a progress chart for GCSE classes to help teachers and students to monitor progress. It can be stuck in their books at the beginning of a module and they can record their grade after each assessment or end of term exams. It also includes British Values you cover each term. It can be adapted according to your department policy.

steps to success to describe a picture
Support sheet for students with key vocabulary they need to know to describe a picture + Eiffel tower step to success with 10 questions helping them to answer the first question fully + table with extra vocabulary to spice their work up.

Mon cadeau ideal
higher reading and vocabulary about ideal presents for Christmas. The paragraphs also include idioms and can be really good model answers.

Mon college
Excellent detailed reading about school with Titeuf character which can also be used for speaking hot seat. Students can practice questions about school topic but there are also questions from previous modules to help them to develop their speaking skill and spontaneity. It can cover 2 or 3 lessons.

Sport with connectives and adverbs of frequency
Fun activity (crack the code ) to reinforce sports,connectives and adverbs of frequency.

Amies pour la vie- my best friend
starter: Photocard about friendship with model answer and whole lesson planned around a French song 'Je serai'.Activities are based on recognising phonics and finding the missing words in the lyrics (differentiated worksheet).It also includes a true, false and not mentioned activity.

Parallel translation My Free time
translation in 3 tenses about free time activities/weekend. It can be used for year 10 lower ability.I used it with year 9 and it works as well.

"J'aime pas les garcons" Florence Foresti - transcript + activities
Fill the gap activity using the transcript of the very famous French humorist.It is followed by 4 activities: mini biography with translation task,grammar,comprehension and acting part.

les catastrophes naturelles
A series of authentic texts and pictures about recent natural catastrophes.There is also a worksheet with a few exercises about the text including questions in the target language and a translation task with verbs in the passive voice.

KS3 progress chart AFL
I am using this document with my year 7 class when they finish their assessments. It can be modified for other classes.

Mes vacances ideales teamwork
GCSE Foundation level teamwork activity.Students loved researching the missing vowels!! There are also some challenge tasks to stretch the more able.

Ma ville teamwork
Teamwork activity where students can revise vocabulary and key structures about a town. They can work in team to decipher a text with missing letters and they can improve parts of the text using success criteria.This also includes a short speaking card activity about a town.

Speaking/writing questions New GCSE unit 1- My life
questions are covering the following parts:
2.Ma famille
3.Mes amours
4.mes projets

starter birthday/festivals
quick match up activity with vocabulary that students can use later on for their own paragraph

NEW GCSE Writing tasks (Music, cinema, TV and books)
3 writing assessments that my year 10 students had to prepare after each module.It can also be useful for them to complete these tasks before asking them to write about what they do during their free time.