. This resource is a Power Point (21 slides) to introduce Module 4 Intereses e influencias. It follows the textbook AQA GCSE Viva Higher.
. I also include a worksheet with all the vocab, activities and explanations on a word document which is easy to print for your students and the lessons will go smoothly and quicker than if they have to copy everything down.
. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
If you ever go to London on a school trip related to Spanish, you can always go to the National Gallery (rooms 39 and 30) to see the paintings of Goya, Murillo and Velázquez.
Here there is a little booklet with biographies and the paintings with some questions to have your students engaged and interested in the masterpieces whilst you are visiting the museum.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: srta.gimenez@gmail.com
. This resource is a Power Point (14 slides) to introduce Module 1 Desconéctate. It follows the textbook AQA GCSE Viva Higher.
. I also include a worksheet with all the vocab, activities and explanations on a word document which is easy to print for your students and the lessons will go smoothly and quicker than if they have to copy everything down. Translation worksheet as well!
. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
This resource includes an example of an essay plan and and essay on the representation of men in Volver.
I also include the mark schemes with which I mark and give feedback to my students, I hope you find them useful.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me on gimenez.srta@gmail.com
A Power Point to teach the whole Module 2 (58 slides). It includes activities to drill new vocabulary, translations and activities from Viva Libro 2 pages 28 and 47.
If you have any questions feel free to email me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
An introduction lesson for the topic the influence of celebrities for AQA Spanish textbook by OUP.
It includes a Power Point and a worksheet for your students to write answers.
If you want the whole topic, you can see it here https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-new-as-a-level-spanish-la-influencia-de-los-dolos-11610472
. This resource is a Power Point (21 slides) to introduce Module 2 Mi vida en el insti. It follows the textbook AQA GCSE Viva Higher.
. I also include a worksheet with all the vocab, activities and explanations on a word document which is easy to print for your students and the lessons will go smoothly and quicker than if they have to copy everything down.
. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
. This resource is a Power Point (20 slides) to introduce Module 3 Mi gente. It follows the textbook AQA GCSE Viva Higher with a worksheet for students.
. A Power Point with the whole unit (51 slides) with grammar, different activities, written tasks, explanation of the photo card and translations.
. I also include a worksheet with all the vocab, activities and explanations on a word document which is easy to print for your students and the lessons will go smoothly and quicker than if they have to copy everything down.
. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
Lessons on social protests (15-M and Mothers of Plaza de Mayo) to accompany with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP.
This includes a Power Point Presentation (21 slides) with translations, reading and speaking activities. It also has a worksheet for the students.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me:
Power Point Presentations (53 slides in total) and Worksheets for students on the full topic on La identidad regional (Tradiciones y costumbres, La gastronomía and Las lenguas).
Power Point Presentations (66 slides in total) on Cantantes y músicos, Las estrellas de la televisión y el cine y Modelos (La influencia de los ídolos topic) with Worksheets for students.
Power Point Presentations (75 slides in total) on Sitios históricos y civilizaciones prehispánicas, Arte y arquitectura y El patrimonio musical y diversidad (El patrimonio cultural topic) with Worksheets for students.
These are to accompany with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
. This resource is a Power Point (11 slides) to introduce Module 3 Mi gente, mi mundo. It follows the textbook AQA GCSE Spanish Higher.
. I also include a worksheet to print for your students and a link to practise vocabulary on Memrise Community courses.
. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
Introduction to the topic Los movimientos populares. The resource includes a Power Point and a worksheet for your students with translation, reading and speaking activities plus a research on Movimiento 15m and Las madres de la Plaza de Mayo.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com