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How shall we greet each other today?
Perfect for setting a positive tone in the morning on the playground or at the door.

How shall we greet each other today?
Perfect for setting a positive tone in the morning on the playground or at the door.

How shall we greet each other today?
Perfect for setting a positive tone in the morning on the playground or at the door.

Teacher to-do list
Aesthetic to-do list which can be added to a folder to increase productivity during planning time

Class rules poster (any age)
A natural themed classroom rules poster which can be printed and written on as a nice whole-class activity, especially at the start of the year or during transition.

Months of the year (b&w)
Suitable for pupils in KS1
Cut and stick the months of the year in chronological order or use it as an A4 poster that pupils can use to sing the months of the year song.

Months of the year (colour)
Suitable for pupils in KS1
Months of the year activity in colour
Cut and stick the months in chronological order

SPaG assessment Y1
SPaG assessment which can be used to assess understanding of content taught or given as homework.

Days of the week ordering activity
Simple days of the week ordering activity. Children can cut and stick the days of the week in chronological order.
Both colour and black and white version are available.
This activity could be used as part of a Maths lesson in year 1 or sent out as homework to consolidate learning.

Autumn walk check list
An autumn walk checklist which can be used as part of a Science lesson in KS1, for independent outdoor provision or set as homework.
There are 2 activities per A4 page, cut them in half and save paper!

Autumn playdough mats
Autumn-themed playdough mats perfect for playdough tables and developing fine motor skills

How shall we greet each other today?
Perfect for setting a positive tone in the morning on the playground or at the door