Contains flipcharts and children's activities for 2 quick paced lessons or could be extended over 3-4 lessons. A comprehensive pack that follows the White Rose Schemes of Learning for Year 2
Children are introduced to faces, vertices and edges, get the opportunity to handle and count the number of faces etc, before sorting according to properties. Could be extended over several lessons.
An introduction to bar models for year 1, children to use bar models to write additon and subtraction facts within 20. Complete with lesson presentation and pupil tasks.
A clear, practical and visual way to teach missing number problems, comes with all the resources you will need to deliver the lesson, including pupil tasks (the children will need access to multi link/ any cubes to complete these).
A nice lesson activity involving making angle eaters and hunting for angles. Includes additional tasks of sorting shapes according to their right angles.
A complete lesson bundle including teaching resources and children's activities to support teaching children how to write numbers in the expanded form.