Children investigate how long they spend at school in a week, how long they have been alive. A 10 page flipchart with starter, main, independent and plenary tasks.
Complete lesson resource exploring combinations of elves and reindeer in Santa's workshop, a high ceiling, low threshold task that allows children to develop their own strategy to find the solution.
Complete lesson pack looking at properties of 2D shape, recapping parallel and right angles, regular and irregular. Children draw on diagonals, create shapes with given diagonals and sort shapes onto a Carroll diagram based on their properties.
A whole lesson pack introducing multiplication of 2 digit numbers. This includes a detailed lesson presentation with examples of the method to work though, with printable and editable pupil worksheets differentiated on 3 levels. A comprehensive resource to introduce children to multiplication of 2 digit numbers, and a great step stone towards them column method.
Year 3 place value and hundreds bundle, a huge selection on my year 3 place value lesson packs with a large number following the autumn block 1 scheme. Contains 20 lesson packs. Over 3 weeks- with complete teaching presentation and worksheets/ activities for children. worth around £45 individually.
A lesson presentation with some corresponding pupil tasks revising shape vocabulary and plotting shapes, working out missing vertices and reflecting shapes in the first and all 4 quadrants. Contains children's tasks to the match the examples from whole class teaching in the flipchart.