Maths MagicianAverage Rating3.71(based on 168 reviews)Providing high quality Maths resources for the primary classroom. Edit shopAdd a resource
MissJG133Year 2 Fact Families Using Bar Models(8)Complete lesson pack with pupil tasks and lesson presentation.
MissJG133Bar Model and Converting Mixed Number to Improper Fractions(6)Lesson presentation and task sheets to introduce improper fractions using the bar model.
MissJG133Year 3 Time: Start and End Times(7)Complete lesson pack exploring using a number line to work out start and end times. Comes with teaching presentations and pupil tasks.
MissJG133Year 6 Sample Tasks Place Value Mastery and Greater Depth(5)A sample of tasks available to support reasoning in year 6.
MissJG133Year 3 Multiplication 2 Digit x 1 Digit Using Base 10(3)A lesson pack using base 10 to introduce multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit.
MissJG133Bar Model and Part Part Whole Diagrams Adding 1 digit numbers(2)A whole lesson support to introduce bar models in simple terms. Children use dice to generate their own part part whole diagrams
MissJG133Year 3 Telling the Time and Calcuting Duration (Roman Numeral Clock) Fun Fair Context(3)A lovely complete lesson pack exploring reading the time of a Roman Numeral clock, and work out durations by counting minutes. Comes with lesson presentation and pupil tasks.
MissJG133Year 2 Partition 2 Digit Numbers in Different Ways Base 10(2)A nice session using base 10 to partition in different ways. Contains 2 tasks sheets that are differentiated.
MissJG133Place Value Counters to Support Column Subtraction 3 digit numbers(2)A nice whiteboard resource to support column subtraction using place value counters.
MissJG133Adding Money £ and pence Using Part Whole Models(4)A complete lesson pack exploring adding amounts and finding all the possibilities.
MissJG133Year 4 Commutative Law Multiplication(1)A flipchart containing a simple pupil task to introduce the commutative law for multiplication.
MissJG133Place Value Counter 3 digit + 2 digit column addtion(1)A whole lesson pack included 2 levels of worksheet. Fully interactive with drag and drop place value counters and calculation generator.
MissJG133Numicon Representing And Comparing Two Digit Numbers(1)A teaching activity using Numicon to represent and compare two digt numbers.
MissJG1335 Times Tables Activities(1)A sample of activities available to support fluency in learning the 5 times table.
MissJG133Year 5 Reflection in the First Quadrant Lesson Pack(1)Complete lesson pack consolidating reflecting on an axes. Contains lesson presentation and pupil tasks.
MissJG133Doubling and Halving Caterpillar Investigation(1)Investigate the length of caterpillars that follow the rule, even numbers are halved and odd numbers add one.
MissJG133Year 3 Name and Properties of 3D Shapes(1)An introduction to 3D shapes including naming, properties and sorting using a Venn diagram.
MissJG133Cuisenaire Number Bonds to 10(2)An introductory lesson presentation and pupil task exploring number bonds using Cuisenaire Rods.
MissJG133Year 3 Place Value Partitioning Numbers in Different Ways Base 10(0)Using base 10 to partition numbers in different ways, include pupil's investigation and support activity for SEN children