A lovely resource investigation all the possible translations to score a football in a net. A nice activity that can then be investigated outside using chalk and a real football on the play ground.
Children investigate puzzle and problems involving the digits 0-9. Includes two warm up puzzles and the investigation- how many ways can you make 200-300? Always lots of opportunity to explore very large number as well as decimals, and practise all four operations.
Lesson pack looking at measuring precisely using a ruler, and applying counting in tenths to finding exact measures of lines and objects in the classroom using a ruler. Comes with lesson presentation in PROMETHEAN and SMART format (please do not purchase if you do not have access to these programs) and complementary activities that are in PDF format and editable within the lesson presentation packs.
An introduction to adding 4 digit numbers, linking to varied methods of understanding and recording, include whole lesson Notebook and worksheets and investigation in PDF and fully editable format.
A nice lesson activity involving making angle eaters and hunting for angles. Includes additional tasks of sorting shapes according to their right angles.
A lovely investigation exploring the number of legs and heads with different combinations of animals. Contains scaffolding before introducing the big task.
Children arrange digit cards to make an answer of 100, can they find more than one calculation, can they make generalisations about where to put the digits?
Children explore adding two numbers with different numbers of decimal places, and consider how to arrange digits in order to get close to a target number.
A lovely practical investigation exploring the lengths of trains that can be made with Cuisenaire rods. Complete with teaching presentation in Promethean and Smart Format and 4 levels of pupil challenges, could be extended over several lessons.
Complete lesson pack with teaching slides in Smart and Power Point, and image files that can be imported to use however you like. Also includes PDF of tasks, which are editable in Smart.
A whole lesson pack introducing multiplication of 2 digit numbers. This includes a detailed lesson presentation with examples of the method to work though, with printable and editable pupil worksheets differentiated on 3 levels. A comprehensive resource to introduce children to multiplication of 2 digit numbers, and a great step stone towards them column method.