BEST VALUE: Checkout my subscription package on CS with Mr Teasdale “mrteasdale (dot) com”
for the most up-to-date full IGCSE ICT course and more at a reduced price (£74.99 for BOTH theory and practical lessons). You can also take advantage of the free OneNote notebook which is £39.99 on here.
For problems and queries about this resource, please contact and I will do everything to help.
== What this includes ==
Includes theory chapters (1-11 including Hardware, Software, E-Safety and more) with over 40 PPTs, dozens of worksheets, and any other support/revision materials else I gathered/developed over my years of teaching it! Fully editable and covering the Spec up until 2022.
Please be reminded that I used these resources as is and where necessary provided differentiation for learners of all abilities, however you might feel that more is needed. Therefore, I would recommended these to be adapted and updated as necessary. Excellent for EAL students!
Document with URL list of my Kahoot quizzes to use as plenaries or reviews in most Theory units.
Y10 student intro book and PTT (can be used as the basis of a first lesson for the course)
Additional: if purchasing through my website CS with Mr Teasdale, I have a complete Microsoft OneNote notebook with all lessons to go with these resources. Contains extention tasks, exam questions and more to create a challenging yet academically developing environment for all students. This will ensure an even easier delivery of the course and allow assessment and feedback to take place completely digitally. This will honestly save you days of planning time! This took me a whole year of teaching to create!
Free SAMPLE Lesson to see what it looks like:
Checkout my subscription package here for other KS3 units of work and save on planning and preparation mrteasdale(dot)com
Complete unit of work for Python Programming in Key Stage 3. Contains 5 huge presentations to get you teaching in either Year 8 or Year 9. Includes workbooks for each lesson (with scaffolded support booklets for lower ability or SEND students), challenge tasks to stretch HA pupils, and a reflection document (learning diary) to be used for peer review and teacher feedback/marking. It’s structured in your starter, teaching concepts (modelling/examples), practice tasks, plenary format. This should be able to save any CS/IT department hours and hours of work!
Source code in the form of screenshots/links can be found throughout the slides to self-assess students work. Full source code for programs can be found on my Replit (Search @MrTeasdaleCS) if required. UPDATE: I have now included a DOC file with separate links to all my Replits used. This is a work in progress as I continue to develop more ideas but feel free to contact me if you ever need an updated version of this document!
Objective 1 Basic Python and Maths
Objective 2 Selection (IF ELIF)
Objective 3 Looping (While and For loops)
Lessons separated into 3 main ‘objectives’ which are carried out across multiple ‘lessons’ or periods. They can potentially last 8-12 weeks (1hr lesson each week) They are further broken down into sub objectives such as Objective 2a IF and Objective 2b ELIF. Feel free to adjust these as necessary but ultimately this covers everything a typical Year 8 pupil should be learning. You may want to introduce a final topic such as Lists and String manipulation and aim this at a Year 9 group.
Any problems with this resource, contact me first so I can support you
IB Computer Science HL Topic 5 Abstract Data Structures Slides and Workbooks. These cover each part of the syllabus in a structured and easy to follow way with tasks for students to follow.
5.1-3 recursion
5.4-5 2d arrays
5.14-17 Trees
Each workbook includes a section at the end for students to reflect and provide teacher feedback (AfL) to show progress. These were super helpful when teaching the IB CS programme.
a 74-page long student workbook made to go with the Hodder “How to code in Python” in order to track progress through the course. Includes Glossary, Challenges and Tasks laid out in an easy-to-read manner.
A lengthy 113-page task book to be used while teaching Java programming concepts. Provides a structured way to deliver programming lessons at an increasing difficulty as it contains ‘levels’. Each problem has space to reflect adding to the potential for AfL during teaching. This will keep your students busy for hours!
Please Note: This is a task book only and does not teach any Java. The presentations in my other extra will be required for that. Solutions for part 1-4 only included.
Description of resource:
All chapters 1-21 of the IGCSE ICT course are included in this digital notebook I painstakingly crafted while delivering the course - (at least 100 hours were dedicated to developing this across 1.5 years!) - I think it makes it a super simple, and a more structured way to deliver the course. Simply use your own content or alternatively purchase my slides and workbooks to have a complete course ready to deliver. It is nearly 500mb in size!!! The pricing of this resource reflects the use of worksheets and slides throughout the notebook (it is not simply text).
What this resources IS NOT: a set of individual presentations/course that can be delivered by itself. Likely cannot be used effectively in a Google School environment either.
What this resources IS: a complimentary resource to my full course below in order to better guide teachers and students throughout the IGCSE ICT course. Can also be used alongside your own slides and workbooks as it lines up with the syllabus.
It contains:
some of the PPTs used in the full IGCSE ICT course, extra worksheets, workbooks (for some units) and more as attachments (at time of creation).
support and challenge areas to help low and high ability students
starter/plenary tasks that could be things like wordwall / kahoot to keep students engaged
exam questions to further challenge students and link to syllabus
skills checklists and learning objective (to show progress) as well places for students to reflect on learning - great for AfL!
nicely formatted in a way that makes the content more accessible, especially for EAL/Lower Ability students. I effectively taught very low level students with this resource.
Checkout images here:
Goes well with my IGCSE ICT units of work:
This is best suited for a teacher/school using Microsoft software, although there are ways around transferring this to an Apple device, Mac versions are less inclined to work with this resource. This resource is sold as is and I cannot offer refunds if this is purchased to be used on a Mac (Apple) device. Sorry!
I feel the price of this resource reflects the time and effort put into it. I hope you can agree. In addition, all files are fully editable that are attached to this notebook. Some are from my other premium resources and while I would suggest purchasing the slides and workbooks to go with these resources, as these are always updated and tweaked over time.
Just a simple presentation to guide a research-based cybersecurity lesson for Year 8/9. Their task is to spread awareness of cyber security, explaining carefully what it is, why it is important and how to protect yourself against outsider threats. this will be done via a presentation students create and present.
Sample of an assessment for the IGCSE ICT course. Mark scheme included in full resource.
To purchase with assessments included in the Full access and KS4 IGCSE ICT subscriptions find me on Google: “CS with Mr Teasdale” for full IGCSE ICT resources.
Checkout my style before you buy anything!
Please be aware this is a small sample of one or two presentations/workbooks just to let you see the style of the lesson before purchasing any of my larger collections
Search mrteasdalecs for a £42.99 one-off fee for BOTH theory AND practical lessons.
What you get:
Full course of complete lessons (slides, workbooks, kahoot quizez, and exam practice, challenge, support, plenaries, starters etc.). Fully editable should you wish to adapt to your own needs.
=What it does=
Helps you to deliver the whole IGCSE course without worry. Simply download them and begin. Contains the necessary learning objectives, tasks and activities to deliver the course with ease.
Please be reminded that I used these resources as is and where necessary provided differentiation for learners of all abilities, however you might feel that more is needed. There may be room to change/add activites and/or content. Therefore, I would recommended these to be adapted and updated as necessary. Excellent for EAL students!
Document with URL list of my Kahoot quizzes to use as plenaries or reviews in most Theory units.
Y10 student intro book and PTT (can be used as the basis of a first lesson for the course)
A complete Microsoft OneNote notebook (220mb+) with all lessons to go with these resources. Free of charge.