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A selection of English and A-Level Media Studies (CIE)

A selection of English and A-Level Media Studies (CIE)
Ekphrastic Poetry Unit

Ekphrastic Poetry Unit

4 Resources
This unit of poetry is created for KS3 - year 7… but could work for any year group. This is the collection of lessons (5 weeks) where students will regularly review and develop their knowledge of poetry techniques (being able to identify, and use) and use infamous art works as inspiration for their own writing . Students will look at ‘Starry Night’, ‘Weeping Woman’, and ‘Fall of Icarus’ and will also work as a group to develop poetic skills. Students will then choose an art work (or can use anything from previous lessons) for the end of unit ASSESSMENT TASK. Students will complete one of the following: EITHER: Write a narrative or piece of descriptive writing about your chosen piece of art OR Write an ekphrastic poem using your chosen piece of art as inspiration
Ekphrastic Poetry 3 - Landscape with the Fall of Icarus

Ekphrastic Poetry 3 - Landscape with the Fall of Icarus

This unit of poetry is created for KS3 - year 7… but could work for any year group. Students will regularly review and develop their knowledge of poetry techniques (being able to identify, and use) and use infamous art works as inspiration for their own writing . For the ‘Landscape with the Fall of Icarus’ lessons, students will read/analyse the poem aim to indettify the form, structure, language techniques that have been used and consider the poet’s choices and how affect is created. I have found this unit to work particularly well with low language learners but equally would engage more confident language students. These lessons are part of a bigger unit with the assessment being: ASSESSMENT TASK:  Based on the piece of art that you have selected:  ANSWER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING EITHER:    Write a narrative or piece of descriptive writing about your chosen piece of art  OR   Write an ekphrastic poem using your chosen piece of art as inspiration
Animal Poetry - Form

Animal Poetry - Form

Using three animal poems, students will learn about various poetic forms and begin to understand how the function of form can show the key ideas and feelings the poet wanted to convey. Students will write their own analysis answering, “In your opinion how does the form of a poem help add to the meaning?”
Animal Poetry - Language

Animal Poetry - Language

Using the poem, ‘Pigeons’ students will closely examine the language of the poem; specifically word choice for effect. After analysing the poem, students will write their own animal poem; aiming to be effective (and a little cryptic) with their word choice.
Animal Poetry - structure

Animal Poetry - structure

Using the poems, ‘The Eagle’ and ‘Cooper’s Hawk’ students will learn about various structural techniques and begin to understand how structural techniques enhance imagery in a poem.
Ekphrastic Poetry 4 - Group task and Assessment

Ekphrastic Poetry 4 - Group task and Assessment

This unit of poetry is created for KS3 - year 7… but could work for any year group. This is the final collection of lessons of the unit. Students have regularly reviewed and developed their knowledge of poetry techniques (being able to identify, and use) and use infamous art works as inspiration for their own writing . Students have so far enjoyed ‘Starry Night’, ‘Weeping Woman’, and ‘Fall of Icarus’ and this lesson will work as a group to develop poetic skills. Students will then choose an art work (or can use anything from previousl essons) for the ASSESSMENT TASK. Students will complete one of the following: EITHER:    Write a narrative or piece of descriptive writing about your chosen piece of art  OR   Write an ekphrastic poem using your chosen piece of art as inspiration
Animal Poetry

Animal Poetry

4 Resources
Animal Poetry collection of lessons that introduces students to the functions of form, structure, and language.
CIE A2 Media Studies-Component 4 (Section B) Media Ecology:  Neil Postman, Hot / Cool media, WWW

CIE A2 Media Studies-Component 4 (Section B) Media Ecology: Neil Postman, Hot / Cool media, WWW

This series of lessons covers: Neil Postman Hot / cool media (McLuhan) WEB 1.0 – 2.0 Throughout these lessons (at least two doubles) students will look at the theories of Clay Shirky ‘end of an audience’, Henry Jenkins ‘participatory culture’, ‘convergence’, Gauntlett, ‘Web 2.0’, ‘new media’, ‘the long tail’, Aleks Krotoski, ‘the great levelling’ and also Tim Berners Lee before creating a revision resource that covers old/new (hot/cool) covering: Examples/Positives/Negatives Theories. The lesson also includes additional articles for further reading and exploration (group task: each group takes an article…)
CIE A2 Media Studies-Component 4 (Section B) Media Ecology: intro lesson

CIE A2 Media Studies-Component 4 (Section B) Media Ecology: intro lesson

This lesson begin to unpick the term ‘media ecology’ beginning with looking at the exam requirements and looking at the ‘spec’ definitions. Students consider the term ’ the medium is the message’ and begin to think about the broader impact of this notion. The lesson covers a range of suggested readings, links to Lance Strate youtue clips, suggested documentaries and additional resources. Students begin to collate key names and theories.
CIE A2 Media Studies-Component 4 (Section B) Media Ecology: McLuhan

CIE A2 Media Studies-Component 4 (Section B) Media Ecology: McLuhan

This lessons covers key ideas and theories relating to Media Ecology. McLuhan is covered; key quotes such as “World is a global village” ,"McLuhan predicts 'world connectivity’” are introduced. Technological Determinism is also looked as through the quote ‘we shape our tools, then our tools shape us’. A brief history of the Internet is also looked at. H/W task for next lesson: Research and find out statistics for the following social media sites: Twitter (X) TikTok Instagram Facebook Snapchat Consider the following when you research: What are the most used social media platforms? How does this vary from country to country? What are the demographics of the most popular social media platforms? How many global users do these platforms have?
CIE A2 Media Studies-Component 4 (Section B) Media Ecology revision, past paper, and sample essays

CIE A2 Media Studies-Component 4 (Section B) Media Ecology revision, past paper, and sample essays

This lesson looks at past paper from June 2021. The Q: **‘The media determine how we understand and connect with the world.’To what extent do you agree with this statement? ** The lesson breaks down A01 and A02 with first recapping key media concepts, and critical debates covered (Changing nature of media environments - the effects on both industries and audiences, Technological Determinism, Public V Private persona, Data usage and net neutrality, Comparisons to the past, and predictions for the future.), example terminology is given, and also a recap of possible case studies and examples by then linking to the ‘spec’ Students then plan and write their response. Slides 11-18 then look through examiner feedback and sample essays.
CIE A2 Media Studies-Component 4 (Section B) Media Ecology Bundle

CIE A2 Media Studies-Component 4 (Section B) Media Ecology Bundle

4 Resources
Collection of Media Ecology lessons to begin unpacking this section of the exam. Lessons cover: an intro to Media Ecology, Marshall McLuhan (hot/cool and other key concepts) Neil Postman, a look at the WWW and its impact… a range of theories also tied in. Past Paper exam also included.