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A poster with the main functional groups of organic compounds
The poster lists the names of the functional groups of organic compounds as well as giving some examples of their structure.
Practice test for high ability students
Synoptic questions that aim to challenge the brightest students.
Conduction revision worksheet and graphs
Specifically designed to follow the flow of understanding including embedding, the worksheet enables students to practice and understand conduction in different metals.
Revision game for KS3 students
Lists of revision topics to which students can play a revision game.
A different diet for a different job
A worksheet that requires students to think about the different food groups needed by different types of jobs.
Calculating power - KS3 worksheet (advanced students)
A simple worksheet for students to practice using the power equation.
Gravity and calculating weight worksheet
A worksheet aimed at correcting misconceptions as well as giving students practice calculating and comparing gravity and weight.
Revision keyword splat game
The keywords are projected onto the board, the class are split into two groups. The teacher reads out each statement and the groups decide which of the words applies to the statement read.
It can be run as a competition, with a representative of each student at the board who has to place their hand over the correct keyword whilst their group gives them a thumbs up or down, or a quiet quiz, with the two groups sat in opposite corners of the room and requiring them to write down their answers in the correct order.
It is a good revision resource for students working together - enabling less able students to learn from more able ones.
Addressing racism and challenging stereotypes
Resources aimed at; form tutors, teachers, parents and educators, to discuss the issues of racism and stereotypes.
They can be used to open up discussion or to create opportunities for conversations around sensitive topics.