NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on
NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on
Use this resource as a tool, as part of The ERLAFS (Education for Rural Livelihoods and Food Sovereignty) project, for bridging the gap between primary and secondary school.
For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below
This lesson is part of a set of interactive activities detailing the work of a charity organisation in the Tsunami affected areas of Sri Lanka. The resource contains images, problem solving tasks and cross-curricular tasks and all files can be edited to suit the needs and ability of your children.
For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Use these resources as part of The ERLAFS (Education for Rural Livelihoods and Food Sovereignty) project, which has been helping schools to make curriculum partnerships between schools in Wales and Zanzibar for over a decade. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Use these resources as part of The ERLAFS (Education for Rural Livelihoods and Food Sovereignty) project, which has been helping schools to make curriculum partnerships between schools in Wales and Zanzibar for over a decade. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Cyfres o weithgareddau rhyngweithiol yn tanlinellu gwaith sefydliad elusennol yn yr ardaloedd o Sri Lanka a effeithiwyd gan y Tsunami.
Mae'r adnodd yn cynnwys delweddau, tasgau datrys problemau a thasgau traws gwricwlaidd ac fe ellir golygu pob un ffeil i gwrdd ag anghenion a gallu eich disgyblion.
Use these resources as part of The ERLAFS (Education for Rural Livelihoods and Food Sovereignty) project, which has been helping schools to make curriculum partnerships between schools in Wales and Zanzibar for over a decade. Although each school has an individual school link, all resources developed are shared across the network, broadening the learning opportunities between primary and secondary schools in Wales and Zanzibar and supporting ESDGC and the new Skills Framework. For more materials relating to these resources, please visit the NGfL site, linked below
Links to interactive flood maps on the Environment Agency website. Floodplans may be developed for home and school. These activities make use of the flooding information and information on river and sea levels provided by the Environment Agency so that people living in flood risk areas are better informed and can decide what actions to take as the water levels change. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfl site, linked below.
Cyfres o adnoddau manwl, gydag elfennau rhyngweithiol a chwestiynau perthnasol fydd o gymorth i’r myfyrwyr sy’n astudio hyn ar gyfer yr arholiad U2. Mae’r unedau yn cynnwys deunydd sydd yn gofyn i’r myfyrwyr grynhoi gwybodaeth berthnasol, i wneud penderfyniadau, i ddatrys problemau ac i werthuso materion dan sylw. Gellir argraffu llawer o’r cynnwys a cheir cyfeiriadau at wefannau allanol defnyddiol.
Mae pob pecyn yn cynnwys nodiadau athrawon, gweithgareddau i'w defnyddio yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, cardiau gwybodaeth a phosteri i helpu athrawon i gyflwyno ac astudio cysyniad ffynonellau egni adnewyddadwy. Ymwelwch â i ddod o hyd i astudiaethau achos a chysylltau i wefannau defnyddiol eraill – yn enwedig ar gyfer y rhaglen ddaearyddiaeth.
Mae pob pecyn yn cynnwys nodiadau athrawon, gweithgareddau i'w defnyddio yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, cardiau gwybodaeth a phosteri i helpu athrawon i gyflwyno ac astudio cysyniad ffynonellau egni adnewyddadwy. Ymwelwch â i ddod o hyd i astudiaethau achos a chysylltau i wefannau defnyddiol eraill – yn enwedig ar gyfer y rhaglen ddaearyddiaeth.
This resource (for KS2 and KS3) supports teachers in developing the concepts of sustainable development and ecological footprinting. It provides practical materials to support learning about the impact on our environment of our food consumption and transport use and also contains materials to support pupils in data gathering in the context of an enquiry approach to learning. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below
Cyfres o wersi a gweithgareddau bwrdd gwyn ar gyfer CA2. Mae’r adnodd yn deillio o gysylltiadau rhwng ysgolion Cymru a Lesotho gan ddefnyddio adnoddau a gasglwyd wrth addysgu yn y wlad am flwyddyn.
Mae’r gwersi yn cynnig dilyniant o weithgareddau thematig gan gychwyn gyda’r Cyfnod Sylfaen/CA1 a hefyd yn cynnwys gweithgareddau ymestynnol ar gyfer disgyblion mwy galluog.
Cyfres o adnoddau manwl, gydag elfennau rhyngweithiol a chwestiynau perthnasol fydd o gymorth i’r myfyrwyr sy’n astudio hyn ar gyfer yr arholiad U2. Mae’r unedau yn cynnwys deunydd sydd yn gofyn i’r myfyrwyr grynhoi gwybodaeth berthnasol, i wneud penderfyniadau, i ddatrys problemau ac i werthuso materion dan sylw. Gellir argraffu llawer o’r cynnwys a cheir cyfeiriadau at wefannau allanol defnyddiol.
Within these activities pupils will learn interactively to:
* identify different kinds of weather
* describe the weather
* identify different weather symbols
* collect, record and present information in simple graph form
* create a simple weather forecast using labels, symbols and maps
* identify activities that can be done in different sorts of weather
* learn what adjectives are and how they can be used to describe the weather
A collection of resources to support the Locality Studies topic - Comparing a Less Developed Country to Wales. The unit consists of presentations, interactive activities and recommended follow up work.
The unit begins with work on location and compares the physical aspects of both countries including the climate. Attention is given to fair trade and other human aspects such as tourism and food on the island.
A series of project packs for 5-11 created by 6 Cardiff Primary Schools to initiate project work with their partner schools in Somaliland. These resources focus particularly on ESDGC themes and the new Skills Framework and could be easily adapted to fit short or long term partnership projects with schools in any country.
A series of lessons suitable for year seven pupils introducing them to many of the aspects of the physical and human geography of Wales.
The materials are based on thinking skills activities and some lessons include animations and interactive activities.
The lessons include work on location, climate farming and energy.
The teacher delivering these activities must familiarise him/herself with the Outdoor Learning Cards prior to undertaking the lessons in this unit. The lessons here are pitched at an average ability level, but there may be requirements to adapt the lesson to different classes. The differentiation and progression sections on the O.L.C’s will aid in this process.
This thinking skill based resource introduces pupils to a Welsh town suffering from a build up of rubbish. Mirroring actual events happening now around the world pupils can debate the opinions of the townspeople, consider the impact of waste on the environment and evaluate the possible effects of these problems in their own areas.
This resource covers aspects of the Consumption and Waste, Natural Environment and Choices and Decisions themes in ESDGC.