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NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.




NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.
Cerbydau modur lefel 3

Cerbydau modur lefel 3

Mae’r adnoddau hyn yn cefnogi Astudiaethau Peirianyddol yn y sector Addysg Bellach ac wedi ei anelu at fyfyrwyr sydd yn astudio ar gyfer cymhwyster Lefel 3 mewn Peirianneg Cerbydau. Dylai fod gan y myfyrwyr wybodaeth eisoes am systemau brecio cerbydau a chefndir cyffredinol mewn peirianneg. Dylent for wedi astudio o leiaf hyd at lefel TGAU. Gellir hefyd ei ddefnyddio fel cymorth i adolygu ar gyfer myfyrwyr sy’n astudio ar lefel uwch, neu unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb yn y diwydiant yma.
Cwis Enwogion Cymreig - Colin Jackson

Cwis Enwogion Cymreig - Colin Jackson

Mae’r Cwis Enwogion Cymreig yn adnodd rhyngweithiol y gellir ei ddefnyddio i ysgogi trafodaeth am gyfnod a gorchest yr enwogion hyn. Ceir hefyd ffeiliau o ffeithiau sy’n cynnig mwy o wybodaeth amdanynt. Dewiswyd pob cyfres o enwogion er mwyn hyrwyddo meddwl yn yr ystafell ddosbarth a gellir hefyd eu defnyddio i gychwyn gwersi am y cyfnodau penodol.
Famous Welsh Quiz - Fact File Evan James

Famous Welsh Quiz - Fact File Evan James

Famous Welsh Quiz is an interactive resource to be used as a tool for discussion by engaging pupils in thinking about Famous Welsh people and when they lived, their achievements and an opportunity to study further by way of the additional fact files in the resource. Each set of famous Welsh people featured are selected to develop thinking in the classroom and to be used as lesson starters related to that time period. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Chwaraeon, hamdden a thwristiaeth - Chwaraeon

Chwaraeon, hamdden a thwristiaeth - Chwaraeon

Cyfres o adnoddau i gefnogi addysgu 'Datblygiadau ym myd chwaraeon, hamdden a thwristiaeth yng Nghymru a Lloegr, 1900 hyd heddiw&', sy’n rhan o fanyleb B CBAC. Mae’r adnodd yn cynnwys naw uned sy’n rhoi sylw i brif nodweddion yn newidiadau a ddigwyddodd ym mhob agwedd gydag ymarfer byr. Mae cyfle i’r myfyrwyr ddefnyddio’r adnoddau i drafod a dod i gasgliadau am y materion pwysicaf. Gellir defnyddio’r adnoddau i gychwyn gwersi, neu ar gyfer addysgu&';r dosbarth cyfan. Gellid eu defnyddio hefyd i ymestyn gwaith y dosbarth ac ar gyfer adolygu.
Famous Welsh Quiz - Fact File Boudicca

Famous Welsh Quiz - Fact File Boudicca

Famous Welsh Quiz is an interactive resource to be used as a tool for discussion by engaging pupils in thinking about Famous Welsh people and when they lived, their achievements and an opportunity to study further by way of the additional fact files in the resource. Each set of famous Welsh people featured are selected to develop thinking in the classroom and to be used as lesson starters related to that time period. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Canllaw Adolygu

Canllaw Adolygu

Datblygwyd gan Atebol a noddwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru Canllaw adolygu Astudiaethau’r Cyfryngau TGAU CBAC ar gyfer arholiad 2012 sy’n rhoi sylw i Wefannau’r Diwydiant a Chylchgronau Cerddoriaeth. Mae’r adnoddau ar fformat ‘Word’ ac yn gyfieithiad o adnoddau gan ZigZag Education. Astudiaethau’r cyfryngau, TGAU, CBAC, gwefannau, cylchgronau, cerddoriaeth. Canllaw Adolygu TGAU CBAC 2012 ‘Gwefannau’r Diwydiant Cerddoriaeth’ a ‘Cylchgronau Cerddoriaeth’ Adran i’r Athrawon Llyfryn i’r Myfyrwyr Deunydd Estynedig
Famous Welsh Quiz - Fact file Ellis Wynne

Famous Welsh Quiz - Fact file Ellis Wynne

Famous Welsh Quiz is an interactive resource to be used as a tool for discussion by engaging pupils in thinking about Famous Welsh people and when they lived, their achievements and an opportunity to study further by way of the additional fact files in the resource. Each set of famous Welsh people featured are selected to develop thinking in the classroom and to be used as lesson starters related to that time period. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Famous Welsh Quiz - Fact file Dafydd ap Gruffydd

Famous Welsh Quiz - Fact file Dafydd ap Gruffydd

Famous Welsh Quiz is an interactive resource to be used as a tool for discussion by engaging pupils in thinking about Famous Welsh people and when they lived, their achievements and an opportunity to study further by way of the additional fact files in the resource. Each set of famous Welsh people featured are selected to develop thinking in the classroom and to be used as lesson starters related to that time period. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Life in the sixties - Moon travel quiz

Life in the sixties - Moon travel quiz

A comprehensive set of teaching plans and interactive resources using a thematic approach to skills based learning. The unit is designed to be flexible to the teacher’s needs. Use the whole unit, following the plans or take individual activities to blend with your own existing resources. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Cwis Enwogion Cymreig - David Lloyd George

Cwis Enwogion Cymreig - David Lloyd George

Mae’r Cwis Enwogion Cymreig yn adnodd rhyngweithiol y gellir ei ddefnyddio i ysgogi trafodaeth am gyfnod a gorchest yr enwogion hyn. Ceir hefyd ffeiliau o ffeithiau sy’n cynnig mwy o wybodaeth amdanynt. Dewiswyd pob cyfres o enwogion er mwyn hyrwyddo meddwl yn yr ystafell ddosbarth a gellir hefyd eu defnyddio i gychwyn gwersi am y cyfnodau penodol.
Life in the sixties - Fly me to the Moon

Life in the sixties - Fly me to the Moon

A comprehensive set of teaching plans and interactive resources using a thematic approach to skills based learning. The unit is designed to be flexible to the teacher’s needs. Use the whole unit, following the plans or take individual activities to blend with your own existing resources. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Cwis Enwogion Cymreig - Ellis Wynne

Cwis Enwogion Cymreig - Ellis Wynne

Mae’r Cwis Enwogion Cymreig yn adnodd rhyngweithiol y gellir ei ddefnyddio i ysgogi trafodaeth am gyfnod a gorchest yr enwogion hyn. Ceir hefyd ffeiliau o ffeithiau sy’n cynnig mwy o wybodaeth amdanynt. Dewiswyd pob cyfres o enwogion er mwyn hyrwyddo meddwl yn yr ystafell ddosbarth a gellir hefyd eu defnyddio i gychwyn gwersi am y cyfnodau penodol.
Famous Welsh Quiz - Fact file David Lloyd George

Famous Welsh Quiz - Fact file David Lloyd George

Famous Welsh Quiz is an interactive resource to be used as a tool for discussion by engaging pupils in thinking about Famous Welsh people and when they lived, their achievements and an opportunity to study further by way of the additional fact files in the resource. Each set of famous Welsh people featured are selected to develop thinking in the classroom and to be used as lesson starters related to that time period. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Crwban Bach - Gwahanol

Crwban Bach - Gwahanol

Cyfres o storïau llun electronig i’w defnyddio gyda phlant ifanc. Ceir hefyd fframiau stori ar gyfer yr athrawon. Gyda’r storïau ceir pedwar gweithgaredd lle mae angen cymorth ar y Crwban Bach i ddatrys sawl problem. Mae’r gweithgareddau hyn ar gael yn Flash a PowerPoint. Cyfres o storïau llun electronig am y Crwban Bach ynghyd a gweithgareddau a fframiau stori.
Health & Safety in the Tourism Industry -Copthorne

Health & Safety in the Tourism Industry -Copthorne

The resource is designed to be used as a part of a structured programme of teaching and learning, assisting students in applying knowledge to a range of travel and tourism organisations operating in different sectors of the industry. A range of activities have been incorporated into the resource. Some of these are interactive, others require students to undertake additional research and produce written answers. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Crwban Bach - Tebyg

Crwban Bach - Tebyg

Cyfres o storïau llun electronig i’w defnyddio gyda phlant ifanc. Ceir hefyd fframiau stori ar gyfer yr athrawon. Gyda’r storïau ceir pedwar gweithgaredd lle mae angen cymorth ar y Crwban Bach i ddatrys sawl problem. Mae’r gweithgareddau hyn ar gael yn Flash a PowerPoint. Cyfres o storïau llun electronig am y Crwban Bach ynghyd a gweithgareddau a fframiau stori.
Crwban Bach - Os Yna

Crwban Bach - Os Yna

Cyfres o storïau llun electronig i’w defnyddio gyda phlant ifanc. Ceir hefyd fframiau stori ar gyfer yr athrawon. Gyda’r storïau ceir pedwar gweithgaredd lle mae angen cymorth ar y Crwban Bach i ddatrys sawl problem. Mae’r gweithgareddau hyn ar gael yn Flash a PowerPoint. Cyfres o storïau llun electronig am y Crwban Bach ynghyd a gweithgareddau a fframiau stori.
Entry Level Literacy 14-19 - Tutor notes

Entry Level Literacy 14-19 - Tutor notes

Literacy units which use Fuse Creator software, creating interactive activities, including animations and sound. The units within the course are designed for entry level learners (1-3) within 14-19. Within the tasks there are questions, an opportunity for corrections and help sheets. Once completed, each unit is scored which may be printed and used within a portfolio. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Llythrennedd Lefel Mynediad 14-19 Uned 1

Llythrennedd Lefel Mynediad 14-19 Uned 1

Unedau ar gyfer llythrennedd sy'n defnyddio meddalwedd Fuse Creator i greu gweithgareddau rhyngweithiol, yn cynnwys animeiddiadau a sain. Mae&'r unedau o fewn y cwrs wedi eu cynllunio ar gyfer dysgwyr lefel mynediad (1-3) 14-19. O fewn y tasgau rhyngweithiol mae cwestiwn, cyfle i gywiro a gweithgareddau cymorth. Wedi cwblhau uned mae sgôr y gellir ei argraffu a&';i ddefnyddio o fewn portffolio.
Technoleg Tecstilau - Bagiau Plastig - Dadansoddi

Technoleg Tecstilau - Bagiau Plastig - Dadansoddi

Cyfres gynhwysfawr o adnoddau amlgyfrwng i gefnogi addysgu cwrs TGAU Dylunio a Thechnoleg, Technoleg Tecstilau. Gellir llwytho’r deunyddiau i lawr fel cwrs Moodle cyfan neu fel elfennau ar wahân. Mae’r adnoddau dwyieithog yn cynnwys clipiau fideo, animeiddiadau, testun, a chwisiau o fewn Moodle a gellir eu defnyddio ar fwrdd gwyn rhyngweithiol ar gyfer addysgu'r dosbarth cyfan neu gan y disgyblion ar gyfrifiaduron eu hunain. Mae&'r delweddau a ddefnyddiwd hyd y gwyddom yn dod o ffynonellau nad yw eu defnydd yn tramgwyddo rheolau hawlfraint.