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NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.




NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.
National Curriculum

National Curriculum

A short revision summary on the National Curriculum. Includes: Curriculum Background Curriculum 2000 Criticisms of the National Curriculum
WJEC PH 2 Resources

WJEC PH 2 Resources

Notes, presentations and data for WJEC PH2. Includes information on: Bohr Theory Photoelectric Effect Quantum Effects Spectra X Ray Spectra
Key Skills in Hairdressing

Key Skills in Hairdressing

A comprehensive set of resources for Key Skills in Hairdressing, also suitable for the learner in the Workplace. These resources can support the learner in developing and applying the skills and knowledge required for applying Key Skills in a Hairdressing context.
Gelligaer Wind Farm

Gelligaer Wind Farm

Thinking skills activities based on Gelligaer Wind farm also developing sketch map, memory map and classification skills.
Let's look at chapels

Let's look at chapels

A range of art videos and interactive activities based on the work of Cefyn Burgess and his work on chapels.The pack looks closely at lines and shapes and includes interactive activities that allow pupils to consider the diferent shapes that make up the chapel and then go on to collage their own chapel. With thanks to UWIC Press for permission to use the Let's Look videos http://www.uwicpress.co.uk/primary-design-c-8.html
Composing a backing track

Composing a backing track

This resource is aimed at Year 7 students. It includes a detailed lesson plan and accompanying music files. Students will begin to produce an instrumental backing track to accompany a group rap piece by: Identifying key features in a backing track Learning how to input a basic drum pattern on Cubase Learning how to input a basic bass riff on Cubase Copying, pasting and looping motifs Altering the tempo as necessary
Traidcraft Resources

Traidcraft Resources

This resource takes pupils on a virtual tour of towns and villages in India and examines the difference traidcraft has made to the lives of the local people. The images used in the resource are courtesy of Kathy Home.
Die Gesundheit : E1 – Gute Vorsätze fürs neue Jahr

Die Gesundheit : E1 – Gute Vorsätze fürs neue Jahr

This unit introduces pupils to the vocabulary associated with New Year Resolutions and the use of ‘WERDEN’ to form the future tense. This is one of four units consisting of a variety of interactive reading, listening and writing activities. Pupils are encouraged to seek and identify patterns in language, to use cognates to understand text, to discuss their language learning and to acquire memorising techniques.
La Salud: U3 – Consejos Para Mantenerse Sano

La Salud: U3 – Consejos Para Mantenerse Sano

This unit introduces pupils to Spanish structures used to give advice on keeping fit and healthy, with the focus on the use of the infinitive and the imperative. One of four units consisting of a variety of interactive reading, listening and writing activities, including a ‘Medical Test’ and an interactive ‘Aerobics Class’, the main focus is on the development of skills and language learning strategies. Pupils are encouraged to seek and identify patterns in language, to discuss their language learning and to use the language creatively.
Die Gesundheit : Einheit 2 - Treibst du Sport?

Die Gesundheit : Einheit 2 - Treibst du Sport?

In this unit, pupils are encouraged to extend sentences, form questions and use negative sentences, within the theme of sport and exercise. This is one of four units consisting of a variety of interactive reading, listening and writing activities, where the main focus is on the development of skills and language learning strategies. Pupils are encouraged to seek and identify patterns in language, to use cognates to understand text, to discuss their language learning and to acquire memorising techniques.
Gofyn Cwestiynau

Gofyn Cwestiynau

Casgliad o adnoddau lliwgar a deniadol ar gyfer datblygu iaith dysgwyr Cyfnod Allweddol 2 a 3 sydd yn canolbwyntio ar holi cwestiynau. Ceir adnoddau drilio a gweithgareddau i gadarnhau'r patrymau. Gellid defnyddio&'r cyfan gyda thaflunydd digidol a gyda bwrdd gwyn rhyngweithiol neu gall disgyblion unigol wneud defnydd o&';r gweithgareddau ar gyfrifiadur. Mae'r 12 uned yn rhoi sylw i gwestiynau yn y presennol, yr amherffaith, y gorffennol, y dyfodol a&'r amodol gydag unedau adolygu pwrpasol hefyd.
Entry Level Literacy 14-19 Unit Reference 3

Entry Level Literacy 14-19 Unit Reference 3

Literacy units which use Fuse Creator software, creating interactive activities, including animations and sound. The units within the course are designed for entry level learners (1-3) within 14-19. Within the tasks there are questions, an opportunity for corrections and help sheets. Once completed, each unit is scored which may be printed and used within a portfolio. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Tystysgrif Estynedig mewn Chwaraeon

Tystysgrif Estynedig mewn Chwaraeon

Mae’r Dystysgrif Estynedig BTEC Lefel 2 mewn Chwaraeon yn cynnig y wybodaeth allweddol a’r sgiliau ymarferol sydd eu hangen mewn chwaraeon a hamdden. Mae’r adnodd hwn yn darparu deunyddiau addysgu a dysgu ar gyfer unedau 1, 3, 4, 7 ac 18. Gall tystiolaeth ar gyfer asesu gael ei gynhyrchu trwy amrywiaeth o weithgareddau yn cynnwys sesiynau ymarferol, sesiynau hyfforddi, aseiniadau ysgrifenedig, a chyflwyniadau Power point. Mae’r dysgwyr yn cael eu hannog i gymryd cyfrifoldeb dros eu gwaith eu hunain ac fe fyddant yn cael adborth ar eu datblygiad trwy gydol y cwrs.
Burgers - Planning to make your burger

Burgers - Planning to make your burger

A series of activities to develop the pupils skills as they prepare. Emphasis is placed on the importance of hygiene in food preparation. Pupils are given the opportunity to investigate readymade meals on the market. There’s an opportunity to develop number when weighing readymade foods and measuring their area. After creating a brief, there are a series of videos to introduce making skills as the pupils prepare and cook in the classroom. The final unit focuses on the importance of evaluating their product and the process. Please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Canal History and Wildlife - Rubbish in Lock 20

Canal History and Wildlife - Rubbish in Lock 20

Fourteen Locks KS2 Education Resource Pack. This is a fully planned cross-curricular KS2 teaching and learning resource. It has been developed through partnership between The Fourteen Locks Education Through Restoration Project, The Blaenavon Forgotten Landscapes Project and Keep Wales Tidy and contains: Practical Learning Resources, including video resources; Teacher Guidance; Curriculum Links. The resource is free to use by schools, but permission is needed for any other purpose. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Sporting Heroes

Sporting Heroes

This resource pack consists of a series of files which can be used separately or in the order in which they are numbered to create a lesson sequence exploring the concept of a sporting hero. There are supporting activities, factsheets and worksheets looking at a variety of sporting heroes and examining the history of sport. Learners will address issues such as changes in sport and the role of the media in creating a sporting hero. The resource concludes with an assessment for learning activity.
Glove puppets

Glove puppets

An interactive whiteboard resource which allows the child to assemble a puppet and learn how to create simple stitches.