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Mrs G's Little Lessons

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I've been an avid TES user and KS1 teacher for almost 20 years and love to share and discover new resources both on here and on my class Youtube Channel!

I've been an avid TES user and KS1 teacher for almost 20 years and love to share and discover new resources both on here and on my class Youtube Channel!
DIAL grid template

DIAL grid template

A simple worksheet where different images can be edited in for children to have opportunities to record their inferences, predictions and ask questions about illustrations from a text. A quick and simple way of recording some reading evidence for Y2 readers skills too!
Year 2 UK Mini Quiz

Year 2 UK Mini Quiz

Check out this mini quiz and see if you can name the 4 countries of the United Kingdom, the continents as well as the capital cities for all the UK countries.
Stories from the Bible Mini Quiz

Stories from the Bible Mini Quiz

Do you know which part of the Bible some stories are from? Check out this quick and simple quiz to see if you know the difference between the Old and New Testament.
Hidden Homophones Game Y2

Hidden Homophones Game Y2

Introduce Year 2 children to the concept of homophones by playing this guessing game. Can the children guess the correct spelling of the word which is hiding before all the blocks disappear?
Greater than or Less than Mini Quiz

Greater than or Less than Mini Quiz

Can you help Charlie Croc compare these numbers and choose the correct mathematical sign to show whether one number is less than, equal to or greater than another number? Dont’ forget - Charlie Croc only eats the biggest number!
Y2 Noun, Verb or Adjective SPaGasaurus Stomp Quiz

Y2 Noun, Verb or Adjective SPaGasaurus Stomp Quiz

Test your word knowledge in this fun dinosaur themed quiz that helps you revise the definitions of nouns, verbs and adjectives before children are then asked to identify whether given words in a sentence are nouns, verbs or adjectives.
How many tens?

How many tens?

A simple, multiple choice quiz to see if children can correctly identify the tens number in a 2 digit number.
Y2 Telling the Time Quiz

Y2 Telling the Time Quiz

Revise and consolidate children’s knowledge of telling the time to the 4 main times in a simple ‘What time is it Mr Wolf?’ mini quiz. Recap o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to on an analogue clock.
Titanic Resources

Titanic Resources

Worksheets about: What jobs did people have on Titanic Important people aboard Titanic Photos of important people for display x2
The Lonely Beast Worksheet Pack

The Lonely Beast Worksheet Pack

A simple set of worksheets focussed on The Lonely Beast by Chris Judge that help your child practice their writing skills including captions and speech marks to help them build up to writing a newspaper report.
How to Find Gold English worksheet pack

How to Find Gold English worksheet pack

A set of simple worksheets linked to the book How to Find Gold by Vivianne Schwarz to help children explore the text, work on adjectives and write full and descriptive sentences based around the text.
Y2 SATS Arithmetic Practice Multiplication and Division

Y2 SATS Arithmetic Practice Multiplication and Division

Do your Year 2s complete Special Agent Training to help them work through the end of KS1 assessments? Help your children tackle some of the SATS style questions they may face when they complete the Arithmetic SAT paper by showing them methods to help them work out the answers to some worked examples from past papers. As Special Agents, this training is an important part of ensuring the children feel ready for anything! These powerpoints work through the question types, and work up to the trickier questions types.
The Highway Rat resources

The Highway Rat resources

A set of simple resources to help children begin to understand how to sequence sentences and use description to improve their indpendent writing.
Y1 Common Exception Words Speedy Spellers

Y1 Common Exception Words Speedy Spellers

A set of simple worksheets to help your child feel more confident recognising the correct spelling of some of the Y1 Common Exception Words - how quickly can the children circle the correct spelling in each set of 6? Want to send these home or ask the children to play along at home? Check out the teaching videos that accompany these worksheets on my Youtube Channel here: Y1 CEW video 4: https://youtu.be/K7LHZSiO8UU Y1 CEW video 7: https://youtu.be/WDCiUAwK-hQ Y1 CEW video 8: https://youtu.be/HUEcxGnR1Fg Y1 CEW video 10: https://youtu.be/9AbFDpcVqyM Y1 CEW video 12: https://youtu.be/5un1ywTUzbk Y1 CEW video 14: https://youtu.be/eYJrgQRwakk
Y2 SATS Position and Direction Reasoning Practice

Y2 SATS Position and Direction Reasoning Practice

Do your children train to be Special Agents to help them prepare for the end of KS1 SATS? Check out these mini, interactive quizzes that revise a range of past SAT questions to help them become the best Special Agent they can be! Wish you could encourage the children to do a little extra practice at home? Why not send the link to the teaching video that accompanies this quiz home and let Mrs G help you out? https://youtu.be/9D3G980Y-q4
Y2 SATS Measures Reasoning Practice

Y2 SATS Measures Reasoning Practice

Do your children train to be Special Agents to help them prepare for the end of KS1 SATS? Check out these mini, interactive quizzes that revise a range of past SAT questions to help them become the best Special Agent they can be! Wish you could encourage the children to do a little extra practice at home? Why not send the link to the teaching video that accompanies this quiz home and let Mrs G help you out? https://youtu.be/iwpSS3d0EzA