Welcome to the Online Teaching Resources TES shop. Here you'll find hundreds of KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 teaching resources in the form of editable PowerPoints and worksheets for English, Maths, Science and History. All materials are made with the UK National Curriculum in mind and have been created to engage and enthuse learners. You can find out more and access hundreds more brilliant resources at our websites www.Teacher-of-Primary.com and www.Teacher-of-English.com.
Welcome to the Online Teaching Resources TES shop. Here you'll find hundreds of KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 teaching resources in the form of editable PowerPoints and worksheets for English, Maths, Science and History. All materials are made with the UK National Curriculum in mind and have been created to engage and enthuse learners. You can find out more and access hundreds more brilliant resources at our websites www.Teacher-of-Primary.com and www.Teacher-of-English.com.
‘Sonnet 29 - I Think of Thee’ contains a comprehensive 28-slide PowerPoint-based GCSE teaching resource with 8 accompanying worksheets.
This two-lesson mini unit, aimed at middle-ability GCSE learners, enables students to explore ‘Sonnet 29’ by Elizabeth Barrett Browning in detail.
The first lesson introduces students to the sonnet form and explores key terms that they will need in order to analyse ‘Sonnet 29’. After a differentiated ‘Do Now’ activity, students undertake tasks that cover the concept of syllables, feet and metre, and the difference between the Petrarchan and English sonnet form. The lesson concludes with a brief ‘true or false’ activity as a learning review.
In the second lesson, students apply what they have learnt to an analysis of Browning’s sonnet. After a similarly differentiated ‘Do Now task’, they work in pairs to explore ‘Sonnet 29’, considering how both language and structural methods shape meaning in the poem. At the end of the lesson, students fill in an ‘exit ticket’ that will help teachers to gauge how confident their students feel in their understanding of ‘Sonnet 29’.
Suggested answers are provided for all tasks.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for more AQA Anthology Poetry - Love and Relationships resources:
When We Two Parted
Love’s Philosophy
Porphyria’s Lover
Neutral Tones
The Farmer’s Bride
Eden Rock
Mother, Any Distance
Before You Were Mine
Walking Away
Letters From Yorkshire
Winter Swans
Singh Song!
Climbing My Grandfather
AQA GCSE Anthology Poetry Love and Relationships Pack
Acrostic Poetry Year 3 / Year 4
Acrostic Poetry Year 3 / Year 4 is a complete lesson made up of a 24-slide editable PowerPoint and 3 differentiated worksheets. It covers the Lower KS2 topic ‘Recognising Poetry’ from the Year 3/4 Programme of Study in an engaging and enjoyable way.
The lesson introduces acrostic poetry using an example that is broken down and analysed as a whole class, with prompts for discussion and feedback. Following this activity, there is a group acrostic-writing exercise and differentiated worksheets to help children write their own acrostic poems with varied success criteria.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar poetry resources:
Acrostic Poetry - KS3
Limericks - KS2
Cinquain Poetry - KS2
Sonnets - KS2
Tanka Poetry - KS2
Free Verse Poetry - KS2
Haiku Poetry - KS2
Narrative Poetry - KS2
Finding Equivalent Fractions - Year 3
In ‘Finding Equivalent Fractions - Year 3’ pupils explore finding equivalent fractions using number lines and bar models. This teaching resource covers the year 3 curriculum objective in the maths programme of study and supports the White Rose small steps guidance for year 3 - Spring - Block 3 - Fractions A.
Content includes:
PowerPoint presentation
Activities to support the teaching of these small steps
Worksheet with answers
‘Finding Equivalent Fractions - Year 3’ is editable allowing teachers to adapt the resource to meet the needs of each class they teach.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar Year 3 fractions resources:
Fractions and Interpreting Scales - Year 3
Understanding the Whole - Year 3
Numerators of Unit and Non-unit Fractions - Year 3
Denominators of Unit Fractions - Year 3
Comparing and Ordering Unit Fractions - Year 3
Comparing and Ordering Non-unit Fractions - Year 3
Fractions on a Number Line - Year 3
Year 3 Fractions ‘A’ Bundle
War Horse
War Horse is a unit of work containing a 142-slide PowerPoint, 14 PDF worksheets and 13 lessons. This scheme of work explores the novel chapter by chapter, analysing the book’s plot, characters, themes and language through a range of engaging activities. These teaching resources can be used with Year 5 or Year 6 (Upper KS2) or with a lower ability Year 7 group either as a whole class text or as part of a guided reading programme.
Below are examples of the activities contained in the lessons.
Comprehension questions
Chapter by chapter activities to consolidate understanding
Research task – World War One
Making predictions about War Horse using the cover, title, author and blurb
Exploring and discussing themes
Character analysis of Joey, Albert, Father and Captain Nicholls
Understanding the features of a novel – how does Michael Morpurgo use language and narrative structure in War Horse?
Close analysis of language in key scenes
Role play and hot seating activities
Understanding War Horse’s characters through empathetic writing – diary writing
Developing inference and deduction skills
Writing a newspaper story about key events in the story
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see resources for other popular upper KS2 / lower KS3 novels:
The Silver Sword
The Demon Headmaster
Charlotte’s Web
Billionaire Boy
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
A Christmas Carol
Possessive Apostrophes - Year 2
'Possessive Apostrophes - Year 2’ introduces pupils to apostrophes to mark singular possession as per the curriculum objectives of the Year 2 English programme of study - Writing - vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. This engaging PowerPoint lesson includes class activities with accompanying worksheets for children to use during the lesson. It contains 3 further differentiated worksheets to reinforce and consolidate the children’s learning. Content includes:
What is a possession explanation
What are possessive apostrophes explanation
Class activities with accompanying worksheets with answers
3 differentiated worksheets with answers
‘Possessive Apostrophes - Year 2’ can be edited giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource if needed to suit each class they teach.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar resources:
Apostrophes to Mark Plural Possession - Year 3/4
Using the Apostrophe
Exclamation Marks - Year 1
‘Exclamation Marks - Year 1’ introduces pupils to exclamation marks as per the curriculum objective in the Year 1 English programme of study. It consists of an engaging PowerPoint lesson along with class activities to check understanding. These activities are documented on two worksheets for children to use during the lesson. It also includes 3 further differentiated worksheets with answers to reinforce and consolidate understanding.
‘Exclamation Marks - Year 1’ can be edited giving you the freedom to adapt the resource if needed to suit each class you teach.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar resources:
Exclamation Marks
Exclamation Marks - KS1
GCSE Broadsheet Newspaper Article Writing
(KS4 unit of work with PowerPoint and worksheets)
This differentiated unit of work, which is aimed at middle-to-upper ability GCSE students, explains how to write an effective article for a broadsheet newspaper as required by the GCSE English Language exam.
The unit is made up of five individual lessons, each with differentiated tasks that teach the components of a successful broadsheet article:
The structural features of a broadsheet article
Effective and imaginative article headings
How to write an engaging introduction
Coherent paragraphs with a topic sentence, evidence and discussion
Formative assessment task with WAGOLL and success criteria.
Suggested answers are included for all tasks.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar resources:
Writing a Review
Persuasive Writing
Writing to Persuade
Writing Effective Story Openings
Writing to Entertain
Writing Fiction - Creating Characters - KS3
GCSE Speech Writing
GCSE English Narrative Writing
GCSE English Writing Fiction - Descriptive Writing
Eating Healthy Food - KS1
In this KS1 science teaching resource pupils are introduced to healthy eating and a balanced diet. Content includes:
Why we need food explanation
What is a balanced diet explanation
Food groups explanation
Sorting food groups activity with accompanying worksheet
Class food groups quiz
Choosing healthy options class activity
2 further worksheets
‘Eating Healthy Food - KS1’ can be edited giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource as much or as little as needed.
Contractions - Year 2
'Contractions - Year 2’ introduces pupils to apostrophes for contracted forms as per the curriculum objectives of the Year 2 English programme of study - Writing - vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. This engaging PowerPoint lesson includes class activities with an accompanying worksheet for children to use during the lesson. It contains 3 further differentiated worksheets to reinforce and consolidate the children’s learning. Content includes:
What are contractions explanation
What are apostrophes explanation
Class activities with an accompanying worksheet with answers
3 differentiated worksheets with answers
‘Contractions - Year 2’ can be edited giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource if needed to suit each class they teach.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar resources:
Possessive Apostrophes
Using the Apostrophe
Apostrophes to Mark Plural Possession
English Functional Skills - Level 2
A ready to teach 10 lesson unit of work which includes a 109-slide editable PowerPoint and 9 worksheets
This detailed teaching unit covers everything required by Level 2 Functional Skills English. It focuses on the impact of social media on society and covers reading, debating and discursive writing. The resource includes a range of activities which develop communication skills and cover the key criteria for Functional Skills English from 2019.
Contents include the following:
An introduction to Functional Skills with an accompanying video
Reading, discussing, comparing and contrasting articles about the negative and positive effects of social media
Learning about trusted sources and the dangers of Fake News
Following and understanding both sides of an argument and taking part in a class debate
Activities to improve writing skills – how audience affects a text and how to write a balanced discussion text
Reading and comprehension skills – studying articles and writing answers
How to structure writing for impact
Drafting and editing to improve written work
And more!
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more English Functional Skills resources:
Functional Skills Entry Level 1
Functional Skills Entry Level 2
Functional Skills Entry Level 3
Functional Skills Level 1
Year 8 Comprehension Bundle
This Y8 reading bundle contains three comprehension units:
Great Expectations
Ruby in the Night
Walking Away
Click the titles to find out more about each unit.
Equivalent Fractions - Year 4
This KS2 maths teaching resource covers the curriculum objective in the year 4 maths programme of study (Number - fractions, including decimals).
Content includes:
An introduction to fractions recap
An explanation of equivalent fractions
Name the equivalent fraction activity and worksheet
Shading diagrams to represent the fraction and naming the equivalent fraction activity and worksheet
An explanation of how to find equivalent fractions
Finding equivalent fractions shading activity and worksheet
Finding equivalent fractions activity and two accompanying worksheets
The 1/2 Family, the 1/4 Family and the 1/10 Family of equivalent fractions
Identifying the equivalent fractions of 1/2 activity and worksheet
Identifying halves, thirds, quarters and sixths activity and worksheet
Equivalent fractions cloud activity
Equivalent fractions word problems and worksheet
Link to an online equivalent fractions game
Coloured fraction wall worksheets and black and white colouring sheets
Cut out fraction wall strips
Further differentiated equivalent fractions worksheet with answers
‘Equivalent Fractions - Year 4’ can be edited so teachers are able to adapt the resource to meet the needs of each class they teach.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar resources:
Adding and Subtracting Fractions - Year 4
Equivalent Fractions - Year 3
Finding Equivalent Fractions - Year 3
Halves, Quarters and Three Quarters as Decimals - Year 4
Tenths and Hundredths - Year 4
Walking Away
This two-lesson mini-unit explores Cecil Day-Lewis’s ‘Walking Away’ in detail. Designed for GCSE pupils studying the AQA Love and Relationships cluster, this resource studies the poem in depth and explains how to write an essay comparing it to other poems from the anthology. The resource is made up of a 59-slide editable PowerPoint presentation and 7 accompanying worksheets.
The two lessons contain the following:
Lesson One
Context – A brief outline of Cecil Day-Lewis’s life and factors that may have inspired the poem.
First Contact – An initial reading of ‘Walking Away’ with a glossary included. Comprehension questions with example answers.
Exploring Meaning – Analysing ‘Walking Away’ in detail. Exploring key imagery and answering questions that delve deeper. Model answers provided.
Essay Writing – An essay question to assess initial understanding. A model answer is included.
Lesson Two
Themes – Analysing the themes of ‘Walking Away’: parent/child relationships, memory, time, distance and growing up.
Language – Exploring Day-Lewis’s use of language. An analysis of imagery and a line-by-line examination of the poem, with questions and answers.
Structure and Form – How Day-Lewis uses the first-person perspective, direct address, caesura, rhyme and enjambment.
The GCSE Exam – How to write a comparison essay. Comparing ‘Walking Away’ with ‘Before You Were Mine’ and ‘Mother, Any Distance’. Model answers included.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for more AQA Anthology Poetry - Love and Relationships resources:
When We Two Parted
Love’s Philosophy
Porphyria’s Lover
Sonnet 29 – ‘I think of thee!’
Neutral Tones
The Farmer’s Bride
Eden Rock
Mother, Any Distance
Before You Were Mine
Letters From Yorkshire
Winter Swans
Singh Song!
Climbing My Grandfather
AQA GCSE Anthology Poetry Love and Relationships Pack
An Inspector Calls - Eric Birling
GCSE English Literature – Post 1914 Drama ‘An Inspector Calls’
This resource teaches learners about the character of Eric Birling in detail. Designed for GCSE pupils, it explores the character in depth and explains how to write an essay in exam conditions. It is made up of a 24-slide editable PowerPoint presentation and 4 accompanying worksheets.
The resource contains the following:
Exploring first impressions of Eric using the play’s opening stage directions and early dialogue.
Creating an Eric Birling character profile.
Exploring Eric’s character development - how and why he changes and his role in the play.
Studying key quotes that reveal Eric’s changing character traits.
Comprehension questions to assess understanding of character, theme and Priestley’s purpose (with example answers provided).
Exam essay writing activity with example essay plan and model response included.
To preview a selection of slides from ‘An Inspector Calls – Eric Birling’, please click on the images.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar resources:
An Inspector Calls - GCSE Unit of Work
An Inspector Calls - Arthur Birling
An Inspector Calls - Sybil Birling
An Inspector Calls - Shelia Birling
An Inspector Calls - Gerald Croft
An Inspector Calls - Comparing Goole and Birling
An Inspector Calls - Dramatic Irony
An Inspector Calls - Context (Capitalism and Socialism)
An Inspector Calls - Themes
An Inspector Calls - Plot Summaries
An Inspector Calls - The Eduqas GCSE English Literature Exam Question
An Inspector Calls - Year 9 Unit of Work
Full Stops and Capital Letters
In this English PowerPoint presentation pupils learn how to punctuate sentences using capital letters and full stops as per the year 1 English programme of study (Writing - vocabulary. grammar and punctuation). Content includes:
1. How to use capital letters and full stops when writing a sentence.
2. Animated activities with 2 accompanying worksheets for pupils to use
during the lesson.
3. 1 further worksheet with answers.
4. Links to a capital letter game and a full stop game.
'Full Stops and Capital Letters' can be edited allowing teachers to adapt the resource to suit their individual needs.
KS2 History Teaching Resources: Life in a Roman Town
KS2 History Teaching Resources: Life in a Roman Town is a 14 slide PowerPoint resource ideal for teaching pupils about life in Roman towns and cities. KS2/KS3 History Teaching Resources: Life in a Roman Town includes:
A short film about life in Rome
An introduction to Roman town life
A labelled plan of the Roman town of Silchester
Exploration and explanation - what everyday life was like for rich and poor
The key buildings and places of a Roman town - the forum, town hall, law courts, etc
The importance of health and hygiene
Design a Roman town consolidation task
'A day in the life of a Roman' diary entry task
Co-ordinating Conjunctions - Year 2
In this English grammar teaching resource, pupils practise using the co-ordinating conjunctions ‘or’, ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘so’ as per the curriculum objectives of the Year 2 programme of study (Writing - vocabulary, grammar and punctuation). This engaging and animated PowerPoint lesson includes:
A conjunction explanation
A link to a BBC conjunction video
6 conjunction activities with 2 accompanying worksheets
3 differentiated worksheets with answers
As with all our PowerPoint teaching resources, ‘Co-ordinating Conjunctions - Year 2’ is completely editable so that teachers can adapt, alter and revise it as much or as little as required.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar resources:
Subordinating Conjunctions - Year 2
Conjunctions Bundle - Year 2
Conjunctions - Year 3/4
Causal Conjunctions - Year 3/4
Time Conjunctions - Year 3/4
Causal Conjunctions - Year 7
Time Conjunctions - Year 7
Number Line to 1000 - Year 3
In this lower KS2 maths teaching resource, pupils identify, represent and estimate numbers to 1000 on a number line. These activities cover the year 3 curriculum objectives in the maths programme of study (Number - number and place value) and supports the White Rose small steps guidance for year 3 - Autumn - Block 1 - Place Value. Content includes:
Activities containing varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving to reinforce and consolidate the children’s learning with 1 accompanying worksheet to use alongside the presentation
3 further differentiated varied fluency and reasoning and problem solving worksheets with answers
‘Number Line to 1000 - Year 3’ is editable so teachers can adapt the resource to meet their individual teaching needs.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more Year 3 Place Value resources:
Hundreds - Year 3
Representing Numbers to 1000 - Year 3
100s, 10s and 1s - Year 3
10 and 100 More or Less - Year 3
Comparing Objects up to 1000 - Year 3
Comparing Numbers up to 1000 - Year 3
Ordering Numbers up to 1000 - Year 3
Counting in 50s - Year 3
Ordering Numbers to 100 - Year 2
In this maths teaching resource pupils practise comparing numbers up to 100 and placing them in ascending and descending order as per the curriculum objectives of the year 2 maths programme of study (Number - number and place value).
This animated PowerPoint presentation includes:
1. Ascending and descending order explanations
2. An ascending order activity with accompanying worksheet
3. A descending order activity with accompanying worksheet
4. 1 further worksheet with answers
'Ordering Numbers to 100 - Year 2' can be used exactly as it is or it can be edited, personalised and differentiated to suit your teaching needs.
Subtraction - finding a part - Year 1
In ‘Subtraction - finding a part - Year 1’ pupils use their knowledge of number bonds within 10 to find missing parts and represent their findings using subtraction sentences. This maths teaching resource supports the White Rose small steps guidance for Year 1 - Autumn - Block 2 - Addition and Subtraction. Content include:
Animated PowerPoint presentation
Activities to support the teaching of this small step with 4 accompanying worksheets
1 further worksheet with answers
‘Subtraction - finding a part - Year 1’ is fully editable, giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource to meet all their teaching requirements.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar Year 1 White Rose addition and subtraction resources:
Parts and Wholes - Year 1
Part-whole Models - Year 1
Writing Addition Number Sentences - Year 1
Fact Families - the eight facts - Year 1
Number Bonds Within 10 - Year 1
Systematic Number Bonds Within 10 - Year 1
Number Bonds to 10 - Year 1
Addition - Adding Together - Year 1
Addition - Adding More - Year 1
Addition Problems - Year 1
Finding a Part - Year 1
Fact Families - Addition Facts - Year 1
Subtraction - Taking Away and Crossing Out - Year 1
Subtraction - Taking Away - Year 1
Subtraction on a Number Line - Year 1
Add or Subtract 1 or 2 - Year 1
Year 1 Addition and Subtraction within 10 Bundle