A worksheet designed to test and develop pupil's understanding of the different classifications of data. Includes Primary/Secondary, Categorical/Discrete/Continuous and Qualitative/Quantitative. Worksheet differentiated into Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum to allow for different pupils to access different starting points. Bronze starts with multiple choice questions, Silver simple descriptions, Gold asks for an approach to data capture in addition to the type of data, and Platinum simply supplies the type of data required and asks pupils to decide how the data should be captured and what type of data it is. Designed for Foundation tier GCSE pupils, but could be useful for Key Stage 3 or GCSE Statistics pupils.
Linked to the defining vectors activity, using the vectors defined in the image to prove standard results like ratios of line segments, whether points lie on straight lines, etc. For extra challenge take out the image with the pre-defined vectors and add the image from my vector definition activity so that pupils have to define the vectors before using them. Answers can be found on the prezi at link https://prezi.com/lenmenrpi1li/vector-proof/
A worksheet using new GCSE set notation to show independence (using P(A) x P(B)= P(A^B)) and finding probability of one event or another (using P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A^B)).
A three way matching card resource in the Standards Unit style - the first cards have images of two vectors labelled either a and b or a and -b, the second set of cards give the column vectors of a and b to match to the pictures (note b is given even when the picture shows -b for added difficulty) and then the third set has the result of the vector addition/subtraction to match to the previous two. There are 6 additions and 6 subtractions altogether. Use an alternative resource to introduce or revise column vectors or adding and subtracting with vectors at GCSE or A-Level.
A tick grid for the properties of the diagonals of quadrilaterals, with a richer follow on activity where pupils have to try and write sentences which fit a given selection of quadrilaterals.
A RAG (Red, Amber, Green) worksheet around identifying invariant points on different transformations, incorporating a CLOZE activity (fill in the blanks), a matching activity, and a Venn Diagram activity
Based on an image from NCTM, pupils have to work out all of the angles in each polygon in the diagram. A couple of necessary facts are given to start, namely the 20 degree angle, the fact that triangle W is isosceles and that S is a regular hexagon and a couple of right angles. Answers on page 2.
Given 3 lengths and 3 perpendiculars, which length is incorrect? If working with non-right-angled trigonometry can also bring in cosine rule and area to check by calculating areas from given lengths. Possibly also some Pythagoras links with the perpendiculars? Is there more than one possible answer?
A past exam question with a problem solving bent on comparing offers broken down into a series of "fill in the gap" sentences designed to aid problem solving.
A series of cards with related decimal calculations, some correct and some incorrect. Pupils have to sort out the correct ones from the incorrect ones. You can give the pupils a correct starter calculation to base off or not as required to support pupils.
A set of cards with "real=life" scenarios, linked to equations, which then have solution cards. Pupils have to link the situation to the equation - for differentiation you can give pupils the cards with the solutions on or not.
Use of Venn Diagrams to find LCM, with three grades of challenge (RAG) moving from given multiples, to identifying multiples of 2 numbers, to identifying multiples of 3 numbers - inspired by Craig Barton's love of Venn Diagrams.