Use this colourful mat to support work on the Victorians
4 front pages, detailing the main events of the Victorian period.
Features exclusive illustrations and some quirky facts about the time!
Use this mat to support work on The Magic Porridge Pot
Can also be used as a mini poster, this is a helpful reference mat with key vocabulary linked to the story
Display the main features of rivers with these clear, simple posters with explanations.
10 features included plus a header poster.
11 A4 posters in total
A set of Follow Me/I Have, You Have/Loop Cards.
A set of 15 cards to practice different angles.
One half of the card has a question, the other half an answer - the loop continues as the child says what question they have on their card, the next child reads out the matching answer, followed by their question.
Great time saver for teachers, NQTs, Student teachers!
Fab activity for a supply teacher to have to hand!
This colourful poster pack will help start off discussion or display based on the Ancient Maya Civilisation.
Featuring 13 different posters, the pack includes social class, food, a map, fact cards and different characters.
Simple and fun game to help consolidate reading and/or spelling of the Year 2 common exception words.
Can be played on your own or with a friend - roll the dice, pick a word in that numbered column, read it or spell it. If correct you can colour it in.
Different players use different colours - the first line/block/grid to be completed is the winner - you decide!
3 different game boards - 30 words on each board (board 3 repeats some words from boards 1 and 2 - all good for extra revision!).
Simple and fun game to help consolidate reading and/or spelling of the Year 3 & 4 common exception words.
Can be played on your own or with a friend - roll the dice, pick a word in that numbered column, read it or spell it. If correct you can colour it in.
Different players use different colours - the first line/block/grid to be completed is the winner - you decide!
4 different game boards - 30 words on each board (board 4 repeats some words from earlier boards - all good for extra revision!).
Display the key features of a book in your book corner, library or on a book themed display.
Perfect for Upper KS1 and KS2 children these colourful posters label the key features of a book including title, blurb, spine, front/back cover, author, illustrator plus a title header.
Each feature is explained with simple text.
7 posters in total.
Digital version can be displayed on your IWB for discussion, and can be printed as many times and in different sizes - shrink to flashcards for children to match against a book on a display, have mini reference sets available - the possibilities are endless!
Display the punctuation taught in Year 5 with this colourful pack.
An A4 poster shows all the elements for the year, then individual cards show each element separately.
1 x A4 poster
8 x Approx A5 cards
Perfect for review and display!
Simple yet effective, these multiple flowers display all the tables from 1x to 12x.
Blank flower is also included to help create a more interactive display.
Would make a great display - add some grass and some bugs for a real garden of multiples!
This set of 5 posters uses our brand new exclusively designed Funky Maths Symbols characters to display vocabulary related to each mathematical operation.
A great display to refer to in your classroom, either on the wall, on a display board or shrunk to make reference cards on each table!
Extra poster includes other useful maths symbols (equals, percent and decimal point)
This pack contains useful background information for teachers about to embark on an Ancient Egypt topic.
Background notes
Timeline information
Curriculum links
Useful resources list
Egyptian calendar
Digital download - PDF file
8 posters showing the main jobs that would have been kept in a castle, plus small flashcards with the job title and illustration.
Each poster has a colourful illustration and some information about the job
Can be used as part of a display, to sort alphabetically… so many uses!