5 minute activity for each session in Autumn 1.
Aim is to recap the basic skills taught in Year 1 and Year 2 in starter form.
Answers included for children to self assess. Most tasks are differentiated by colour.
I've included the overview planning for the terms over the year (subject to change)
P.S. I do automatically include mistakes on some of my slides to promote the children to think for themselves and challenge or correct me. Even if these are accidental I leave them on for future uses. We are working on our 'growth mindset' and how learning happens through mistakes - including the teachers.
5 minute activity for each session in Autumn 2.
Aim is to recap the basic skills taught in Year 1 and Year 2 in starter form.
Answers included for children to self assess. Most tasks are differentiated by colour.
I've included the overview planning for the terms over the year (subject to change)
P.S. I do automatically include mistakes on some of my slides to promote the children to think for themselves and challenge or correct me. Even if these are accidental I leave them on for future uses. We are working on our 'growth mindset' and how learning happens through mistakes - including the teachers.
5 minute activity for each session in Spring 1.
Aim is to recap the basic skills taught in Year 1 and Year 2 in starter form.
Answers included for children to self assess. Most tasks are differentiated by colour.
I've included the overview planning for the terms over the year (subject to change)
P.S. I do automatically include mistakes on some of my slides to promote the children to think for themselves and challenge or correct me. Even if these are accidental I leave them on for future uses. We are working on our 'growth mindset' and how learning happens through mistakes - including the teachers.
I've turned the Year 4 White Rose - Mastery & Greater Depth into a PPT
I also created a word doc with them on to easily print (multiple on each page)
I've turned the Year 1-6 White Rose - Mastery & Greater Depth into a PPT
I also created a word doc with them on to easily print (multiple on each page)
I've turned the Year 5 White Rose - Mastery & Greater Depth into a PPT
I also created a word doc with them on to easily print (multiple on each page)
Maths fluency aid (See below for ‘mini sessions’ included (115)
To be used as a starting point, to ensure all progression steps to fluency have been covered. Something to be stuck into books, work from and assess from.
Easily printable.
WALT: to visually represent bridging 10 using a ten-frame x 4
WALT: to visually represent bridging 10 using a number-line x 4
WALT: to solve and visually represent doubles x 2
WALT: to solve and visually represent near doubles x 2
WALT: to add two numbers using the ‘2 apart strategy x 5
WALT: to add 9 x 2
WALT: to subtract 9 x 2
WALT: adding and subtracting 1 x 4
WALT: adding 2 (to even numbers) x 2
WALT: adding 2 (to odd numbers) x 2
WALT: adding 2 x 1
WALT: subtracting 2 (from even numbers) x 2
WALT: subtracting 2 (from odd numbers) x 2
WALT: subtracting 2 x 1
WALT: adding 3 (to odd numbers) x 2
WALT: adding 3 (to even numbers) x 2
WALT: adding 3 x 1
WALT: subtracting 3 (from odd numbers) x 2
WALT: subtracting 3 (from even numbers) x 2
WALT: subtracting 3 x 1
WALT: adding and subtracting 0 x 2
WALT: multiplying by 0 x 2
WALT: apply knowledge of number bonds to 10 to work out what is missing (Addition) x 6
WALT: apply knowledge of number bonds to 10 to work out what is missing (subtraction) x 6
WALT: apply knowledge of number bonds to 10 to work out what is missing (mixed) x 4
WALT: apply knowledge of number bonds to 20 to work out what is missing (addition) x 8
WALT: apply knowledge of number bonds to 20 to work out what is missing (subtraction) x 4
WALT: apply knowledge of number bonds to 20 to work out what is missing (mixed) x 8
WALT: to use the most effective method to add a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number x 3
WALT: write all the associated facts for these number sentences (addition) x 2
WALT: write all the associated facts for these number sentences (subtraction) x 2
WALT: write all the associated facts for these number sentences (mixed) x 2
WALT: solve these by adding the tens and ones before recombing x 4
WALT: partition these numbers into 10s and 1s x 2
WALT: partition these numbers in non-standard ways x 3
WALT: subtracting a number from itself (without counting) x 2
WALT: pattern spotting – finding half of a number through subtraction x 3
WALT: pattern spotting – adding and subtracting 1 ten x 3
WALT: pattern spotting – adding and subtracting multiples of ten x 3
I've turned the Year 6 White Rose - Mastery & Greater Depth into a PPT
I also created a word doc with them on to easily print (multiple on each page)
I’ve uploaded my White Rose ‘Length and Perimeter’ Spring Block 4 planning, including resources I’ve used from the White Rose and any additional ones I’ve made to myself to supplement. Week 2 of 3.
Week 1 planning incl resources - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/white-rose-planning-year-3-spring-block-4-length-and-perimeter-week-1-of-3-incl-resources-11835631
week 3 planning incl resources - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/white-rose-planning-year-3-spring-block-4-length-and-perimeter-week-3-of-3-incl-resources-11836576
The starter activities referred to I’ve uploaded separately (they’re on a power point). - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/mental-starters-11805783
This is my own personal planning which I’ll be using in my class in a couple of weeks. Hope you find it useful, it’s not made specifically for TES so there will most likely we some spelling errors etc
I've uploaded my White Rose 'Statistics' Spring Block 3 planning, including resources. Week 2 of 2.
I've uploaded my Week 1 of 2 planning here - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/new-white-rose-planning-year-3-spring-block-3-statistics-incl-resources-week-1-of-2-11819404
The starter activities referred to I've uploaded separately (they're on a power point). - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/mental-starters-11805783
This is my own personal planning which I'll be using in my class in a couple of weeks. Hope you find it useful, it's not made specifically for TES.
I’ve uploaded my White Rose ‘Fractions’ Summer Block 1 planning, including resources I’ve used from the White Rose (turned into an easily printable format) and any additional ones I’ve made to myself to supplement. This is week 3 of 5.
Week 1 (Spring block 5) - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/white-rose-planning-year-3-spring-block-5-fractions-week-1-of-2-incl-resources-11849601
Week 2 (Spring block 5) - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/white-rose-planning-year-3-spring-block-5-fractions-week-2-of-5-incl-resources-11850043
Week 3 (Summer block 1) - here
Week 4 (Summer block 1) - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/white-rose-planning-year-3-summer-block-1-fractions-week-4-of-5-incl-resources-11862505
Week 5 (Summer block 1) - to be made
The starter activities referred to I’ve uploaded separately (they’re on a power point). - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/mental-starters-11805783
This is my own personal planning which I’ll be using in my class in a couple of weeks. Hope you find it useful, it’s not made specifically for TES so there will most likely we some spelling errors etc
I’ve uploaded my White Rose ‘Length and Perimeter’ Spring Block 4 planning, including resources I’ve used from the White Rose and any additional ones I’ve made to myself to supplement. Week 3 of 3.
Week 1 planning incl resources - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/white-rose-planning-year-3-spring-block-4-length-and-perimeter-week-1-of-3-incl-resources-11835631
Week 2 planning incl resources - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/white-rose-planning-year-3-spring-block-4-length-and-perimeter-week-2-of-3-incl-resources-11836573
The starter activities referred to I’ve uploaded separately (they’re on a power point). - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/mental-starters-11805783
This is my own personal planning which I’ll be using in my class in a couple of weeks. Hope you find it useful, it’s not made specifically for TES so there will most likely we some spelling errors etc
I’ve uploaded my White Rose ‘Time’ Summer Block 2 planning, including resources I’ve used from the White Rose (turned into an easily printable format) and any additional ones I’ve made to myself to supplement. This is week 1 of 3.
Week 1 - here
Week 2 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/white-rose-planning-year-3-summer-block-2-time-week-2-of-3-incl-resources-11874795
Week 3 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/white-rose-planning-year-3-summer-block-2-time-week-3-of-3-incl-resources-11875399
The starter activities referred to I’ve uploaded separately (they’re on a power point). - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/mental-starters-11805783
This is my own personal planning which I’ll be using in my class in a couple of weeks. Hope you find it useful, it’s not made specifically for TES so there will most likely we some spelling errors etc
I spent a long time making these cards so thought I would share to save somebody else the trouble!
These vocab cards cover all the vocab in the Nottinghamshire 'Maths Project&' followed by some schools.
A resource I've made to help the children in my class recognise and use the pattern 1 more, 1 less, 10 more and 10 less on a 100 square. In addition with their knowledge of partitioning this helps them add and subtract 2 digit numbers.
Each addition or subtraction fact will match one of 3 options. Can you use your fingers, a number-line or a 100 square to work out the answer, then match a peg to the correct answer?
green - to 10 (fingers)
blue - to 20 (number line)
red - to 100 ((100 square) - adding/subtracting 1 digit numbers
yellow - to 100 (100 square) - adding subtracting 2 digit numbers