Covers all of Chem1
These forms are designed to allow you to print for your students so they can self assess what they know against the required specification.
**UPDATE** interactive form versions included in the link so you can edit and send the forms to your pupils digitally.
Each form only takes pupils a few minutes to fill out and are much quicker than traditional Red/amber/green self assessments.
Ideally complete after the lesson is taught, at the beginning of any revision period and at the end of a revision session.assessments.
Ideally complete after the lesson is taught, at the beginning of any revision period and at the end of a revision session.
Large card sorts -ideal for starter, plenary, main or revision activity.
Suitable for a wide range of abilities.
Great for working in mixed ability pairs.
These are large (10 cards per page) recommended size for revision as part of a circus of activities, for multiple sets it is recommended that you use the smaller version (20 cards per page).
AQA C1.1.1 Atoms
AQA C1.1.2 The periodic table
AQA C1.1.3 Chemical reactions
AQA C1.2.1 Calcium carbonate
AQA C1.3.1 Extracting metals
AQA C1.3.2 Alloys
AQA C1.3.3 Properties and uses of metals
AQA C1.4.1 Crude oil
AQA C1.4.2 Hydrocarbons
AQA C1.4.3 Hydrocarbon fuels
AQA C1.5.1 Obtaining useful substances from crude oil
AQA C1.5.2 Polymers
AQA C1.5.3 Ethanol
AQA C1.6.1 Vegetable oils
AQA C1.6.2 Emulsions
AQA C1.6.3 Saturated and unsaturated oils
AQA C1.7.1 The Earth''s crust
AQA C1.7.2 The Earth's Atmosphere
C2 Keyword glossaries, useful for revision or as part of a homework.
Great laminated as a set in the classroom for revision as it means that textbooks aren't needed and pupils can be more independent.
C2.1 - Structure and Bonding
C2.2 - How the structure influences the properties and uses of substances
2.2.1 – Molecules, 2.2.2 - Ionic compounds, 2.2.3 - Covalent structures, 2.2.4 – Metals, 2.2.5 – Polymers, 2.2.6 - Nanoscience
C2.3 - Atomic structure, analysis and quantitative chemistry
2.3.1 - Atomic Structure, 2.3.2 - Analysing Substances, 2.3.3 - Quantitative Chemistry
C2.4 - Rates of reaction
C2.5 - Exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions
C2.6 - Acids, bases and salts
2.6.1 - Making salts, 2.6.2 - Acids and bases
C2.7 - Electrolysis
In this activity plan you will find the SOC codes to import my quiz to your Socrative room. This is a great revision activity that you can use with the whole class as starters, plenaries, or to consolidate learning on 'making cars&'! If you are not familiar with Socrative, I explain the key steps of this great interactive teaching tool.
An opening lesson for AQA C1.1 or Edexcel C2.1, learning the structure of the atom, the subatomic particles, periodic table and electronic configuration.
UPDATE: 20 more slides added in 2nd presentation.
Use these popular webcomics (open source) to spice up your plenary or homework activities, these multifaceted comics are great for stimulating further learning or emphasising a certain point of your lesson. Includes two different activities described and nearly 100 different science related cartoons ranging from KS3 to A-level and beyond. Covering topics as varied as genetics, elements, forces and the scientific method.
Mendeleyeev's periodic table and the modern periodic table.
I planned this for a medium ability group for a double period.
Either print the worksheets directly from the powerpoint (1, 2 or 6 per page) or print from the included pdfs.
Just start the lesson off with the settler, them amaze them with the curious life of Dimitri Ivanov Mendeleyev. inventor of the phrase 40% proof. (Seriously, he also worked for the weights and measures department and standardised Russian Vodka)
periodic table, Mendeleyev, Mendeleev, C1.1 revision, vodka
Pupils are given this guide to writing up practical investigations. They can tick off each section after they think they have answered it, identifying what they need to do for each mark. Includes all common sections of a write up including hypothesis, method, diagram, graph, results table, context, analysis and evaluation. The resultant marks are added up to give a pupil a sub level based upon the number of marks they have achieved.
This works very well for independent working as well as peer and self assessment after they have finished. I also find it very useful myself when marking.
Includes full lesson with starter, plenary, timings and AFL. Look at the periodic table, subatomic particles, and electronic configuration. Use the PDFs to produce electron configuration whiteboards for immediate feedback from the whole class. Use the simple periodic tables and pupils can look up their own data for quickfire assessments.
periodic table, electron shells, energy levels, assessment
Great little plenary chooser that your pupils will get used to fast. I recommend picking up a few D20 dice (10 for £3 on ebay) and giving one to each group.
Then when you want to check understanding either at the end or part way through a lesson they roll the dice and do the corresponding activity.
Pupils enjoy having a semblance of control but you still get the required plenary. If you want a more controlled experience have one pupil roll the dice and every pupil has to do that specific plenary.
Digital dice rollers are also available online.
Periodic Table Dice Game
A great little game for groups to practice their periodic table knowledge, pupils are encouraged to test their knowledge but have the periodic tables as a safety blanket to ensure all abilities can compete and SHOW PROGRESS.
REQUIRES 1xD6 and 1xD20 per group
Player markers
Mini periodic tables
A simple card sort for al the different stages in an investigation write up:
Diagram , apparatus, hypothesis, method etc.
Pupils have to identify what the definition is and an example of each.
All the modern hazard symbols covered by the curriculum gathered into one place. Images should be large enough for printing for displays.
Check out my other resources for power points and worksheets related to these hazard symbols.
display, safety, practical
A quirky resource for pupils to peer assess, involves some numeracy as pupils have to work with percentages. Includes templates for 3,4,5,and 6 pupil groups.
Suitable for a wide range of activities.
Pupils use a comprehensive card sort activity to explain what happened the night f the fire. Pupils have a large number of events and will learn about the problems associated with combustion.
Also includes avery simple picture guide to the Controlled assessment for the candles in the beakers. I had these cut out and laminated so the pupils had to arrange their method themselves first for the controlled assessment.
Since 2007 the hazard symbols used worldwide have been changing to these new pictograms. I have yet to see resources using them in schools.
Pupils need to know what these mean and so I have updated some of the usual activities and collected together all the important images.
Includes a powerpoint explaining in simple terms what the pictograms mean.
hazard symbols, safety, laboratory, year 7
This worksheet challenges pupils to think about the risks involved with their investigations and to prioritise them as if they were producing a risk assessment. I will be updating this later as I have some ideas for a more engaging challenge for the pupils to complete.
Controlled Assessment, CA, risks, variables, hazards, risk assessment