In this activity plan you will find the SOC codes to import my quiz to your Socrative room. This is a great revision activity that you can use with the whole class as starters, plenaries, or to consolidate learning on metals, corrosion and 'building cars&'! If you are not familiar with Socrative, I explain the key steps of this great interactive teaching tool.
End of topic test for alkanes, 50 minutes. Markscheme to follow.
Useful for assessing your pupils at the end of a topic. Can also be set for homework or revision activity.
Simple rock cycle card sort.
I use this half way through teaching the rock cycle so that pupils can work out the rest of the cycle themselves.
Just print laminate and cut out.
Good for literacy and science application.
September 2013
Worlds largest volcano
Invasive Species
Dead whales linked with Oil pollution
October 2013
Europes key animals making a comeback
Health of oceans declining fast
Top 5 physics discoveries
November 2013
Trees shield vulnerable species from climate change
Elephant society still disrupted decades after cull
Report suggests slowdown in CO2 emissions rise
December 2013
Dead comet Ison
January 2014
Central heating makes you fat
Worlds oldest cancer
Genetically modified purple tomatoes
A great challenging activity, split your class into 6 groups, print out on six different colours of paper and gove each group the relevant cards for each scientist in a different colour. My medium ability year 7s were able to delegate tasks within their groups and so complete the whole puzzle in less than 10 minutes - meaning they could then answer the questions on the main card. Includes; Rutherford, Bohr, Democritus, Dalton, Thompson and Higgs so that dates go right up until October 2013, covering 2500 years of chemistry history.
A simple worksheet used with my year 7s to allow them to practice naming compounds. includes 6 common compounds that can be named with simple rules. All of these compounds are also known by another name so you can engage pupils by telling them about everyday substances.
Simple worksheet, compounds, afl, starter, plenery
Includes: Gold star questions for stretching able students to apply their learning. Plant cell models homework. Keyword word search and synthesis tasks.
Pupils split into two groups ( a higher and lower ability group) each pupil in the lower ability group uses the information provided to write a letter to the CEO of a multinational oil company posing as a member of greenpeace. Pupils need to explain their concerns about the effects of using hydrocarbons on the environment.
The other half of the class pose as CEOs of the company.
Engagement, literacy, challenge, AQA C1 Chemistry, polymers, acid rain carbon dioxide, global warming, global dimming, sulfur dioxide, polymers, fractions of crude oil
In this activity plan you will find the SOC codes to import my quiz to your Socrative room. this quiz is designed for introducing the software to KS3 or 4 groups or to colleagues to enable them to also take advantage of this great resource.
This is a great resource that you can use with the whole class as starters, plenaries. ! If you are not familiar with Socrative, I explain the key steps of this great interactive teaching tool.
Equipment is distributed around the room as per the equipment on each of the activities. Pupils are split into groups and given 5-10 minutes at each station to carry out the experiment as per the instructions and evaluate how good it is at testing the strength if magnet.
Pupils will be able to talk about ( in their own words) judgement, reliability, accuracy and wether or not these are fair tests - all whilst reinforcing their experiences with magnets.
I print and laminate the sheets and add my own diagrams with marker to suit the equipment available in the particular school/lesson.
Pupils analyse a diet of an olympic rower, and then apply what they have learned to developing their own diet plan for another athlete.
Topics covered;
Food groups
Reasons for nutrients
healthy diet
Have a class set of these printed on stiff paper and laminated for a brilliant and fun assessment tool useful time and again when looking at different types of bonding and atomic structure.
Either use both sides for a differentiated resource or use just the side you need and leave the other side blank to allow further closed questioning.
Pupils reassemble the story to discover how carbon monoxide is a toxic gas and is produced when fuels do not fully combust. Suitable for KS3 and KS4.
Carbon monoxide, combustion, incomplete combustion, toxic gas
C2 Keyword glossaries, useful for revision or as part of a homework.
Great laminated as a set in the classroom for revision as it means that textbooks aren't needed and pupils can be more independent.
C2.1 - Structure and Bonding
C2.2 - How the structure influences the properties and uses of substances
2.2.1 – Molecules, 2.2.2 - Ionic compounds, 2.2.3 - Covalent structures, 2.2.4 – Metals, 2.2.5 – Polymers, 2.2.6 - Nanoscience
C2.3 - Atomic structure, analysis and quantitative chemistry
2.3.1 - Atomic Structure, 2.3.2 - Analysing Substances, 2.3.3 - Quantitative Chemistry
C2.4 - Rates of reaction
C2.5 - Exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions
C2.6 - Acids, bases and salts
2.6.1 - Making salts, 2.6.2 - Acids and bases
C2.7 - Electrolysis
Large card sorts -ideal for starter, plenary, main or revision activity.
Suitable for a wide range of abilities.
Great for working in mixed ability pairs.
These are large (10 cards per page) recommended size for revision as part of a circus of activities, for multiple sets it is recommended that you use the smaller version (20 cards per page).
AQA C1.1.1 Atoms
AQA C1.1.2 The periodic table
AQA C1.1.3 Chemical reactions
AQA C1.2.1 Calcium carbonate
AQA C1.3.1 Extracting metals
AQA C1.3.2 Alloys
AQA C1.3.3 Properties and uses of metals
AQA C1.4.1 Crude oil
AQA C1.4.2 Hydrocarbons
AQA C1.4.3 Hydrocarbon fuels
AQA C1.5.1 Obtaining useful substances from crude oil
AQA C1.5.2 Polymers
AQA C1.5.3 Ethanol
AQA C1.6.1 Vegetable oils
AQA C1.6.2 Emulsions
AQA C1.6.3 Saturated and unsaturated oils
AQA C1.7.1 The Earth''s crust
AQA C1.7.2 The Earth's Atmosphere
Covers all of Chem1
These forms are designed to allow you to print for your students so they can self assess what they know against the required specification.
**UPDATE** interactive form versions included in the link so you can edit and send the forms to your pupils digitally.
Each form only takes pupils a few minutes to fill out and are much quicker than traditional Red/amber/green self assessments.
Ideally complete after the lesson is taught, at the beginning of any revision period and at the end of a revision session.assessments.
Ideally complete after the lesson is taught, at the beginning of any revision period and at the end of a revision session.