6 sets of worksheets on reading the analogue clock and converting to 12 hour digital. Plus 2 fully resourced lessons for introducing time to the hour and half hour.
This is the second Bingo activity based on the spelling list for Year 5/6) It consists of a teacher card with 50 spellings and their meanings plus 30 different pupil cards ( 10 sheets of 3). The teacher has the choice of simply reading out the words from the caller card, or - for higher ability groups - the meanings. Great as a starter or plenary activity.
A set of 3 worksheets each with 10 problems. Topics covered include percentages, passage of time, tax and discount in shopping context, inequalities, pay (hourly rate and payroll deductions), ratio, and simple interest on investment or loans. Answer sheets and exit ticket included. Good for general revision and for assessment of areas that may need revisiting.
5 topic folders each containing 12 worksheets: 3 each of crosswords, multiple choice, word searches and matching activities. A word list for home study is included in each folder. Answer sheets supplied.
These differentiated sets of worksheets are written to meet the objectives for Year 6 Number. Each of the five topics (addition, subtraction, long multiplication, short division, long division) is split into three levels, indicated on the worksheets by 1, 2 or 3 stars. There are 3 versions of each worksheet. There are 45 worksheets in all, plus answer sheets.
The material could be used in several ways:
* work through all the levels with the whole class
* use the levels to target varying abilities within the class
* use extra versions of tasks to set as follow-up homework
* where pupils are inclined to copy, use different versions of worksheets to ensure independent working
* extra versions of tasks can be set as assessment at the end of a unit
Learning objectives are given at the beginning of each sheet.
A simple ‘thumbs up’ style of self-assessment is printed at the bottom of each task.
This is a 12 slide presentation which would be useful to anyone who is unsure about what the subjunctive is and how to recognise it. The slides show examples of how the present and past subjunctive appear in 9 set expressions in English. Students are challenged to write sentences using five of the expressions. There is a linked worksheet available separately.
These differentiated sets of worksheets are written to meet the objectives for Year 6 Number. Each of the six topics on negative number is split into three levels, indicated on the worksheets by 1, 2 or 3 stars. There are 3 versions of each worksheet. There are 54 worksheets in all, plus answer sheets.
The material could be used in several ways:
* work through all the levels with the whole class
* use the levels to target varying abilities within the class
* use extra versions of tasks to set as follow-up homework
* where pupils are inclined to copy, use different versions of worksheets to ensure independent working
* extra versions of tasks can be set as assessment at the end of a unit
Learning objectives are given at the beginning of each sheet.
A simple ‘thumbs up’ style of self-assessment is printed at the bottom of each task.
This resource provides enough material for a week or more. At the end of the unit, pupils should have a good knowledge of the text, and the more able should know it by heart.
It consists of a copy of the spell from the witches’ scene from Act IV of Macbeth with a glossary, a comprehension exercise with suggested mark scheme, a poetry analysis exercise, and a group activity where pupils are challenged to stage the scene.
The outcome could make a worthwhile and entertaining contribution to a class or whole school assembly.
Five worksheets targeting words that children often spell or use incorrectly. Some (there,their, they’re) are homophones . Others (who,whom) are used incorrectly because of grammatical difficulties. Good for KS2 and KS3.
This is a single worksheet with answer sheet. It is from the second set of a Y1-6 collection of primary resources. The objective is closely aligned to the National Curriculum.
This resource has been updated and extended. There is now a 20 slide presentation (with teacher directed animation) which covers the various permutations of the basic Subject/Verb/Object sentence. It is constructed so that the teacher can work through the slides one by one while the pupils write down answers before they are displayed . The word ‘transitive’ is introduced and explained at the beginning of the presentation.
The display slide consists of simple sentences demonstrating how to colour code words and phrases into Subject - Verb - Object. On the accompanying worksheet, the task is to colour code sentences. There is also an extension activity for early finishers - adding subordinate clauses to sentences.
This resource comprises 2 worksheets of 10 questions each. Each question consists of a sentence containing a pair of homophones which pupils have to fit in the correct place.
There are 20 different pairs altogether.
Good for revision and/or diagnostic testing in KS2 and 3 classes.
This is a single worksheet with answer sheet. It is from the second set of a Y1-6 collection of primary resources. The objective is closely aligned to the National Curriculum.
5 bright PowerPoint presentations on different uses of apostrophes. PDF versions included which can be used for classroom display. Two worksheets with answers also included. KS2 to KS3. Also good for staff CPD!
This resource consists of two worksheets, each with 10 sentences where verbs have to be changed from the simple present to the simple past (preterite) tense. Some contain more than one verb. Answers are supplied.
This is a collection of 50 worksheets which should provide a weekly challenge for Y6 pupils working towards their SATs. There is enough material to last for the whole school year, with plenty left for homework or revision. Each worksheet provides extensive number skills practice covering National Curriculum statutory requirements (place value, arithmetic, fractions, decimals and percentages). In addition, it targets one of 5 additional areas: measurement, algebra, geometry, ratio, statistics. The teacher should decide which folder is appropriate, according to what the current teaching focus is.
It would be a good idea to begin with the ‘measurement’ set, as the number questions are less demanding than those in other sets.
Less able students will need to be supported by an adult.
Answer sheets are included in each folder.