For Upper KS2 and KS3, a text about Burns, his poetry, and his place in Scottish life. The reading comprehension comprises 15 questions, with mark allocation indicated. The question type ranges from simple retrieval to inference and interpretation of language. Mark scheme is provided.
For upper KS2 / KS3. A PowerPoint with 5 vocabulary exercises for use as lesson starters. Each one has 15 words to find. Answers are included in the presentation. Topics: collective nouns, opposites, animals and their young, homes, plurals.
For KS2 pupils working on fractions. 5 worksheets with answers. 10 questions per sheet where pupils are given pairs of numbers and have to find the lowest common multiple. Preparation for addition and subtraction of fractions.
The zip file contains 3 levelled folders. Each folder contains 5 worksheets plus answer sheets. The easiest level (1) has fewer denominators to work with and lower cardinal numbers. Level 3 is much more challenging. Good for KS3 and for more able Y6 pupils.
Pupils often find decimal place value difficult even after they have grasped it for whole numbers. These differentiated worksheets give plenty of practice at putting decimals in order.
Differentiated worksheets for KS2/3. Three levels, each with five worksheets with answers. The lowest level has a limited range of easy denominators. The middle level has denominators from 2-12, and the highest level has mixed numbers. Questions and answers presented in lowest terms.
A short PDF presentation revising the rules for doubling consonants to keep short vowel sounds, and for adding suffixes. Accompanied by a spelling worksheet where pupils have to find 20 mis-spelled words and correct them. It is assumed that pupils are familiar with the terms 'long/short vowels' and 'hard/soft c and g'. Good for upper KS2 and KS3. Answers are provided.
A zip file containing 5 worksheets with answers. The task is to list the prime factors of numbers. The accompanying help sheet shows how factor trees can be used to find prime factors.
A two page text about the haggis and the rituals of Burns Night Suppers. The comprehension comprises 15 questions and is marked out of 30. Mark scheme is provided.
PDF presentation for KS2 maths. 20 slides in all - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (5 on each operation). 3 colour coded levels on each screen, so that the same topic can be practised in a mixed age or mixed ability setting. Separate zip folders contain questions and answers separately if you don't want them all merged into a single presentation. Use the material as a quick fire test if you like, using the accompanying test sheets.
A set of five worksheets. There are three sections on each worksheet: rounding decimals to whole numbers, to nearest tenth, and to nearest hundredth. Answer sheets are included.
Starter activities include partner work for practising tables and a whole class tables activity using loop cards (link to loop card generator supplied). The presentation includes, on slide 4, a clear video demonstration on how to use tables to factorise numbers. It ends with an exhortation to pupils to learn their tables in order to be able to factorise! The independent work, linked to the presentation, consists of a worksheet with 3 exercises: 2 on tables, and one where pupils practise factorising numbers.
3 zip files (easy, medium, harder) each containing 5 ten -question worksheets plus answers. The task is to create factor diagrams and then to write out factors in ascending order (including 1 and number). The level of difficulty is determined by the number range. 2 page pupil help sheet supplied.
Maths resource for upper KS2. 3 sets of worksheets on simplifying fractions. Level 1 has fractions resolving to denominators of 2, 3 or 5 and is appropriate for lower ability pupils or those whose tables are weak; Level 2 questions resolve to denominators of 2, 3, 5, 10, 11; Level 3 to denominators of 2-12. Each zip file contains 5 worksheets plus answer sheets.
10 worksheets with answers - two levels. Five worksheets where pupils fill in a conversion chart from ratio to fractions, decimals and percentages. Answers supplied. The second set has a conversion chart in the same format, but conversions are from ratios, fractions, percentages and decimals. Suitable for KS2/3
A poster showing how three English present tenses each have corresponding past tenses. Some of the terminology around verbs can be confusing. Present continuous, present progressive are the same thing. So are imperfect, past continuous and past progressive. An explanation of the three uses of the emphatic tenses is given underneath the verb chart.
Inside the zip file there are 4 folders, each containing 10 worksheets plus answers. The worksheets are all different, but all at the same level. They provide daily speed practice for children working on their number bonds to 10. The exercises should be timed, and pupils should be encouraged to set themselves targets which they write in the space provided. Folders 2-4 provide an introduction to the mental processes needed for subtraction.
The questions follow the following format:
Folder 1: 2+7=?
Folder 2: 2+?=9
Folder 3: ?+7=9
Folder 4: Random
A starter activity for place value lessons. Pupils have to determine the value of underlined digits in increasingly large numbers.
Open the zip folder and click on the file marked start. You need to allow Active X content if asked.
Note - as this is a flash based resource, it may not work with Apple products.