Five star rated and 'TES Recommended' authors, we are two Heads of English who are passionate about using and developing quality, engaging resources. We recognise the need for resources that are 'ready to go' and that don't require a huge amount of 'polishing' before they can be used. Every resource that we publish is quality assured and, most importantly, has been tried and tested by us in the classroom! We hope you find our resources useful and we welcome any feedback.
Five star rated and 'TES Recommended' authors, we are two Heads of English who are passionate about using and developing quality, engaging resources. We recognise the need for resources that are 'ready to go' and that don't require a huge amount of 'polishing' before they can be used. Every resource that we publish is quality assured and, most importantly, has been tried and tested by us in the classroom! We hope you find our resources useful and we welcome any feedback.
A planning grid to use with students to develop the skills needed to analyse unseen non-fiction extracts for Paper 2, Section A of the English Language exam.
AQA state that students should be taught to read and analyse the whole text independently to prepare them for the exam. I found that using a similar planning grid for Paper 1, Section A really helped to give students a route into the text.
Inspired by the brilliant MITSL poetry analysis grid I found on the internet a few years ago.
More Paper 2, Section A resources to follow soon!
A planning grid to use with students to develop the skills needed to analyse unseen prose extracts for Paper 1, Section A of the English Language exam. Could also be used to plan ideas Paper 1, Section B - descriptive and narrative writing. Inspired by the brilliant MITSL poetry analysis grid I found on the internet a few years ago.
A free taster lesson analysing an extract from 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' to prepare students for GCSE AQA English Language, Paper 1 Section A.
This 16 slide lesson takes students through an approach to reading and analysing an extract building up to answer a 4 mark question 1 from the exam paper.
Clear learning objectives and links made to the exam paper. A range of independent and collaborative activities that can be adapted to suit the needs of your students.
If you like this lesson please take a look at the full set of resources for this extract here:
A 27 slide lesson presentation taking students through a sample paper for the GCSE AQA English Language, Paper 2, Section A exam.
The lesson uses a non-fiction text by Dickens and a recent Guardian article.
The presentation includes clear learning objectives, a number of learning activities and opportunities for self and peer assessment.
Clear guidance is given for each question and model answers are also provided. Differentiation to extend and support students is also incorporated into the lesson presentation.
Clear links are made to the markscheme and assessment objectives throughout.
Could be used to walk students through the paper or as a follow up and feedback lesson once students have completed the paper.
Sample exam paper and extracts included.
A 30 slide, two lesson presentation covering the poem 'Exposure' in detail. The lessons are linked to the new assessment criteria for the 2015 AQA English Literature GCSE. Annotations for key stanzas of the poem as well as example analytical paragraphs.
A 33 slide, two lesson presentation covering the poem 'Poppies' in detail. The lessons are linked to the new assessment criteria for the 2015 AQA English Literature GCSE. Annotations for key stanzas of the poem as well as example analytical paragraphs.
A 29 slide, two lesson presentation covering the poem 'Poppies' in detail. Annotations for the entire poem as well as example analytical paragraphs. The lessons feature a range of individual and collaborative tasks to develop students' understanding of the poem.
A 32 slide, two lesson presentation covering the poem 'London' in detail. The lessons are linked to the new assessment criteria for the 2015 AQA English Literature GCSE. Annotations for the entire poem as well as example analytical paragraphs.
A revision resource to help students consolidate and retain key information about the 15 poems in the ‘Power and Conflict’ anthology for the new AQA English Literature specification (first exams in 2017).
There is a slide for each poem with four questions/statements designed to get the students recalling and applying their knowledge of the poems.
The resource can be used in a number of ways:
15 separate lesson starter slides
Print and use as a revision booklet
Use for group work/speed dating tasks with students feeding back their ideas about the poems to the rest of the class.
The slides follow a common format in order for students to get used to the revision approach.
A lesson focused on developing students' exam skills in relation to Question 1 on the IGCSE Extended Paper. The lesson looks at the specific requirements of the question and how to plan a response. Includes a sample response to discuss with students and marking criteria.
16 slides that can be dropped into any lesson presentation on Paper 1, Section A: approaches to unseen fiction.
Presentation includes:
A slide for each question explaining the key aspects and requirements for each question.
Peer/self assessment slides for each question.
Paper 1, Section A glossary.
'First Responses' template to use when tackling an unseen extract.
Two slides looking in more detail at how to approach structure for question 3.
A double sided A3 revision sheet to help prepare students for the final exam.
A 59 slide presentation comprised of 5 lessons analysing 'Propping Up the Line'.
The extract used is available to download for free on e-AQA Secure Materials, KS3 Test Packs - Year 9 Pack 2.
The lessons cover the skills needed to approach questions 1-3 on the new AQA GCSE English Language Paper 1, Section A exam.
The lessons have been designed with a lower ability Key Stage Four group in mind and clearly spell out the different steps for success needed for the first three questions. These lessons would also be suitable to use at Key Stage Three or as a transition/revision resource.
Each lesson is fully resourced with clear learning objectives, a range of activities and opportunities for self and peer assessment.
Clear links are made to the exam assessment objectives and mark scheme throughout.
Model answers provided.
If you are looking for a more challenging set of resources for middle to upper ability students please see our five star rated Paper 1, Section A resources in our shop:
A 30 slide, two lesson presentation covering the poem 'Bayonet Charge' in detail. The lessons are linked to the new assessment criteria for the 2015 AQA English Literature GCSE. Annotations for key stanzas of the poem as well as example analytical paragraphs.
A 26 slide, two lesson presentation covering the poem 'Exposure' in detail. Annotations for the poem as well as example analytical paragraphs. The lessons feature a range of individual and collaborative tasks to develop students' understanding of the poem.
Included in this bundle are lesson presentations on: ‘Bayonet Charge’, ‘Exposure’, ‘London’, ‘Ozymandias’ and ‘Poppies’. Each poem is covered over two lessons with a range of collaborative and independent tasks. Each presentation is approximately 30 slides. The lessons are linked to the new assessment criteria for the 2015 AQA English Literature GCSE. Annotations for key stanzas of the poem as well as example analytical paragraphs and contextual information. Each lesson follows a similar format in order to embed an understanding of the skills required and Assessment Objectives of the exam.
A 23 slide lesson presentation covering the poem 'The Prelude' in detail.
The lesson is linked to the new assessment criteria for the 2015 AQA English Literature GCSE and clearly references the new assessment objectives throughout.
Annotations for the entire poem are included as well as a number of engaging activities that can be completed either individually or in groups.
A two week scheme of work designed to introduce and consolidate students' understanding of descriptive writing techniques. The focus of the scheme of work is on describing a theme park during the day and during the night.
A 63 slide presentation comprised of six lessons designed to prepare students for Paper 1, Section B of the new AQA English Language GCSE exam although the resource could easily be adapted to suit other specifications by simply removing references to the AQA assessment objectives. Each lesson is fully resourced and includes a number of opportunities for individual and collaborative work.
Lessons focus on:
Varying vocabulary for effect
Applying a variety of sentence structures
Figurative language techniques
Organisation and structure of writing
A detailed scheme of work accompanies the powerpoint presentation.
10 lessons aimed at mid to low ability KS4 students covering the skills needed for questions 1-3 on the AQA Paper 1 exam. These lessons would also work well as a transition scheme for Year 9.
An additional revision lesson covering all 4 questions is also included in the bundle.
Each lesson is fully resourced with engaging, high quality materials.
Extracts used from 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' and 'Propping up the Line'.
If you liked this bundle please see our additional 5 star rated resources for Paper 1, Section A in our shop.