A mastery lesson on finding common multiplies for year 5/6 class. Included are fluency questions, reasoning and problem solving and a greater depth task.
A year 2 resource to show division by grouping. This resource follows the White Rose Guidance and Power Maths. It includes fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
This is a two week unit on teaching inference to children for the first time. It starts with understanding the different between inference and observation, how to infer from a picture and how to infer from a text.
These two lessons look at converting fractions to decimals. It follows the Power Maths book and builds conceptual understanding through the use of the CPA approach. It consists of varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving
This powerpoint presentation is on the difference between conceptual and procedural variation in maths. It shows different examples of how maths can be varied to build conceptual understanding and how to vary questions so that children become more fluent in their calculations.
This lesson follows the White Rose Guidance and Power maths. This lesson is looking at identifying shapes with the same area and is for year 6. It includes varied fluency, reasoning, problem soving and a great depth task (dong nao jin)
This resource has three lessons on reading and interpreting line graphs for year 5. It follows the White Rose guidance and has varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving. These are Active Inspire slides.
These are three lessons on equivalent fractions from year 4 up to year 5. They follow the White Rose Guidance. They include varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
This follows the White Rose Scheme for year 6 place value. It is understanding the powers of ten. It includes varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
This is a one page summary of all that our school does for pupil premium. It is coloured coded to show the different areas of focus. It is a useful guide for visitors/ Ofsted
This is a lesson on adding mixed numbers for year 6. It follows the mastery approach and uses White Rose resources. It includes reasoning, problem solving and varied fluency