This packs contains assessments for the OCR A Level Sociology (new specification) Youth subculture topic (Paper 1, Option B).
**If you are purchasing the full set of teacher resources these are included, you do not need to download this set separately.
In this pack there are:
6x student assessments
3x assessment skills PPTs
*Due to lockdown and then no longer teaching this course, this resource pack contains the first four topic areas, but is incomplete as I never made it to the end! Mising from the pack is Power & Authority and Power & Relationships. Some of that content had been embedded in the first four topics, but please note there are not resources for the final two sections.
The pack contains all resources and activities needed to teach the following topics of AQA GCSE 9-1 Sociology STRATIFICATION:
Functionalist theory
Socio-economic class
Life Chances
Poverty as a social issue.
For each of these there is:
Teacher booklet
Student booklet
All PPTs
All Activities
Full teacher resources for the AQA GCSE 9-1 Sociology topic of FAMILY. Includes all resources for full delivery of the topic, including:
Teacher booklets
Student booklets
All PPts
All activities
*Please note this resource pack is partially complete. The last components were not fully updated due to lockdown and since then changing examboard.
This resource packs contains all the teacher and student resources you will need to teach the AQA A Level Sociology CRIME AND DEVIANCE.
The following topics are FULLY resourced with a detailed Teacher booklet, Student booklet, All PPTs, All activities, Assessments:
Introduction to crime, deviance and social control
Theories and explanations of crime
Media and crime
Social distribution of crime
The following is partially resourced with Teacher booklet:
Controlling crime
The following is partially resourced with a Student booklet and a PPT:
Official Statistics
The following has the beginnings of a Teacher resource booklet, but I never made it this far I’m afraid:
Contemporary crime (green, human rights, globalisation, state)
Also includes a range of assessments, all of which have marking grids and specification topic links for teacher tracking.
Functionalist explanations of crime and deviance
A Level AQA Sociology: Crime and Deviance
This resource can be used for classroom teaching or for a flipped independent learning module with the accompanying pre-recorded lesson videos that can be found on YouTube. This can also be used for cover lessons, student catch-up or student recap and revision.
This pack contains:
1x teacher answer booklets
1x teacher PPT
1x student workbook
4x activity answer sheets
3x video lessons on SocialScience911 on you tube
This is designed for the AQA specification, but much of the content is transferable to OCR A Level Sociology Crime and Deviance as well, you would need to change the specification reference on page two of the booklet to match OCR content.
Please note: an AQA teacher resource pack that contains all resources for the Crime and Deviance topic includes this booklet, there is no need to also download this one if you have the full set.
Assessment grids for marking OCR A Level Sociology student work. These have been designed using the levels outlined in the OCR mark schemes to provide a quicker, easier and clearer ways to assess student work, along with showing students which features of their assessment they would need to improve.
This contains marking grids for the following question types:
6 mark explain
9 mark explain source
10 mark to what extent source
12 mark explain source
12 mark outline
16 mark evaluate
16 mark outline evaluate
20 mark outline evaluate
24 mark assess
Recap lesson material for revision in Year 13 for AQA A Level Sociology THEORY and METHODS review content.
Teacher reference sheet
Student handout
This covers 2 x one hour lessons plus a homework task
This contains assessments for AQA A Level Sociology (new specification) RESEARCH METHODS.
Each assessment is a 10 mark ‘Outline and explain’ style question, in total there are six assessments, complete with a generic marking grid.
The format can be easily adapted with changes to the question itself to expand the pack to cover all methods.
Included is a 10 mark Outline and explain two advantages of:
Covert observation
and a 10 mark Outline and explain two disadvantages of:
Covert observation
This is a resource pack for the first few lessons of AQA GCSE Sociology (new specification) to introduce students to new concepts and ideas, along with what to expect in the course. This pack usually takes me just a couple of lessons to deliver as part of a Year 10 induction week.
It includes:
Teacher booklet
Student booklets
This can be adapted for other GCSE Sociology specifications, and can also be used or adapted if you have ‘taster’ lessons with Y9 into Y10 when they are picking their GCSE choices (or Y11 into Y12 if you offer GCSE at Sixth form).
(You could also probably scale this up for Y12 A Level Sociology if you wanted to adapt the content and add the extra depth to cover the A Level standard).
*If you are teaching Sociology, I have other resources available for the GCSE, and AQA & OCR A Level topic areas. These are full topic packs that are ‘ready to go’, so are especially helpful for anyone who is a PGCE student or NQT.