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Famous Inventors : Guglielmo Marconi

Famous Inventors : Guglielmo Marconi

A3 Poster of Guglielmo Marconi including a famous quote to display in your classroom or VLE “The coming of the wireless era will make war impossible, because it will make war ridiculous” Copyright 2019 Source Education and E1X - Image of Guglielmo Marconi copyright protected by owner. Original Poster created 2014 by E1X and Source Education The typographs of this poster including all “features, Content, Layout, Style, Positioning” are Copyright Source Education 2018
Famous Inventors : Thomas A Edison

Famous Inventors : Thomas A Edison

A3 Poster of Thomas A Edison including a famous quote to display in your classroom or VLE “The biggest failure of man is that he gives up before he realizes how close he was to success” Copyright 2019 Source Education and E1X - Image of Thomas A Edison copyright protected by owner. Original Poster created 2014 by E1X and Source Education The typographs of this poster including all “features, Content, Layout, Style, Positioning” are Copyright Source Education 2018
Famous Scientists : Stephen Hawkin

Famous Scientists : Stephen Hawkin

A3 Poster of Stephen Hawkin including a famous quote to display in your classrooms or VLE Copyright 2019 Source Education and E1X - Image of Stephen Hawkin copyright protected by owner. Original Poster created 2014 by E1X and Source Education The typographs of this poster including all “features, Content, Layout, Style, Positioning” are Copyright Source Education 2018 and E1X
Famous Inventors : Nikola Tesla

Famous Inventors : Nikola Tesla

A3 Poster ofNikola Tesla including a famous quote to display in your classroom or VLE “I don’t care that they stole my idea. I care that they don’t have any of their own” Copyright 2019 Source Education and E1X - Image of Nikola Tesla copyright protected by owner. Original Poster created 2014 by E1X and Source Education The typographs of this poster including all “features, Content, Layout, Style, Positioning” are Copyright Source Education 2018
Famous Inventors : Alexander Graham Bell

Famous Inventors : Alexander Graham Bell

A3 Poster of Alexander Graham Bell including a famous quote to display in your classroom or VLE When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us Copyright 2019 Source Education and E1X - Image of Alexander Graham Bell copyright protected by owner. Original Poster created 2014 by E1X and Source Education The typographs of this poster including all “features, Content, Layout, Style, Positioning” are Copyright Source Education 2018
Famous Inventors : John Logie Baird

Famous Inventors : John Logie Baird

A3 Poster of John Logie Baird including a famous quote to display in your classroom or VLE “Cathode-ray tubes are the most important items in a television receiver” Copyright 2019 Source Education and E1X - Image of John Logie Baird copyright protected by owner. Original Poster created 2014 by E1X and Source Education The typographs of this poster including all “features, Content, Layout, Style, Positioning” are Copyright Source Education 2018
Famous Inventors : Tesla

Famous Inventors : Tesla

A3 Poster of Nikola Tesla including a famous quote to display in your classroom or VLE “It will soon be possible to transmit wireless messages around the world so simply that any individual can carry and operate his own apparatus” Copyright 2019 Source Education and E1X - Image of Nikola Tesla copyright protected by owner. Original Poster created 2014 by E1X and Source Education The typographs of this poster including all “features, Content, Layout, Style, Positioning” are Copyright Source Education 2018
Famous Scientists: Sir Isaac Newton

Famous Scientists: Sir Isaac Newton

A3 Poster of Sir Isaac Newton including a famous quote to display in your classrooms or VLE Copyright 2019 Source Education and E1X - Image of Sir Isaac Newton Copyright protected by owner. Original Poster created 2014 by E1X and Source Education The typographs of this poster including all “features, Content, Layout, Style, Positioning” are Copyright Source Education 2018 and E1X
Famous Inventors : Wright Brothers

Famous Inventors : Wright Brothers

Wright Brothers including a famous quote to display in your classroom or VLE Copyright 2019 Source Education and E1X - Image of Wright Brothers copyright protected by owner. Original Poster created 2014 by E1X and Source Education The typographs of this poster including all “features, Content, Layout, Style, Positioning” are Copyright Source Education 2018
Famous Engineers : Karl Benz

Famous Engineers : Karl Benz

Karl Benz including a famous quote to display in your classroom or VLE Copyright 2019 Source Education and E1X - Image of Karl Benz copyright protected by owner. Original Poster created 2014 by E1X and Source Education The typographs of this poster including all “features, Content, Layout, Style, Positioning” are Copyright Source Education 2018
Famous Engineers: Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Famous Engineers: Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Isambard Kingdom Brunel including a famous quote to display in your classroom or VLE Copyright 2019 Source Education and E1X - Image of Isambard Kingdom Brunel copyright protected by owner. Original Poster created 2014 by E1X and Source Education The typographs of this poster including all “features, Content, Layout, Style, Positioning” are Copyright Source Education 2018
Famous Engineer : Ferdinand Porsche 02

Famous Engineer : Ferdinand Porsche 02

Ferdinand Porsche including a famous quote to display in your classroom or VLE Copyright 2019 Source Education and E1X - Image of Ferdinand Porsche copyright protected by owner. Original Poster created 2014 by E1X and Source Education The typographs of this poster including all “features, Content, Layout, Style, Positioning” are Copyright Source Education 2018
Famous Inventors : William Shockley Jr

Famous Inventors : William Shockley Jr

There is one poster of William Shockley Jr including a famous quote to display in your classroom or VLE Copyright 2019 Source Education and E1X - Image of William Shockley is copyright protected by owner. Original Poster created 2014 by E1X and Source Education The typographs of this poster including all “features, Content, Layout, Style, Positioning” are Copyright Source Education 2018
Famous Engineer: Ferdinand Porsche 01

Famous Engineer: Ferdinand Porsche 01

Ferdinand Porsche including a famous quote to display in your classroom or VLE Copyright 2019 Source Education and E1X - Image of Ferdinand Porsche copyright protected by owner. Original Poster created 2014 by E1X and Source Education The typographs of this poster including all “features, Content, Layout, Style, Positioning” are Copyright Source Education 2018
Famous Inventors : Barnes Wallis

Famous Inventors : Barnes Wallis

Barnes Wallis including a famous quote to display in your classroom or VLE “The famous boucing bomb” Copyright 2019 Source Education and E1X - Image of Barnes Wallis copyright protected by owner. Original Poster created 2014 by E1X and Source Education The typographs of this poster including all “features, Content, Layout, Style, Positioning” are Copyright Source Education 2018
Famous Scientist : Sir Isaac Newton

Famous Scientist : Sir Isaac Newton

A3 Poster of Sir Isaac Newton including a famous quote to display in your classrooms or VLE Copyright 2019 Source Education and E1X - Image of Isaac Newton Copyright protected by owner. Original Poster created 2014 by E1X and Source Education The typographs of this poster including all “features, Content, Layout, Style, Positioning” are Copyright Source Education 2018 and E1X