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Greater Than, Less Than - Game
Rocket Race is a fun and engaging game for students to practice the concept of Greater than, Less than. The game is suitable for K-3 and contains suggestions on how to adjust it to the needs of your students (single-digit, double-digit, multiplication).
This resource includes:
Game variations suggestions
Game board (color)
Game board (black and white)

Greater Than, Less Than - Comparing Money Activity (UK coins)
This resource can be used to review addition with money (UK coins) and practice comparison using place value.
Students will compare by adding the coins on each side to find the totals. Students show their understanding of place value by adding the greater than, less than or equal to sign.

Greater Than Less Than – Comparing Number Sentences
These 6 worksheets are ideal for practising Greater than Less than as well as addition and subtraction. Your pupils will solve both number sentences and show the comparison by using a greater-than, less-than, or equal symbol.
The worksheets are built up in complexity and are ideal for differentiation:
• Numbers to 20 (2 pages)
• Numbers to 50 (2 pages)
• Numbers to 100 (2 pages)
Also included in this resource: Answer sheets

Addition to 20 - Counting on
This resource will help your students to practice the counting on strategy when solving addition problems to 20.
It contains 6 pages for the students plus one “How to use this resource” page.
The three variations (each 2 pages) allow your students to increasingly work out these problems on their own by drawing the dots by themselves in the end.

Personal Pronouns
This exercise for KS1/K-2 can be used to practise the use of personal pronouns in a meaningful way.
After reading the sentence, the pupils choose a personal pronoun from the word bank and fill in the gap. They will also draw a picture about the sentence. Most sentences are about themselves and the people they know. This will help them to make connections and get a better understanding of when to use which personal pronoun in their daily lives.
The authentic nature of this exercise, gave my students ownership and kept them engaged the entire lesson.
Personal pronouns used in this exercise are: I, he, she, it, we, they

Number Bond Bump to 20 - Game
This Math game is a fun and exciting way for K-2/key stage 1 pupils, to practise and revise their number bonds to 20.
My pupils love playing this game and keep asking if they can play the game again!
The game can be played by 2 - 3 players.
The instructions are included in this resource.

Greater Than, Less Than - The Story of the Hungry Alligator
This fun and engaging story is a great way to introduce your pupils to the concept of Greater-than Less-than. The questions in the story will invite your pupils to take part in the story.

What’s the Story? – Word Problems to 10 and 20
These word problems are designed to help students understand the concepts of addition and subtraction through** visualisation**. They are differentiated to meet the needs of the students and can be used during small group instruction, partner work, stations and individual work.
This easy-to-use, No PREP set contains 22 pages in total:
How-to-Use-This-Resource (2 pages)
10 different Word Problem worksheets. For each coloured worksheet, there is a black and white version (in total 20 pages):
• Students look at the pictures, tell the stories they see and solve the problems.
• Students tell the stories by drawing pictures to match the given number sentences.
• Students look at the pictures, tell the stories they see and solve the problems.
• Students tell the stories by drawing pictures to match the given number sentences.
• Students look at the pictures, tell the stories they see and solve the problems.
• Students tell the stories by drawing pictures to match the given number sentences.
• Students look at the pictures, tell the stories they see and solve the problems.
• Students tell the stories by drawing pictures to match the given number sentences.

Greater Than, Less Than - Comparing Money Activity (Euro coins)
This resource can be used to review addition with money (Euro coins) and practice comparison using place value.
Students will compare by adding the coins on each side to find the totals. Students show their understanding of place value by adding the greater than, less than or equal to sign.

Create Greater Than Less Than Alligators
With this template, your pupils can create their own Greater than Less than alligators. Once finished, they can have fun comparing different amounts of objects or numbers using their self-made alligators.

Greater than, Less than - Measurement activity in centimetres
This resource can be used for K-2 to review measurement (in cm) as well as to practise comparison.
On the first page students will have the opportunity to measure objects in real life and record their measurements.
After which they will compare the numbers and record their comparison with a greater than, less than or equal sign.
On the second and third page students compare the given measurements and add the greater than, less than or equal sign to show their understanding of place value.

Sink and Float - Experiments
The hands-on experiments in this resource, allow students to observe which objects sink or float in water.
In a playful way they will become familiar with making predictions, observations, identifying, sorting, reasoning, gathering data, comparing and evaluating.
This resource includes:
A clear explanation (with examples) of how to use this resource
Two posters for your classroom to help visualize the concepts of sinking and floating.
Various recording sheets to record the experiments (differentiated):
Sink or Float? (Cut and paste pictures to record the result after testing)
Test & Sort (Testing, identifying and recording results)
Make a Prediction (Creating a visual record of their prediction, and observation. Evaluate prediction in comparison to result with a smiley to enhance future predictions)
Predict & Test (Data handling: create a more abstract record of prediction and observation)
Step by step instruction of how to conduct the following experiments (incl. photos + explanation of why it works this way):
Experiment: Do eggs sink or float?
Experiment: Does an orange sink or float?

Roll a Story - Creative Writing Activity
This fun activity will inspire your students to write their own stories.
Your students will enjoy rolling the die and finding out which character, setting and problem their story will contain.
This product includes the following themes in colour as well as black and white:
Fairy tales
Additionally, this resource includes a blank template which allows your students to give their own input. You could fill it in with the whole class, a small group or alternatively your students could create one for each other.

Piggy Bank Race - Money Game (Euros)
This game will help your students practice their addition skills up to 100 while learning about the concept of money in a fun and engaging way.
This resource contains:
Game instructions
Piggy Bank Race game board - black and white version
Piggy Bank Race game board - coloured version

Piggy Bank Race - Money Game (US Coins)
This game will help your students practice their addition skills up to 100 while learning about the concept of money in a fun and engaging way.
This resource contains the following:
Game instructions
Piggy Bank Race game board - black and white version
Piggy Bank Race game board - colored version

Piggy Bank Race - Game (UK Money * British Coins)
This game will help your students practice their addition skills up to 100 while learning about the concept of money in a fun and engaging way.
This resource contains:
Game instructions
Piggy Bank Race game board - black and white version
Piggy Bank Race game board - coloured version

Add 3 numbers using the number bonds to 10
This worksheet can be used for K-2/Key stage 1 to practise and revise the number bonds to 10.
The pupils are asked to add three numbers of which two numbers make 10 (e.g. 4+7+6= ). By circling the number bond, the pupils will easily be able to identify and add the remaining number to 10 ( e.g. continuing the example above: 4+6=10, so 10+7=17).
The example of Ann buying cupcakes at the cupcake shop, helps pupils to make connections to real life situations and makes these problems more visual.

Number Bond Bump to 10 - Game
This Math game is a fun and exciting way for K-2/key stage 1 pupils to practise and revise their number bonds to 10.
My pupils love to play this game and keep asking if they can play it again!
The game can be played by 2 players.
The instructions of the game are included in this resource.

Greater Than, Less Than - Measurement Activity in Inches
This resource can be used for K-2 to review measurement (in inches) as well as to practise comparison.
On the first page pupils will have the opportunity to measure objects in real life and record their measurements.
After which they will compare the numbers and record their comparison with a greater than, less than or equal sign.
On the second and third page pupils compare the given measurements and add the greater than, less than or equal sign to show their understanding of place value.

Number Talks: Missing Number - Number Bonds
These PowerPoint slides can be used to start your Maths lessons off with Number Talks to practise mental Maths skills and develop strategies to find the missing number in a number bond.
Number Talks are a great way to engage all of your pupils, to help them develop fluency, to strengthen their mental Maths skills and to enhance their problem-solving and reasoning skills.
This resource contains 12 Number Talk slides and one “How to Use This Resource” -slide.