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Squelch1's Shop

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I provide a wide range of resources for use in the classroom and around school. My resources build on children's learning and consider the smaller steps children need to take to achieve the learning. My resources have a focus on 'mastery' style questions where possible, to develop children's critical thinking and reasoning skills. As a practicing primary teacher myself, I know how essential it is to have well organised lesson resources with engaging activities that focus on the learning.




I provide a wide range of resources for use in the classroom and around school. My resources build on children's learning and consider the smaller steps children need to take to achieve the learning. My resources have a focus on 'mastery' style questions where possible, to develop children's critical thinking and reasoning skills. As a practicing primary teacher myself, I know how essential it is to have well organised lesson resources with engaging activities that focus on the learning.
Y4 States of Matter - Comparing and Grouping Materials - Lesson 1 (Resources, PP and Planning)

Y4 States of Matter - Comparing and Grouping Materials - Lesson 1 (Resources, PP and Planning)

Lesson PowerPoint, planning and activity resources. The first in a series of lessons to develop children's knowledge about 'States of Matter,' for the 2014 primary curriculum. We are learning to compare and group materials. Children begin by working in groups and making their own decisions on how to group a range of materials and reason their choice to the class. Opportunity for children to consider what the states of matter are and identify these within their own environment to make their learning meaningful. Children start to explore the properties of materials. Some 'mastery' thinking required for deepening and mastering learning. 3 differentiated activities (2 of these are provided, one is an independent task and is on the PowerPoint)
Reading comprehension pictures/questions

Reading comprehension pictures/questions

A series of 20 images to develop children's reading comprehension skills. Each image has at least two questions, particularly aimed at developing children's inference skills, justifying from using evidence in the pictures and broadening vocabulary. These images are great to use a a starter to activity and really improve the comprehension skills of readers of ALL abilities. This pack is based around a topic for the Romans.
Y4 States of Matter - Making a cloud/water cycle - Lesson 7 (Resources, PP and Planning)

Y4 States of Matter - Making a cloud/water cycle - Lesson 7 (Resources, PP and Planning)

How to make a cloud in the classroom! Lesson PowerPoint, planning and Activity The seventh (final) in a series of lessons to develop children's knowledge about 'States of Matter,' for the 2014 primary curriculum. Links to coverage of the curriculum are explicit in the planning (for both States of Matter and Working Scientifically) We are learning to explain the processes of evaporation and condensation. An interesting mastery question for a starter, to develop children's critical thinking and reasoning. Recaps, revisits and builds on children's prior knowledge from previous lesson on the water cycle, evaporation, condensation and precipitation. . Develop's children's scientific explanations of evaporation and condensation, through participation in an engaging experiment. Step by step explanation of how to make a cloud in a class. Equipment is easy to obtain, a list is provided on the planning an in the PowerPoint. As the experiment needs the use of boiling water and a match, a warning is given on both the PowerPoint and in the planning, to be shared appropriately with the class to keep children safe. Further 'mastery' thinking required for deepening and mastering learning, through thought provoking questions etc. Choice of 3 differentiated follow up activities (2 are provided, one is an independent task and is on the PowerPoint). Opportunity for written peer assessment as a plenary (included within tasks 1 and 2 and provided separately for group 3) As an engaging hook, the follow up activity is linked to the Ancient Greeks (writing instructions for the King of Gods and God of the weather, Zeus). However, this could very easily be adapted to another topic. All images have been taken from: http://search.creativecommons.org/ where no attribution is required.
Y4 - Identifying States of Matter and their Properties - Lesson 2  (Resources, PP and Planning)

Y4 - Identifying States of Matter and their Properties - Lesson 2 (Resources, PP and Planning)

Lesson PowerPoint, easy to follow, explicit planning and activity resources. The second in a series of lessons to develop children's knowledge about 'States of Matter,' for the 2014 primary curriculum. We are learning to identify states of matter and their properties. An interesting mastery question for a starter - 'If sand can be poured from one container to another, does this mean that it is a liquid?' Recaps children's prior knowledge. Develop's children's knowledge of the states of matter and their properties - specifically around particles. Links to Ancient Greek topic as covers the Ancient Greek who first suggested particles. Further 'mastery' thinking required for deepening and mastering learning, through thought provoking questions etc. 3 differentiated activities (2 of these are provided, one is an independent task and is on the PowerPoint. It has strong links to literacy)
Reading Comprehension Pictures and Question (based on Brazil)

Reading Comprehension Pictures and Question (based on Brazil)

A series of 20 images to develop children's reading comprehension skills and discussion. Each image has two questions. These are particularly aimed at developing children's inference skills, justifying from using evidence in the pictures and broadening vocabulary. These will give any ability of child to develop their comprehension skills. The pictures will link well with a Brazil/ South America theme and will also develop subject knowledge in this area.
Judaism Today for KS2

Judaism Today for KS2

A lesson PowerPoint which looks at what happened to Jewish people after the holocaust. Where do Jewish people live? How are they accepted by others? Lots to think about and discuss. At the end of the PowerPoint are a series of differentiated questions for children to choose from and answer. It is up to you how they do this e.g. in pairs, as a written piece of work, through drama etc.
KS2 Online Safety - Using Email Safely - PP with activity and lesson plan

KS2 Online Safety - Using Email Safely - PP with activity and lesson plan

We are learning to understand the dangers posed by online communication. Learning focuses around using email safely. Children learn about dangerous emails that trick you into opening them e.g. 'you have won a prize...' A lot of learning is about the dangers of unknown attachments and the harm a virus can do to a devise. Link to a video to hook children. Lots of questioning to extend thinking and opportunities for discussion. Two choices of activity for differentiation.
KS2 Online Safety - The Dangers of Communicating Online

KS2 Online Safety - The Dangers of Communicating Online

We are learning to understand the dangers of online communication. Clear learning, with lots of questions to get children to consider how they communicate online, what is safe and what is not safe. Video to hook children and show how communicating with strangers online can be dangerous. Opportunity for lots of discussion. Choice of activity for differentiation and plenary.
KS2 Finding Co-ordinates - 4 differentiated sheets

KS2 Finding Co-ordinates - 4 differentiated sheets

Unlock the secrets of Ancient Rome by finding the co-ordinates to spell the names of famous places and people from Ancient Rome. 4 differentiated work sheets, each with an answer sheet 2 sheets are in one quadrant 1 sheet is in two quadrants 1 sheet is in 4 quadrants Some prior knowledge of basic Roman numerals required for the 4 quadrant sheet. A brilliant way of linking maths to a Roman Topic.
Y4 States of Matter - End of Unit Assessment

Y4 States of Matter - End of Unit Assessment

End of unit science assessment for Y4 'States of Matter' topic . 3 pages of a range of questions to suit different abilities. Answer paper provided. Ideal for finishing off the series of States of Matter lessons.
Y4 Living Things - Lesson 3, classifying vertebrates/invertebrates (Planning, PP, Resources)

Y4 Living Things - Lesson 3, classifying vertebrates/invertebrates (Planning, PP, Resources)

Lesson PowerPoint, planning and activities for identifying vertebrates and invertebrates and introducing children to scientific classification keys. The third in a series of lessons to develop children's knowledge about 'Living Things and Their Habitats,' for the 2014 primary curriculum. Links to coverage of the curriculum are explicit in the planning. We are learning to use a classification key to identify vertebrates and invertebrates. An interesting 'fact or fiction' starter to intrigue children and develop their scientific discussions.. Recaps, revisits and builds on prior learning on living things and how they are grouped. Introduces children to a scientific classification key at a basic lesson. Initially through a verbal, fun, whole class exercise and moving into written scientific keys to identify vertebrates and invertebrates. Develop's children's scientific knowledge about vertebrates and invertebrates. Lots of 'mastery' thinking required through the questions posed, for deepening and mastering learning. Choice of 3 differentiated follow up activities (all of which are provided as well as being explained on the PowerPoint). Plenary requires mastery level thinking and leads into next lesson by encouraging children to consider other ways in which animals could be grouped. All images have been taken from: http://search.creativecommons.org/ where no attribution is required.
Y4 Living Things - Lesson 5, classifying invertebrate groups (Planning, PP, Resources)

Y4 Living Things - Lesson 5, classifying invertebrate groups (Planning, PP, Resources)

Lesson PowerPoint, planning and activities for identifying invertebrate groups and developing children's understanding of invertebrates that live in their local environment. Lots of mastery thinking required. The fifth in a series of lessons to develop children's knowledge about 'Living Things and Their Habitats,' for the 2014 primary curriculum. Links to coverage of the curriculum are explicit in the planning. We are learning to identify invertebrate groups in their own habitat. An interesting starter to intrigue children and develop their scientific skills in estimating and discussing. Recaps, revisits and builds on prior learning on living things, vertebrates and invertebrates. Develop's children's scientific knowledge about grouping animals in different ways and looks at the specific scientific characteristics of invertebrate groups that are likely to be found in the local environment, as well as exploring examples of each group and their habitats. Opportunity for outdoor work to identify invertebrate groups in the school grounds/ locality, with a focus on the type of habitat they were found in (recording sheet provided, although you will need bug hunting equipment from school and to set safety rules). Lots of 'mastery' thinking required through the questions posed, for deepening and mastering learning. Choice of 3 differentiated, engaging follow up activities to design a bug hotel, focusing on the type of habitat each invertebrate group would prefer (2 tasks are provided, all 3 are explained on the PowerPoint). Further resources e.g. prompt cards and pictures are provided too. Opportunity for giving written peer feedback about the learning that has taken place. An optional homework task is provided for children to develop their learning about classifying plants and consolidate their use of classification keys and scientific explanations. All images have been taken from: http://search.creativecommons.org/ where no attribution is required.
Y4 Living Things - Lesson 4, classifying the 5  vertebrate groups (Planning, PP, Resources)

Y4 Living Things - Lesson 4, classifying the 5 vertebrate groups (Planning, PP, Resources)

Lesson PowerPoint, planning and activities for identifying the 5 vertebrate groups and developing children's understanding and use of classification keys. Lots of mastery thinking required. The fourth in a series of lessons to develop children's knowledge about 'Living Things and Their Habitats,' for the 2014 primary curriculum. Links to coverage of the curriculum are explicit in the planning. We are learning to use a classification key to identify the 5 vertebrate groups. An interesting 'fact or fiction' starter to intrigue children and develop their scientific discussions. Recaps, revisits and builds on prior learning on living things, vertebrate and invertebrates. Develop's children's scientific knowledge about grouping animals in different ways and looks at the specific scientific characteristics of the 5 vertebrate groups, as well as examples. Lots of 'mastery' thinking required through the questions posed, for deepening and mastering learning. Choice of 3 differentiated follow up activities (all of which are provided as well as being explained on the PowerPoint). A further extension activity is also provided. All images have been taken from: http://search.creativecommons.org/ where no attribution is required.
Roman Houses Reading Comprehension KS2

Roman Houses Reading Comprehension KS2

Two differentiated reading texts on Roman houses, both with comprehension questions (between 15 and 20). I wrote these for my Y4 class. Most of the class did the MA text and I edited the text/questions to a lower level for a group of children with some difficulties in reading. They could also be used in Y3 or Y5. The children were very interested in the texts and as they had to think carefully and answer the retrieval questions, they learnt a lot about Roman houses, which was brilliant for our topic work.
Y4 Living Things and their Habitats - Lesson 1, Grouping Living Things (Planning, PP, Resources)

Y4 Living Things and their Habitats - Lesson 1, Grouping Living Things (Planning, PP, Resources)

Lesson PowerPoint, planning and Activity for grouping living things. The first in a series of lessons to develop children's knowledge about 'Living Things and Their Habitats,' for the 2014 primary curriculum. Links to coverage of the curriculum are explicit in the planning. We are learning to group living things. An interesting mastery starter, to develop children's critical thinking and reasoning. Encourages children to consider what a living thing is. Opportunity for children to work in mixed ability groups to come up with their own ways to group living things and to be able to share this and reason their choices with the class. Develop's children's scientific explanations of how something is grouped as a plant or an animal. Lots of 'mastery' thinking required through the questions posed, for deepening and mastering learning. Interesting Minions related hook to engage all children in the follow up task. Choice of 3 differentiated follow up activities (all of which are provided as well as being explained on the PowerPoint) Opportunity for verbal peer feedback as a plenary (with prompt on the PowerPoint). All images have been taken from: http://search.creativecommons.org/ where no attribution is required.
Y4 Living Things - Lesson 6, environmental changes (Planning, PP, Resources)

Y4 Living Things - Lesson 6, environmental changes (Planning, PP, Resources)

Lesson PowerPoint, planning and activities for identifying invertebrate groups and developing children's understanding of invertebrates that live in their local environment. Lots of mastery thinking required. The sixth (final) in a series of lessons to develop children's knowledge about 'Living Things and Their Habitats,' for the 2014 primary curriculum. Links to coverage of the curriculum are explicit in the planning. We are learning to understand how environments change and the dangers this can cause for wildlife. An interesting 'who am I?' starter to intrigue children. Clues reveal themselves one at a time and explore each of the invertebrate groups covered in the last lesson. Recaps, revisits and builds on prior learning on living things. Develop's children's scientific knowledge about habitats and how they change - both through natural causes and the impacts of humans. Lots of critical thinking and explaining required. Learning walk around the locality required - children to look out for ways humans have changed the environment - both positive and negative. Opportunity for children to discuss what they saw, particularly any positive impacts. How do humans harm habitats? Explores deforestation, what it is and the impacts. Opportunity for children to consider why humans harm the environment and the impacts. Opportunity for children to consider ways to improve the environment that are relevant to their locality. Children work in mixed ability groups to develop, carry out and evaluate a plan to improve their environment. Lots of 'mastery' thinking required through the questions posed, for deepening and mastering learning. This may actually take 3-4 lessons: Introducing the learning and taking the learning walk. Creating an action plan Carrying out the mission Evaluating the mission and sharing with the class. All images have been taken from: http://search.creativecommons.org/ where no attribution is required.
KS2 SpaG test on fronted adverbials

KS2 SpaG test on fronted adverbials

SPaG test focusing explicitly on fronted adverbials. Mark scheme included. Assesses: What a fronted adverbial is. What a fronted adverbial describes Punctuation Linking fronted adverbials to sentences Writing fronted adverbials.
KS2 Online Safety - Online Gaming Communication

KS2 Online Safety - Online Gaming Communication

We are learning to understand the dangers of communicating on online gaming. Lesson plan, PowerPoint and link to video to hook children and make learning relevant and real to them. Lots of deep thinking questions to encourage children to consider how they communicate in games; when it is and is not ok to communicate in games. Touches on online bullying and teaches children to block or report abuse. Focus on what personal information is and not sharing this in the online world. Choice of follow up task. Plenary provides opportunity for peer assessment. My class were absolutely hooked on this lesson and had fantastic discussions. They went home being much more aware of how to keep themselves safe when gaming.