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Squelch1's Shop

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(based on 64 reviews)

I provide a wide range of resources for use in the classroom and around school. My resources build on children's learning and consider the smaller steps children need to take to achieve the learning. My resources have a focus on 'mastery' style questions where possible, to develop children's critical thinking and reasoning skills. As a practicing primary teacher myself, I know how essential it is to have well organised lesson resources with engaging activities that focus on the learning.




I provide a wide range of resources for use in the classroom and around school. My resources build on children's learning and consider the smaller steps children need to take to achieve the learning. My resources have a focus on 'mastery' style questions where possible, to develop children's critical thinking and reasoning skills. As a practicing primary teacher myself, I know how essential it is to have well organised lesson resources with engaging activities that focus on the learning.
Computing / ICT Assessment Targets Y3 and Y4 (2014 Curriculum)

Computing / ICT Assessment Targets Y3 and Y4 (2014 Curriculum)

Statements to help you with assessing children against the 2014 Computing Curriculum, or with setting targets. There are separate documents for years 3 and 4, which break down the learning and help to show progress between year groups. As the assessment grids help identify learning for children in each year group, they can also be used to guide planning, again to ensure progress between year groups.
Computing / ICT Assessment Targets Y1 and Y2 (2014 Curriculum)

Computing / ICT Assessment Targets Y1 and Y2 (2014 Curriculum)

Statements to help you with assessing children against the 2014 Computing Curriculum, or with setting targets. There are separate documents for years 1 and 2, which break down the learning and help to show progress between year groups. As the assessment grids help identify learning for children in each year group, they can also be used to guide planning, again to ensure progress between year groups.
Capacity Investigation

Capacity Investigation

An interesting and challenging capacity investigation. Can be solved mathematically by more secure mathematicians or can be solved by using cups, buckets and water for younger or less able children. There are a range of possible answers for example 700ml could be achieved by: 500ml + 500ml = 1000ml 1000ml - 300ml = 700ml 500ml - 300ml = 200ml (repeated 3 times) = 700ml
Self Assessment and Peer Assessment

Self Assessment and Peer Assessment

Self and Peer assessment forms to encourage children to critically consider the learning that they or their partner has achieved and give praise for these by identifying what has gone well. Children also become more aware of the presentation of their work. Encourages children to think about giving constructive feedback to themselves or a peer and set a target to work toward next time. Children are much more engaged in remembering and responding to such targets. Can be edited to include specific learning objectives or success criteria, hence this resource can be used for any lesson. Helps you identify what children really know about their learning and how well they are doing. A great edition to children's books to for book scrutiny or inspections, particularly in line with the 2014 curriculum. Could support your marking, cutting down the time you spend on marking. Used very effectively across KS2 and has really improved children's thinking about their own work. They no longer finish work and never look back over it again. It has really started children talking about their work. For less able children, a class discussion before hand about what learning may look like and possible targets to set has been helpful.
End of School Quiz For Summer 2016

End of School Quiz For Summer 2016

10 Round Quiz (80 questions) with certificates for each round and overall winner. Round 1 - Weird and Wacky News (True or False) Round 2 - Sports Round 3 - Celebrities Round 4 - Britain's Got Talent Round 5 - In the News Round 6 - Films Round 7 - General Knowledge Round 8 - Geography and the Environment Round 9 - Making History Round 10 - Photo Gallery. Questions are engaging for children (KS2 or KS3). Questions cover a range of topics, from celebrities of interest to children, to events that are happening in the world at the moment that children should know about. A great opportunity for all the class to get involved and shine! There is: A quiz PowerPoint PowerPoint with answers Certificates (for each category and an overall winner) Answer sheets for children to write on.
Fractions of Amounts Investigation

Fractions of Amounts Investigation

We are learning to find fractions of amounts. Investigation containing 6 separate investigations, ideal for KS2. Each investigation could be solved mathematically or using resources. Shop themed.
KS2 Brazil/Olympics Medium Term Plan and Resources PLUS Planning and Resources for Literacy

KS2 Brazil/Olympics Medium Term Plan and Resources PLUS Planning and Resources for Literacy

6 week medium term planning for a Brazil Topic (30 lessons), some focus on the Olympic Games. Planning/resources provided for each lesson, including coverage links for 2014 curriculum. Includes range of key critical thinking (mastery) questions. There’s planning, PowerPoints, resources and exemplar text for 12 literacy lessons-writing a persuasive letter. Literacy is linked to Brazil topic. Fully interactive PowerPoint about Brazil (61 slides). Use in full screen mode to navigate between sections. A range of mastery style questions included. Covers: Rain forest Rubber Trade Tribes Climate Geography Lifestyles History Art Olympics (Rio/ Ancient Olympics). We are learning to's: Geography: use scale maps to locate places in Brazil; use critical thinking skills (to compare areas of Brazil); understand what deforestation is and where it occurs; create a persuasive text about deforestation; investigate the similarities and differences between village and city life in Brazil; investigate what it is like to live in a tribe; investigate and compare the lives of Indigenous Indians; describe the structure of the Amazon Rain forest; investigate Fair Trade in Brazil; understand the importance of Brazilian carnivals. History: investigate how the rubber trade started; explore the ancient Olympic games; understand the chronology of the Olympics. Art: use pencil sketching skills; use pencil sketching skills; observe details; create a collage; observe details and create urban art; design a symbolic Olympic mascot; design a symbolic Olympic medal. ICT: search safely on the internet; create a PowerPoint document; program hyperlinks in a PowerPoint; create and present data in a bar graph (using PowerPoint); create and present data in a line graph (using PowerPoint); present and evaluate a PowerPoint. Design Technology: research and design a carnival float; build and evaluate a carnival float. Music: listen to and recall sounds; experiment with percussion instruments; perform, using percussion instruments. R.E: explore religion in Brazil. P.E. apply a range of athletics skills (to compete in a mini Olympics). Lessons can be adapted Lessons differentiated. Fact sheets, images, planning sheet, evaluations sheets etc provided for many lessons. List of other suggested resources for each lesson. List of suggested books and websites. All images have been taken from: http://search.creativecommons.org/ where no attribution is required.