Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.
Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.
This 40-slide PowerPoint is divided into 6 sections. Each section contains integrated activities (with hyperlinks) so that you can easily navigate around the PowerPoint.
Section 1: The Second World War
Section 2: The Blitz
Section 3: The effects of air raids
Section 4: Child evacuees
Section 5: What did people eat?
Section 6: Surviving the war and preventing another
Great Fire of London - Unit of Work AND All Resources!
A superb, fully editable unit of work with all activities provided.
Every activity is embedded onto a 100-slide PowerPoint.
Videos, diary extracts, worksheets and more!
Just follow the step-by-step unit of work and PowerPoint.
Ideal for pupils in Year 2, Year 3 or Year 4.
10+ lessons available.
Unit of work attached.
Main objectives covered in unit:
To know where London is in the world.
To explain how to travel to London.
To describe features of London.
To describe key features of houses and streets in the 17th century.
To describe what happened in the Great Fire of London.
To sequence events correctly.
To write a report.
To design an art project showing the Great Fire.
To read extracts from the diary of Samuel Pepys.
To describe events of the Great Fire.
To identify key vocabulary related to the Great Fire of London.
To recall key events in first person.
A Unit of Work (adaptable), a list of vocabulary and a 60-slide PowerPoint covering:
Slide 3: Who were the Romans?
Slide 7: Roman Slaves & Roman Citizens
Slide 10: Roman Towns
Slide 21: Roman Clothing
Slide 34: The Roman Army
Slide 45: Roman Conquest of Britain
Slide 53: Roman Shields & Army Tactics
A 7-week unit of work (with all resources) about Ancient Egyptians.
Topics covered:
Egyptian Life
Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Writing
A Unit of Work (adaptable), a list of vocabulary and a 60-slide PowerPoint covering:
Slide 3: Who were the Romans?
Slide 7: Roman Slaves & Roman Citizens
Slide 10: Roman Towns
Slide 21: Roman Clothing
Slide 34: The Roman Army
Slide 45: Roman Conquest of Britain
Slide 53: Roman Shields & Army Tactics
These resources are ideal if you are teaching your student’s about the Vikings.
4 products in total.
Ideal for 7+ (depending on ability).
Fully editable.
Real-life superheroes!
When the children think of superheroes, they might think of Superman, Superwoman, Spiderman, Batman, Iron Man, Thor and people like that. People with super powers.
In real life though, people can’t fly and they don’t have x-ray vision. But some real-life people are VERY special and are real-life heroes because they do amazing things, they have amazing talents or they do incredible things for other people. These people could be called, ‘REAL LIFE SUPER HEROES’ … Special people who do special things.
Attached are 3 great activities:
Activity 1: To learn about an amazing SUPER SPACE HERO called Neil Armstrong. There is a video to watch and some questions to answer.
Activity 2: To learn about an amazing lady called Mother Teresa. When she was alive, she was a SUPER KIND PERSON and she gave her life to helping the poor and sick. There is a cartoon to watch and some questions to answer.
Activity 3: To learn about A SUPER SPEEDY HERO called Usain Bolt. He is the fastest man on Earth! There is a cartoon to watch and a few questions to answer.
Each activity booklet is 6 pages long and contains information about the character, a video link and questions.
Answer sheets included.
Ideal for 6+
A huge selection of worksheets about The Romans
Roman Army
Roman Artefacts
Queen Boudicca
Roman Calendar
Roman Clothing
Roman Education
Roman Fashion & Jewelry
Roman Food
Roman Games & Races
Roman Housing
Romans - interesting facts
Legend of Rome
Roman Numerals
Roman Place Names
Romans VS Celts
Roman Society
Roman Soldier
PLEASE NOTE: All worksheets are in PDF format - ready to print.
4 great resources:
Theseus And The Minotaur - Myths and Legends.
Ancient Greece - PowerPoint Presentation.
Myths and Legends - Creative Writing - PowerPoint Presentation.
Ancient Greeks PowerPoint.
If you are planning to teach your student’s about the GREAT FIRE OF LONDON, then look no further!
Attached is a Great Fire of London Unit of Work (with activities); an art unit of work; a model text AND a class assembly!
Over 50 hours of planning went into this bundle so please save yourself the time and enjoy!
Attached is a 39-slide PowerPoint (with integrated activities) divided into the following sections:
Historical Timeline and Timeline Task
A Journey through Time
Viking Transport
Viking Clothes
Viking Warriors and Raids
Viking Homes
Viking Alphabet
Viking Gods
Also attached is a creative writing task, a Triremes PowerPoint and a Viking booklet. Ideal for 7+ and ALL resources are fully editable.
Unit of Work + ALL RESOURCES.
Class Assembly (with music, full script etc.).
Activity booklets, worksheets, comprehension tasks and fact sheets - fully editable!
5 fully editable “Explorers-Based” resources:
An explorers model text (6 to 9 years).
Famous explorers from history - timeline activity and information booklet (9+).
Exploring the Amazon Rainforest in South America (6+).
Antarctica & Emperor Penguins (6+).
Endangered Animals - 5 resources.
**7 famous people to teach your class about: **
King Henry VIII.
Michael Jordan.
Neil Armstrong.
Mother Teresa.
Usain Bolt.
Christopher Columbus.
Slide shows, worksheets, videos and integrated activities.
Ideal for 6+
Fully editable.