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Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.




Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.
Blank Names Template

Blank Names Template

Just add the names of your student’s and print off onto sticky labels or plain paper. I normally print about 20 of these at the beginning of the year and whenever the children need a new book, they just take a new label and stick it on themselves. Makes life just that little bit easier (anything to save time). Please check out my shop (over 2000 resources available).
Toilet and Drink Playground Pass - FREE!

Toilet and Drink Playground Pass - FREE!

Ideal for laminating and allocating to students at play times (when they need to go to the toilet or get a drink). When you receive the card back, you know the child is back on the playground. Good for tracking where students are at all times. 4 sets of cards attached. PDF and Word formats available.
ch and sh words

ch and sh words

A selection of ch and sh words to display or use in your classroom. A very basic but useful resource. 4 pages of words. Fully editable.
Recovering after COVID-19

Recovering after COVID-19

A 16-slide PowerPoint for ALL who are recovering after COVID-19 CONTENTS: Recovering after COVID-19 Physical problems after COVID-19 Mental and emotional problems after COVID-19 Recovery time Information for family, friends and carers Understanding your relative’s hospital stay and how it felt Feelings you might be experiencing now they are home Make sure you look after yourself too Self-care Communication between family and friends and the person recovering You and your partner What can I do if I’m feeling overwhelmed? If you need access to further advice and support
Individual Spellings - Individualised Learning

Individual Spellings - Individualised Learning

2 Worksheets attached: Worksheet 1 - on this sheet, there are spaces available for a child to practise 10 individual spellings. The pupils (or teacher) must select 10 incorrect spellings from the child’s class exercise book(s). They are given a set time to learn and master the spellings. Once the child knows the spellings by heart, they must ask a parent to sign the bottom of the sheet. The teacher then tests the child, and if they pass the test, they receive a reward (e.g. House point) and a new set of spellings. Worksheet 2 in the same except there are 15 individual spaces for 15 individual spellings (instead of 10). Fully editable.
Imaginary World Descriptions - Describe the Settings

Imaginary World Descriptions - Describe the Settings

Activity: Describe the imaginary worlds. Students must write a description of each setting as though it is a paragraph in a story. Students should use adjectives to describe the scene. What are the characters doing? Where are they going? Who lives there? Students must try to create a mood and ‘paint a picture with words’ for the reader so that they can easily visualise each setting in their heads.
Dictionary Skills - Clarification Activity

Dictionary Skills - Clarification Activity

Dictionary - Clarification activity Just write down (no more than 4) unfamiliar/new words on the worksheet then ask your student’s to predict what they mean. Then, ask your student’s to find the actual definition of each word using a dictionary. Finally, ask your student’s to create their own sentence with the word. Fully editable. Suitable for all ages.