Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.
Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.
A great introduction to angles
10 slides
Suitable for 5 - 11 years
What is an angle?
Whole turns, half turns and quarter turns
How do we measure angles?
Rights angles
Other angles -acute, obtuse and reflex
Various TIME challenges … the children love them!
Activity: Students must time and record how long it takes to complete each challenge … just give each group a stopwatch and off you go.
Tried and Tested.
Fun for all!
Fully editable.
Introducing Probability - PowerPoint and 2 Investigations.
PowerPoint (12 slides):
Slide 3: Chance / Probability Line
Slides 4 to 6: Dice Questions
Slides 7 to 9: Spinner Questions
Slides 10 to 12: ‘Out of the Bag’ Questions
Probability Investigations:
Coin Investigation
Dice Investigation
Ideal for beginners!
Measuring Objects in the Classroom (m, cm and mm)
A simple chart to record measurements in m, cm and mm.
2 pages.
Example objects listed.
Fully editable.
2 nice worksheets to use when measuring in cm and mm.
Fully editable and answer sheet provided.
I normally allow the children a small degree of error either side of the exact measurement (1mm more or 1mm less).
A great selection of fully editable money resources:
Divide Money by 2 and 4 - Worksheet.
Divide Money Worksheet.
Dividing Money - Worksheet.
Make Money - Worksheet.
Money & Percentages - Income Tax, Bills & Take Home.
Money - 4 activities (2-page booklet).
Money - Adding & Subtracting Pounds & Pence.
Money - Calculate Change (3-page booklet).
MONEY - Calculate the Discounted Price (2 worksheets).
MONEY - Equivalent Amounts.
Money - Equivalent Values Worksheet.
Money - Income VS Expenditure Worksheet.
Money - Jobs, Time, Money, Taxes & Take Home Pay!
Money - Spending Spree Challenge!
Money PowerPoint: Add Items on a Menu (5 - 9 years).
Money: Calculate a Discount - 2 worksheets (KS2).
Money: Find Different Ways To Pay (3-Page Booklet).
Money: Shopping with 10p, 20p, 50p and £1.00.
Y5 and Y6 Percentages Worksheets … Calculate the discount & write new price.
100 Square - Missing Numbers
Can your student’s work out the missing numbers on a 100 square?
2 pages of activities. On the second page, students have to work out the answers WITHOUT a 100 square!
20 questions in total.
All answers provided.
3 differentiated decimal number sequence worksheets.
Ideal for 7+
Each worksheet requires the student to increase or increase the decimals by tenths, hundredths or thousandths. The worksheets get more difficult to complete (stage 3 being the most difficult).
On the second page of each worksheet, there is space for your student’s to create their own number sequences.
Fully editable.
Answer sheets provided.
A great PowerPoint to use in you are teaching 'Counting in 2’s.
11 slides.
Fully interactive.
Ideal for 3 to 6 years.
Please note: The preview image is a bit distorted but the PowerPoint is absolutely fine!
2 great resources:
Resource 1: A great little booklet to test your student’s knowledge of halves, quarters and thirds. Answers provided and fully editable.
Resource 2: A worksheet to consolidate halves, quarters and thirds. Answers provided and fully editable.
2 worksheets.
Activity 1: Shapes with Parallel sides. Children must use a geoboard to make shapes with 1 pair of parallel sides. They must draw their shape and mark the parallel sides with arrows. On the second page, the children must make shapes with 2 pairs of parallel sides.
Activity 2: Parallel Lines: Students must use the colour-coded key to highlight parallel lines on the Indian textile pattern.
Both activities are fully editable and appropriate for primary aged children.
Perfect Place Value Worksheet - 5 place value activities in 1 place
Make a number (using place value cards).
Label the number (Hundreds, Tens, Units/Ones).
Show the number on the abacus.
Write the number (digits & words).
Write the sum and total.
2 pages and fully editable.
2 sizes available - A3 and A4 size (A3 is ideal for younger learners).