I've worked in primary teaching for over 10 years and specialise in creating fun and engaging educational resources, particularly for Geography and History.
I've worked in primary teaching for over 10 years and specialise in creating fun and engaging educational resources, particularly for Geography and History.
This is the free planning overview for Volcanoes & Earthquakes. A vocabulary page and topic title page are also included.
The unit is designed for KS2 students and includes twelve fully-planned lessons complete with differentiated activities and worksheets.
All the resources described in this unit plan are available on TES, either as individual lessons or as a bundle. Lessons include:
L1 – Understanding the structure of the Earth
L2 – Investigating the structure of a volcano (FREE)
L3 – Locating the world’s famous volcanoes
L4 – Investigating the five deadly features of a volcanic eruption
L5 – Understanding tectonic plates
L6 – Exploring the effects of volcanic eruptions on Montserrat
L7 – Why do people live near volcanoes?
L8 – Understanding the causes of earthquakes
L9 – Investigating the five deadly features of an earthquake
L10 – Researching earthquakes using Wikipedia
L11 – Locating the world’s biggest earthquakes using latitude & longitude
L12 – Writing a fact file about a famous earthquake
A FREE newspaper report template is also included in this unit.
If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
This is the free planning overview for Mountain Environments, a comprehensive topic about mountains. A vocabulary page and topic title page are also included.
This Geography unit is designed for KS2 students from Y4 to Y6 and includes seven fully-planned lessons complete with differentiated activities/worksheets.
All the resources described in this unit plan are available on TES, either as individual lessons or as a bundle. Two of the lessons are also free:
L1 – Identifying the key features of mountains
L2 – Identifying the world’s major mountain ranges
L3 – Locating the world’s famous mountains using latitude and longitude
L4 – Understanding how fold mountains are formed
L5 – Investigating the structure of a volcano (FREE)
L6 – Researching famous world mountains (FREE)
L7 – Investigating mountain climates
If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
This is the free planning overview for Earthquakes. A vocabulary page and topic title page are also included.
This Geography unit is designed for KS2 students and includes seven fully-planned lessons complete with differentiated activities and worksheets.
All the resources described in the planning are available on TES, either as individual lessons or as a bundle. Lessons include:
L1 – Understanding the structure of the Earth
L2 – Understanding tectonic plates
L3 – Understanding the causes of earthquakes
L4 – Investigating the five deadly features of an earthquake
L5 – Researching earthquakes using Wikipedia
L6 – Locating the world’s biggest earthquakes using latitude & longitude
L7 – Writing a fact file about a famous earthquake
If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
This is a basic newspaper report template. It is designed for writing a newspaper report about the volcanic eruption on Montserrat in 1995 and can be used with the following Geography resources, all available on TES:
Looking at the effects of volcanic eruptions on Montserrat
Volcanoes - KS2
Volcanoes & Earthquakes - KS2
The template can easily be adapted for other topics and has colour-coded boxes for ease of use:
Green box = headline
Blue boxes = captions
If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
This is the free planning overview for London Zoo, a fun introduction to one of the world’s most famous zoos. A topic title page is also included.
This cross-curricula unit is designed for KS1 and lower KS2 students (Y2-4) and includes fully-planned lessons complete with differentiated activities and worksheets.
All the resources described in this unit plan are available on TES, either as individual lessons or as a bundle. Lessons include:
L1 – Writing a fact file about London Zoo
L2 – Taking a tour of London Zoo
L3 – Using compass directions at London Zoo
L4 – Using grid references at London Zoo
L5 – Matching animals to their habitat
L6 – The history of London Zoo
If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
This is the free planning overview for Volcanoes. A vocabulary page and topic title page are also included.
The unit is designed for KS2 students and includes seven fully-planned lessons complete with differentiated activities and worksheets.
All the resources described in this unit plan are available on TES, either as individual lessons or as a bundle. Lessons include:
L1 – Understanding the structure of the Earth
L2 – Investigating the structure of a volcano
L3 – Locating the world’s famous volcanoes
L4 – Investigating the five deadly features of a volcanic eruption
L5 – Understanding tectonic plates
L6 – Exploring the effects of volcanic eruptions on Montserrat
L7 – Why do people live near volcanoes?
A free newspaper report template is also included in this unit.
If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
This is the free planning overview for Exploring St Lucia, a colourful introduction to the geography of St Lucia, a beautiful tropical island in the Caribbean. A topic title page is also included.
The unit is designed for students in KS2 and includes six engaging lessons complete with differentiated activities and worksheets.
All the resources described in this unit plan are available on TES, either as individual lessons or as a bundle. Lessons include:
L1 – Locating St Lucia in the Caribbean
L2 – Identifying the human and physical features of St Lucia
L3 – Investigating satellite photos of St Lucia
L4 – Using compass directions to locate places in St Lucia
L5 – Comparing the weather of St Lucia and the UK
L6 – Comparing St Lucia with the UK
If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
This is the free planning overview for Understanding Trade, a Geography topic designed to help student understand global trade. A topic title page is also included.
The unit is suitable for KS2 students from Y5 to Y6 and includes six fully-planned lessons complete with differentiated activities and worksheets.
All the resources described in this unit plan are available on TES, either as individual lessons or as a bundle. Lessons include:
L1 – Investigating where the products we buy come from
L2 – Understanding that all products have a supply chain
L3 – Exploring the chocolate supply chain
L4 – Investigating the UK’s biggest exports
L5 – Investigating the highest value exports of different countries
L6 – Is the banana trade fair?
If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
London Zoo is a cross-curricula unit suitable for KS1 and lower KS2 (Y2-4).
It is a fun way to learn about one of the world’s most famous zoos.
The planning overview and topic title page can be downloaded for free here. Lessons include:
L1 – Writing a fact file about London Zoo
L2 – Taking a tour of London Zoo
L3 – Using compass directions at London Zoo
L4 – Using grid references at London Zoo
L5 – Matching animals to their habitat
L6 – The history of London Zoo
Each lesson includes a presentation and differentiated activities/worksheets.
If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
This lesson is designed for KS2 students. It can be taught as a stand alone lesson but is also available as part of three wider units which are available on TES:
Volcanoes & Earthquakes
Mountain Environments
First the presentation looks at the features of a volcano, how they are formed and the causes of volcanic eruptions. In the activity, which is differentiated three ways, students identify ten features of a volcano.
Easier – Students identify ten features of a volcano (with prompt boxes and arrows).
Medium – Students identify ten features of a volcano (no prompt boxes or arrows).
Harder – Students identify ten features of a volcano and write a sentence explanation for each one.
Extension – Children complete a cloze procedure activity (differentiated two ways).
If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
This lesson is part of Mountain Environments, a Geography unit designed for students in upper KS2 (Y4-6).
First the presentation introduces some of the world’s biggest and most famous mountains. It then asks students to think about how they could find out more information about these mountains (e.g. information books, internet research).
The activity is a great way to encourage students to explore atlases. It challenges them to find information (e.g. mountain range, continent, name, height) about the world’s famous mountains and is differentiated three ways.
Easier – Students have to find 1 piece of information about each mountain.
Medium – Students have to find 2 pieces of information about each mountain.
Harder – Students have to find 3 pieces of information about each mountain (i.e. they only have the name of each mountain).
N.B. It’s important to check your school atlases to ensure they have the correct mountains. If not, simply edit the worksheets.
If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
This is the free planning overview for Exploring Spain, a great introduction to the geography of Spain. A vocabulary page and topic title page are also included.
This unit is designed for students in KS2 from Y4 to Y6 and includes seven fully-planned lessons complete with differentiated activities and worksheets.
All the resources described in this unit plan are available on TES, either as individual lessons or as a bundle. Lesson include:
L1 – Writing a Spain fact file
L2 – Identifying human and physical features of Spain
L3 – Using 8 points of the compass to locate cities in Spain
L4 – Using 4-figure grid references in Spain
L5 – Investigating Spain’s weather and climate
L6 – Taking a tour of Madrid
Optional lesson – Identifying the countries and capital cities of Europe
If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
This is the free planning overview for Exploring Brazil, a comprehensive unit of work about the geography of Brazil. A vocabulary page and topic title page are also included.
The unit is is designed for students in KS2 from Y4 to Y6 and includes a variety of engaging lessons, differentiated activities and worksheets.
All the resources described in this unit plan are available on TES, either as individual lessons or as a bundle. Lessons include:
L1 – Identifying the countries and capitals of South America
L2 – Writing a Brazil fact file
L3 – Using 4 and 6-figure grid references to locate Brazilian cities
L4 – Identifying the human and physical features of Brazil
L5 – Exploring Brazil’s ecosystems
L6 – Investigating Brazil’s weather and climate
If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
This resource is part of Exploring Australia, a Geography unit designed for students in upper KS1 and lower KS2 (Y2-Y4). All resources are compatible with both Microsoft Office and Google Workspace.
First the presentation introduces satellite photos. Students initially examine satellite photos of famous world landmarks before moving on to investigate several Australian sites.
The activities challenge students to use their geographical detective skills to identify Australian landmarks from satellite photos:
Matching Activity:
Students match 10 Australian landmarks to their satellite photos.
Writing Activity:
Easier - Students investigate satellite photos of 8 Australian landmarks (using a writing frame).
Harder - Students investigate satellite photos of 10 Australian landmarks (writing in books).
Extension - Students choose an Australian landmark they would like to visit and explain why.
If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
This is the free planning overview for Tropical Rainforests, a comprehensive Geography unit about tropical rainforests, the most biodiverse terrestrial ecosystems on Earth. A topic title page and knowledge organiser are also included.
The unit is is designed for students in KS2 (Y3-Y6) and includes a variety of engaging lessons, differentiated activities and worksheets. All resources are compatible with both Microsoft Office and Google Workspace.
All the resources described in this unit plan are available on TES, either as individual lessons or as a bundle. Lessons include:
L1 – Locating tropical rainforests on a world map
L2 – Identifying tropical rainforest animals
L3 – Investigating the layers of a tropical rainforest
L4 – Exploring the Amazon rainforest
L5 – Understanding the impact of deforestation on the Amazon
L6 – Investigating how deforestation affects an Amazon tribe
L7 - Thinking of ways to help save tropical rainforests
If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
This is the free planning overview for Exploring Australia, a comprehensive unit of lessons investigating Australia’s geography. A topic title page and knowledge organiser are also included.
The unit is designed for students in upper KS1 and lower KS2 (Y2-Y4) and includes a variety of engaging lessons, differentiated activities and worksheets. All resources are compatible with both Microsoft Office and Google Workspace.
All the resources described in this unit plan are available on TES, either as individual lessons or as a bundle. Lessons include:
L1 – Locating Australia on a world map
L2 – Identifying cities and states of Australia
L3 – Identifying human and physical features of Australia
L4 – Investigating satellite photos of Australian landmarks
L5 – Investigating Australia’s weather and climate
L6 – Comparing the UK and Australia
If you like this resource, we would appreciate a review! We will happily send you a free resource in return for a review or useful suggestions/feedback. Contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.
This free lesson is a great way for students to learn the location of the world’s continents and oceans. It can be used as an introduction to the topic for younger students or simply to refresh older students’ core geographical knowledge.
The World Map Jigsaw is a great warm-up activity for this lesson.
First the presentation runs through the continents and oceans of the world. In the worksheet activity students then identify the world’s continents and oceans. This is differentiated four ways:
Easier – Students have initial letters, vocabulary and use an atlas/map prompt.
Medium – Students have vocabulary and use an atlas/map prompt.
Harder – Students solely use an atlas/map prompt (no vocabulary).
Hardest – Students identify continents and oceans with no vocabulary or atlas/map prompt.
Extension – Students use an atlas to work out which continents countries are in.
If you like this resource, please review it. If you have any suggestions or feedback, contact us at ed@teachitforward.co.uk.