Here to help amazing teachers take control of their workload.
A range of outstanding teaching resources, that have been designed using a research based approach to teaching.
Lesson consistently contain: Retrieval Practices; Dual Coding; Graphic Organisers and much more...
If you have any question please do feel free to get in contact, as the below email is monitored daily...
If you leave a review of any of our resources, you can claim any FREE single resource
Here to help amazing teachers take control of their workload.
A range of outstanding teaching resources, that have been designed using a research based approach to teaching.
Lesson consistently contain: Retrieval Practices; Dual Coding; Graphic Organisers and much more...
If you have any question please do feel free to get in contact, as the below email is monitored daily...
If you leave a review of any of our resources, you can claim any FREE single resource
Topic: The Reformation
The Dissolution of the Monasteries
Lesson 1 FREE -
This SoW is designed in detail and is both differentiated and engaging, and allows you to move pupils through content efficiently. As a result, lessons can take around two periods to deliver and are sequenced to flow through this period of time comprehensively.
Made to the highest standard and constructed using current research, both dual coding and retrieval practices are at the heart of this unit. A colour scheme also runs throughout to ease both your delivery and students comprehension.
An outline of the SoW can be viewed below: The Reformation
Young Henry VIII
The Catholic Church c. 1530
Martin Luther and Protestantism
Henry VIII’s Great Matter
Thomas Wolsey
The Break with Rome
Causes of the Break with Rome - factors
The Dissolution of the Monasteries
The Pilgrimage of Grace
Henry VIII’s later years
Edward VI and Protestantism
Impact of the Reformation
Additional: Knowledge Organiser
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Best FREE Resources (Teacher Central) (FREE SoW) (FREE SoW) (FREE SoW)
I hope you find this SoW useful. If you have, I have created a series of resources.
L22 - Lister and antiseptics
GCSE EDEXCEL History: Medicine in Britain, c1250–present
Key topic 3: Medicine in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Britain
Lesson 1 FREE:
This SoW is designed in detail and is both differentiated and engaging and allows you to move pupils through content efficiently. As a result, lessons can take around two periods to deliver and are sequenced to flow through this period comprehensively.
Made to the highest standard and constructed using current research, both dual coding and retrieval practices are at the heart of this unit. A colour scheme also runs throughout to ease both your delivery and students’ comprehension.
Key topic 3: Medicine in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Britain
L18 - Louis Pasteur and Germ Theory
L19 - Robert Koch
L20 - Nightingale and hospitals
L21 - Simpson and anaesthetics
L22 - Lister and antiseptics
L23 - Jenner and vaccinations
L24 - Development and impact of vaccinations
L25 - John Snow and cholera
L26 - Public Health Act 1875
L27 - KT3 assessment
Any question please do feel free to get in contact:
Best FREE Resources (Teacher Central) (FREE SoW) (FREE SoW)
I hope you find this SoW useful. If you have, I have created a series of resources.
Sociology AQA
L8: What were the Key Values of the New Right Movement?
**FREE Lesson From this Unit: **
This SoW is designed in detail to be clearly differentiated and engaging. Using the latest researched teaching and learning techniques, such as Retrieval Practice and Dual Coding. This SoW allows you to move pupils through content efficiently. Each SoW is sequenced clearly and in line with the Edexcel Specification.
A colour scheme also runs throughout to ease both your delivery and students’ comprehension.
We provided an email address that is monitored daily, if you have any questions or issues with this purchase (
Below is a break down of the Bundle
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Tes Teaching Store:
GCSE EDEXCEL History: Option B4: Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88
L9 - Mary, Queen of Scots claim to the throne
Key topic 1: Queen, government and religion, 1558–69
Lesson 1 FREE:
This SoW is designed in detail and is both differentiated and engaging and allows you to move pupils through content efficiently. As a result, lessons can take around two periods to deliver and are sequenced to flow through this period comprehensively.
Made to the highest standard and constructed using current research, both dual coding and retrieval practices are at the heart of this unit. A colour scheme also runs throughout to ease both your delivery and students’ comprehension.
Key topic 1: Queen, government and religion, 1558–69
L1 - Elizabethan society and government
L2 - Character, strengths and problems
L3 - Financial weakness and the French threat
L4 - Religious divisions
L5 - Religious settlement
L6 - The role of the Church of England
L7 - The Puritan challenge
L8 - The Catholic challenge at home and abroad
L9 - Mary, Queen of Scots claim to the throne
L10 - Relations between Elizabeth and Mary
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Best FREE Resources (Teacher Central) (FREE SoW) (FREE SoW)
I hope you find this SoW useful. If you have, I have created a series of resources.
Topic: Britain before 1066
Early Britains
Free Lesson 1
This SoW is designed in detail and is both differentiated and engaging, and allows you to move pupils through content efficiently. As a result, lessons can take around two periods to deliver and are sequenced to flow through this period of time.
Made to the highest standard and constructed using current research, both dual coding and retrieval practices are at the heart of this unit. A colour scheme also runs throughout to ease both your delivery and students comprehension.
An outline of the SoW can be viewed below: Britain before 1066
L1: Roman Britain
L2: Anglo-Saxon invasion
L3: Anglo-Saxon life
L4: Anglo-Saxon religion
L5: Anglo-Saxon rule
L6: Viking invasion and settlement
L7: Alfred the Great
L8: Assessment
Any question please do feel free to get in contact:
Best FREE Resources (Teacher Central) (FREE SoW) (FREE SoW)
I hope you find this SoW useful. If you have, I have created a series of resources.
Edexcel A-Level History
Ireland and the Union, 1774–1923
**FREE Lesson From this Unit: **
L4: How did Ireland Move Towards Civil War?
This SoW is designed in detail to be clearly differentiated and engaging. Using the latest researched teaching and learning techniques, such as Retrieval Practice and Dual Coding. This SoW allows you to move pupils through content efficiently. Each SoW is sequenced clearly and in line with the Edexcel Specification.
A colour scheme also runs throughout to ease both your delivery and students’ comprehension.
We provided an email address that is monitored daily, if you have any questions or issues with this purchase (
Below is a break down of the Bundle:
Ireland and the Union, 1774–1923
L1: What Were the Causes and Effects of the Irish Agitation and Rebellion?
L2: What was the Tithe Wars and its Impact on Young Ireland?
L3: What Motivated the Campaign of Home Rule?
L4: How did Ireland Move Towards Civil War?
L5: What were the Causes and Effects of the Easter Rising?
L6: What were the Reasons for the Changing Approaches to Government Ireland?
L7: How did Government Policies Evolve in Ireland Over Time?
L8: Who were the Significant British Political Leaders at the Time of Irish Rebellion?
L9: What was the Position of the Catholic Faith in the Irish Rebellion?
L10: How did the Catholic Relief Come about and what were its Effects?
L11: What were the Impacts of the Removal of Restrictions on Irish Trade?
L12: Why was the Textiles Industry so Important to Ulster?
L13: Why was Ship Building So Important to Ulster?
L14: What Challenges Lead from the Urbanisation of Belfast?
L15: What Were Some of the Causes of the Irish Famine?
L17: What were the Socio-Economic Impacts of the Irish Famine?
L18: What Were the Characteristics of the Irish Land Issue?
L19: What were the Impacts of the Long Depression on Ireland?
L20: What was the Impact of the Irish Land Act?
L21: What are the Characteristics of Life for Irish Urban Workers?
L22: What was the Significance of the Dublin General Strike?
L23: How did British Trade Unions try to Help Unionise Irish Labourers?
Any questions please do feel free to get in contact:
Tes Teaching Store:
GCSE EDEXCEL History: Option B4: Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88
L15 - Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots
Key topic 2: Challenges to Elizabeth at home and abroad, 1569–88
Lesson 1 FREE:
This SoW is designed in detail and is both differentiated and engaging and allows you to move pupils through content efficiently. As a result, lessons can take around two periods to deliver and are sequenced to flow through this period comprehensively.
Made to the highest standard and constructed using current research, both dual coding and retrieval practices are at the heart of this unit. A colour scheme also runs throughout to ease both your delivery and students’ comprehension.
Key topic 2: Challenges to Elizabeth at home and abroad, 1569–88
L11 - Revolt of the Northern Earls
L12 - Catholic plots
L13 - Knowledge assessment
L14 – Exam
L15 - Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots
L16 - Spain - Commercial rivalry
L17 - Spain - political and religious rivalry
L18 - English involvement in the Netherlands
L19 - Drake and Cadiz
L20 - Spanish invasion plans
L21 - Failure of the Armada
Any question please do feel free to get in contact:
Useful Readings:
Best FREE Resources (Teacher Central) (FREE SoW) (FREE SoW)
I hope you find this SoW useful. If you have, I have created a series of resources.
Sociology AQA
L14: How are Gender Roles Evolving the Structure of the Family
**FREE Lesson From this Unit: **
This SoW is designed in detail to be clearly differentiated and engaging. Using the latest researched teaching and learning techniques, such as Retrieval Practice and Dual Coding. This SoW allows you to move pupils through content efficiently. Each SoW is sequenced clearly and in line with the Edexcel Specification.
A colour scheme also runs throughout to ease both your delivery and students’ comprehension.
We provided an email address that is monitored daily, if you have any questions or issues with this purchase (
Below is a break down of the Bundle
Any question please do feel free to get in contact:
Tes Teaching Store:
Best FREE Resources (Teacher Central) (FREE SoW) (FREE SoW)
Sociology AQA
L13: What are the Key Arguments Behind Gender Roles?
**FREE Lesson From this Unit: **
This SoW is designed in detail to be clearly differentiated and engaging. Using the latest researched teaching and learning techniques, such as Retrieval Practice and Dual Coding. This SoW allows you to move pupils through content efficiently. Each SoW is sequenced clearly and in line with the Edexcel Specification.
A colour scheme also runs throughout to ease both your delivery and students’ comprehension.
We provided an email address that is monitored daily, if you have any questions or issues with this purchase (
Below is a break down of the Bundle
Any question please do feel free to get in contact:
Tes Teaching Store:
Best FREE Resources (Teacher Central) (FREE SoW) (FREE SoW)
Tes paid licence
Sociology AQA
L18: How have Theoretical Perspectives on Divorce Evolved?
**FREE Lesson From this Unit: **
This SoW is designed in detail to be clearly differentiated and engaging. Using the latest researched teaching and learning techniques, such as Retrieval Practice and Dual Coding. This SoW allows you to move pupils through content efficiently. Each SoW is sequenced clearly and in line with the Edexcel Specification.
A colour scheme also runs throughout to ease both your delivery and students’ comprehension.
We provided an email address that is monitored daily, if you have any questions or issues with this purchase (
Below is a break down of the Bundle
Any question please do feel free to get in contact:
Tes Teaching Store:
Best FREE Resources (Teacher Central) (FREE SoW) (FREE SoW)
Sociology AQA
L26: How is the UK’s Relationship with Migration Changing?
**FREE Lesson From this Unit: **
This SoW is designed in detail to be clearly differentiated and engaging. Using the latest researched teaching and learning techniques, such as Retrieval Practice and Dual Coding. This SoW allows you to move pupils through content efficiently. Each SoW is sequenced clearly and in line with the Edexcel Specification.
A colour scheme also runs throughout to ease both your delivery and students’ comprehension.
We provided an email address that is monitored daily, if you have any questions or issues with this purchase (
Below is a break down of the Bundle
Any question please do feel free to get in contact:
Tes Teaching Store:
Best FREE Resources (Teacher Central) (FREE SoW) (FREE SoW)
**Edexcel A-Level History
In search of the American Dream: the USA, 1917–96
L3: How did the US Political Landscape Evolve within the 1917-80s?
FREE Lesson From this Unit:**
This SoW is designed in detail to be clearly differentiated and engaging. Using the latest researched teaching and learning techniques, such as Retrieval Practice and Dual Coding. This SoW allows you to move pupils through content efficiently. Each SoW is sequenced clearly and in line with the Edexcel Specification.
A colour scheme also runs throughout to ease both your delivery and students’ comprehension.
We provided an email address that is monitored daily, if you have any questions or issues with this purchase (
Below is a break down of the Bundle:
In search of the American Dream: the USA, 1917–96
L1: How was America’s Political Environment Changing in 1917-80?
L2: How did Presidential Style Change in the USA? (1917-80)
L3: How did the US Political Landscape Evolve within the 1917-80s?
L4: What was the Impact of War on Domestic Politics?
L5: What was the Impact of War on Domestic US Politics?
L6: What were the Challenges Facing African Americans Civil Rights?
L7: What was the Impact of the New Deal and WWII of Black Americans?
L8: How did the Approaches of the Civil Rights Movement Vary?
L9: What Other Minority Groups Fought for Civil Rights?
L10: How did the Role of Women Change in America? (1917-80)
L11: What were the Impacts of Immigration of America? (1917-80)
L12: How did Immigration Impacts Popular Culture in the USA?
L13: How did America’s Economy Fluctuate Between 1917-80?
L14: How did American Living Standards Change in the USA? (1917-80)
L15: How did Leisure and Tourism Evolve in America? (1917-1980)
Any questions please do feel free to get in contact:
Tes Teaching Store:
OCR Business CTech
Unit 2: Working in Business
Part 2 of 2
Lesson 31 - Protocols revision
FREE Lesson From this Unit
Designed to help outstanding teachers manage the busy workload. This SoW is designed in detail, to be clearly differentiated and engaging. Using the latest researched teaching and learning techniques, such as Retrieval Practice and Dual Coding. This SoW allows you to move pupils through content efficiently. Each SoW is sequenced clearly and in line with the OCR Specification.
A colour scheme also runs throughout to ease both your delivery and students’ comprehension.
Each unit is broken down in two parts, due to Tes’ limitation on Bundle sizes, with the first lesson of each bundle being free, so that you can see if these resources are for you.
We provided an email address that is monitored daily, if you have any questions or issues with this purchase (
Below is a break down of the Bundle
OCR Business Ctech - Unit 2 (Part 2 of 2):
Lesson 18 - Changes in Priorities + Revision
Lesson 19 - What Informs Business Communication Documents
Lesson 20 - Characteristics of business communications designs
Lesson 21 - How and When to Use Different Types of Communication
Lesson 22 - Ensuring Communications are fit for Purpose
Lesson 23 - Business Functional Areas
Lesson 24 - Stakeholders
Lesson 25 - LO1 Protocols
Lesson 26 - LO2 Factors Influencing Business Arrangements
Lesson 27 - LO3 Using Business Documents
Lesson 28 - LO4 Prioritising Tasks
Lesson 29 - Unit 2: Assessment Feedback
Lesson 30 - Completing Business Documents
Lesson 31 - Protocols revision
Lesson 32 - Business Arrangements Revision
Lesson 33 - Business Documents Revision
Lesson 34 - 12 marker Practice
Any question please do feel free to get in contact:
Tes Teaching Store:
**OCR Business CTech **
Unit 1: Business Environment
Lesson 22 - Stakeholders 2
Part 2 of 2
FREE Lesson From this Unit
Designed to help outstanding teachers manage the busy workload. This SoW is designed in detail, to be clearly differentiated and engaging. Using the latest researched teaching and learning techniques, such as Retrieval Practice and Dual Coding. This SoW allows you to move pupils through content efficiently. Each SoW is sequenced clearly and in line with the OCR Specification.
A colour scheme also runs throughout to ease both your delivery and students’ comprehension.
Each unit is broken down in two parts, due to Tes’ limitation on Bundle sizes, with the first lesson of each bundle being free, so that you can see if these resources are for you.
We provided an email address that is monitored daily, if you have any questions or issues with this purchase (
Below is a break down of the Bundle
OCR Business Ctech - Unit 1 (Part 2 of 2):
Lesson 18 - Financial Terms
Lesson 19 - Income Statements
Lesson 20 - Statement of Financial Position
Lesson 21 - Stakeholders
Lesson 22 - Stakeholders 2
Lesson 23 - Sources of Finance
Lesson 24 - Sources of Finance 2
Lesson 25 - Sources of Finance 3
Lesson 26 - Formative Assessment
Lesson 27 - SWOT Analysis
Lesson 28 - Business Activities and Sectors
Lesson 29 - Business Ownership
Lesson 30 and 31 - Unit 1 Research Brief
Lesson 32 - Business Maths
Lesson 33 - Unit 1 Revision
Lesson 34 - Unit 1 Feedback
Any question please do feel free to get in contact:
Tes Teaching Store:
Best FREE Resources (Teacher Central) (FREE SoW) (FREE SoW)
Sociology AQA
L27: How is the Experience of Children is Changing in UK Society
**FREE Lesson From this Unit: **
This SoW is designed in detail to be clearly differentiated and engaging. Using the latest researched teaching and learning techniques, such as Retrieval Practice and Dual Coding. This SoW allows you to move pupils through content efficiently. Each SoW is sequenced clearly and in line with the Edexcel Specification.
A colour scheme also runs throughout to ease both your delivery and students’ comprehension.
We provided an email address that is monitored daily, if you have any questions or issues with this purchase (
Below is a break down of the Bundle
Any question please do feel free to get in contact:
Tes Teaching Store:
Sociology AQA
L15: What is the Impact of Changing Genders on the Division of Labour?
**FREE Lesson From this Unit: **
This SoW is designed in detail to be clearly differentiated and engaging. Using the latest researched teaching and learning techniques, such as Retrieval Practice and Dual Coding. This SoW allows you to move pupils through content efficiently. Each SoW is sequenced clearly and in line with the Edexcel Specification.
A colour scheme also runs throughout to ease both your delivery and students’ comprehension.
We provided an email address that is monitored daily, if you have any questions or issues with this purchase (
Below is a break down of the Bundle
Any question please do feel free to get in contact:
Tes Teaching Store: