This bundle contains 6 lessons to of essential topics for forces for key stage 3 and 4 pupils. They are GCSE materials. Powerpoints and worksheets are ready to be used or you can edit them easily.
(Updated April 2018)
This set of powerpoint presentations consists of 37 slides (around 4 to 5 hours of work for students), including step-by-step instruction for 2 practicals.
Learning objectives covered:
Explain what is meant by the poles of a magnet.
Plot the magnetic field around a bar magnet.
Describe magnetic materials and induced magnetism.
Describe the Earth’s magnetic field.
Describe the magnetic effect of a current.
Use Fleming’s Left Hand Rule to predict the direction of force on current-carrying wire in a magnetic field.
Use the equation F=BIL.
Summary questions and answers (appear on click) are included in the slides.
Be sure to check out my bundles!
These two Powerpoint presentations are ready for “plug and teach”. They contain theory, questions (with solutions), and tasks. This is perfect for KS3 science (chemistry) or year 9 GCSE students.
To be able to explain what neutralisation is.
To be able to recognise an acid and alkali neutralize to make a salt and water.
To be able to write the word equation for neutralization.
To explain the reactions of acids with metal carbonates.
To write word equations for the reactions between acids and carbonates.
The Earth - The Earth and its Atmosphere (Key stage 3)
L.O. To compare the layers of the Earth and to describe the atmospheric composition.
Contains a multiple choice pre-test great for introduction for this unit.
Topic: Power / Energy and Power / Energy Transfer / Work Done
Level: GCSE, key stage 4
I am following the AQA science (physics) syllabus but this resource is suitable for anyone teaching KS4 physics.
1. Powerpoint slides: This includes different tasks and theory notes for pupils
2. Notes for pupils: Use this document as worksheets or handouts. Pupils can take notes during lesson or complete differentiated tasks in this editable document. Also, it includes exam style questions.
Hope this resource is helpful for you. Please do let me know if there's any suggestions for improvement. I aim to upload all my lessons on "Energy and Energy Resources" so that you can have a complete set of lessons for this unit.
Here's a resource for a complete lesson to teach ks4 GCSE biology topic Osmosis.
The 13 slides cover theory, contains tasks, and provide prompts for class discussions.
I've included some presenter's notes under some slides. Answers to questions are included in the slides. They are clickable animations (appear upon clicking).
Topic: Kinetic energy / Motion / Kinetic energy calculation
Level: GCSE, key stage 4
I am following the AQA science (physics) syllabus but this resource is suitable for anyone teaching KS4 physics.
1. Powerpoint slides: This includes different tasks and theory notes for pupils
2. Notes for pupils: Use this document as worksheets or handouts. Pupils can take notes during lesson or complete tasks in this editable document. Also, it includes exam style questions.
Hope this resource is helpful for you. Please do let me know if there's any suggestions for improvement. I aim to upload all my lessons on "Energy and Energy Resources" so that you can have a complete set of lessons for this unit.
Here is a resource (booklet of questions) for Energy revision. I began each question covering the theory that the pupils would need to know before answering the question. Therefore, each booklet serves the purpose of revision notes as well.
Answers are included in separate documents.
Here are the topics covered (the more difficult questions are aimed at A-level pupils):
Energy transfer
Kinetic Energy
Gravitational Potential Energy
Conservation of Energy
Renewable / Non Renewable Energy
Work Done
Centripetal Force
Terminal Velocity
Gravitational Attraction
Gravitational Acceleration
This resource is a booklet of questions for the unit of electricity in A-level Physics. I have also included the answers in a separate document.
In each question, I have included the theory necessary for pupils to complete the question. It is structured in the form (1) Theory, (2) Question, (3) Multiple Choice Answers.
The questions range from Basic, Medium, to Challenge. There are 14 questions in total.
This resource explains how the exchange and transport system of animals are dependent on their surface area to volume ratio.
It contains 7 short tasks for pupils.
It has sufficient content for higher ability sets.
Here's the structure of the lesson covered in this resource.
1. Transport system
2. Circulatory system
3. Blood vessels
4. Single circulatory system
5. Pulse rate activity
6. Summary questions
The resource covers theory, contains short tasks, and provide visual prompts for class discussions. The content is sufficient for higher ability pupils. There is an optional activity where pupils can measure and record their own pulse rates.
Powerpoint Presentations Updated April 2018
This set of powerpoint presentations consists of 37 slides (around 4 to 5 hours of work for students), including step-by-step instruction for 2 practicals.
Learning objectives covered:
Explain what is meant by the poles of a magnet.
Plot the magnetic field around a bar magnet.
Describe magnetic materials and induced magnetism.
Describe the Earth’s magnetic field.
Describe the magnetic effect of a current.
Use Fleming’s Left Hand Rule to predict the direction of force on current-carrying wire in a magnetic field.
Use the equation F=BIL.
Summary questions and answers (appear on click) are included in the slides.
Revision Matt / Knowledge Organiser
Included is also a knowledge organiser for the topic of Magnetism and Electromagnetism.