Geography resources galore - some free, some at great prices.
Specialising in Carbon and Water Edexcel A Level resources (paid) and an abundance of KS3 resources for free. Enjoy!
Geography resources galore - some free, some at great prices.
Specialising in Carbon and Water Edexcel A Level resources (paid) and an abundance of KS3 resources for free. Enjoy!
This document is a ‘translation’ of the Edexcel mark sheet for the NEA in Geography.
In the first column is the top tier criteria for each section as it is on the official mark sheet.
The middle column contains in student speak what should be included based on Edexcel training/webinars I have attended.
In the last column is a checklist for each section and some top tips - again, this is based on training I have been on.
I’m sure it’s not perfect but I worked my little socks off to make it.
You can now also buy a full copy of the whole mark scheme/assessment criteria which has a translation bulletpoint by bulletpoint:
Or a discounted bundle with both mark schemes in:
Thanks for looking.
This bundle contains 4 templates:
9 mark Assess
9 mark Evaluate
6 mark Assess
6 mark Explain
This should be printed out on A3, folded in half to make an A4 booklet, with each page on one side.
The format of how this works:
pg1 - Walkthrough - I’ve really tried to take a step-by-step guide (and for your weakest students they should only ever use this perhaps?)
pg2 - Template - This is where it’s more of a compartmentalised layout so they visualise the answer. I suggest when they have mastered the Walkthrough version, that they go straight to the Template Version.
pg3 - Exam Answer - so how they would see it in the exam
pg4 - Improved answer - I’ve put on a levels table in student speak and hen you’ve marked it, they have to find evidence of what you mean and fill in last column. Then there is space for them to make improvements to ONE section of their answer.
This bundle comprises of two different mark schemes aimed at students being able to understand the demands of the assessment criteria:
The first one translates the descriptors for the top level marks for each of the 4 sections, providing prompts and questions for students to ensure they have covered the section to meet the top level. It also has a suggested layout and top tips for each of the 4 sections.
The second one is a translation of the entire mark scheme/assessment criteria, bulletpoint by bulletpoint and is formatted to look like the Edexcel version. Students could use this to attempt to mark their own or an exemplar to better help them understand the demands for each level descriptor.
These two mark schemes can also be bought separately too:
Thank you for looking.
This is the second lesson from Enquiry Question 1 of the Tectonics Unit.
This lessons walks through creating an hypothesis, scatter graphs, and a full Spearman’s Rank statistical test. It uses the Japan 2011 earthquake/tsunami for data.
There is an accompanying booklet for students to use alongside the powerpoint.
Thanks for looking.
This is the sixth and seventh lessons of Enquiry Question 3 from the water unit.
This lesson explores the Nile with students but then sets them up to present information on the Mekong and Colorado rivers.
The Independent Study Task concerns water conflicts in Gaza.
Thanks for looking.
This is a writing frame/template for a 9-mark Evaluate question for AQA GCSE Geography. I am trialling these with my GCSE students. They are probably not perfect but I’ve tried to break it down as much as possible for students struggling with longer answers and higher-order command words.
This should be printed out on A3, folded in half to make an A4 booklet, with each page on one side.
The format of how this works:
pg1 - Walkthrough - I’ve really tried to take a step-by-step guide (and for your weakest students they should only ever use this perhaps?)
pg2 - Template - This is where it’s more of a compartmentalised layout so they can see it’s in 4 sections for Evaluate - I suggest when they have mastered the Walkthrough version, that they go straight to the Template Version.
pg3 - Exam Answer - so how they would see it in the exam
pg4 - Improved answer - I’ve put on a levels table in student speak and hen you’ve marked it, they have to find evidence of what you mean and fill in last column. Then there is space for them to make improvements to ONE section of their answer.
Thanks for looking and hope you found this useful to you and your students. Good luck with your results!
I also have templates/writing frames for 9-mark Assess and 6-mark Assess and Explain. These also come as a bundle.
The seventh lesson in Enquiry Question 1 in the water unit for Year 2 of Edexcel A Level Geography - Paper 1.
This lesson looks at different river regimes and is followed up with an IST (homework) reading a journal article. It has been adapted from another powerpoint.
This lesson is also available as part of Enquiry Question 1 Bundle and a Water Bundle.
Thank you for looking.
You need a copy of Interactions (new or old edition works!) to go with this resource. Students read each statement and decide whether it is true or false, based on the information from pg8-11 of the textbook. Must correct 'false&' statements and add further info to &';true' statements. Extension activities at bottom of the sheet.
Aimed at yr9. Leaving it as a cover activity - could give cover teacher answers so students can self-assess.
The last lesson in Enquiry Question 1 in the water unit for Year 2 of Edexcel A Level Geography - Paper 1.
This lesson looks the construction of a hydrograph and the factors which influence flashy and flat rivers, with an activity where students pick out the factors and attribute them. There are two homework tasks attached to this lesson (IST).
I have adapted this from another teacher’s powerpoint.
This lesson is also available as part of Enquiry Question 1 Bundle and a Water Bundle.
Thank you for looking.
The sixth lesson in Enquiry Question 2 in the water unit for Year 2 of Edexcel A Level Geography - Paper 1.
This lesson looks at flooding in Pakistan and the 2007 England flooding. There is a revision task included.
This lesson is also available as part of Enquiry Question 2 Bundle and a Water Bundle.
Thank you for looking.
The first lesson of Enquiry Question 1 of the carbon and energy unit. In this, students learn the idea of what carbon is and what the carbon cycle is. There is some information in this lesson from the Hodder flag textbook.
Recommended background reading (for teacher and students):
Challenges the idea that carbon is seen as something ‘bad’ in the media when actually it’s very important!
Thank you for looking.
An updated popular resource which had a lot of downloads but only one piece of feedback.
This lesson is a role-play/drama activity based on the news story of the scientists in the dock (Oct 2012) about how Italian siesmologists are on trial for not predicting L’Aquila (2009). The information used has come from BBC articles and videos.
The powerpoint has notes on how to set the lesson up whilst the word documents are the witness statements and judges questions.
It is important that you have done previous work on earthquake prediction, but that they DON’T KNOW what happened with this trial in real life until they’ve been through the courtcase. Works well with top set yr9 or even GCSE. This is a lesson to invite the Head to sit in and be a judge!
The second lesson in Enquiry Question 2 in the water unit for Year 2 of Edexcel A Level Geography - Paper 1.
This lesson looks drought in Sahel and Australia and also aims to introduce students to ‘Assess’ exam questions. Included is an exam question, template and mark scheme.
This lesson is also available as part of Enquiry Question 2 Bundle and a Water Bundle.
Thank you for looking.
The fifth lesson in Enquiry Question 2 in the water unit for Year 2 of Edexcel A Level Geography - Paper 1.
This lesson looks at actions of humans on rivers and includes an evaluative exercise - diamond 9.
This lesson is also available as part of Enquiry Question 2 Bundle and a Water Bundle.
Thank you for looking.
This is the 3rd lesson of Enquiry Question 3 from the water topic.
This lesson uses a little chalk and talk before students use the short case studies to help answer the exam question from the June 2018 paper.
Thanks for looking.
The fifth lesson in Enquiry Question 1 in the water unit for Year 2 of Edexcel A Level Geography - Paper 1.
This lesson looks at the human and physical on the drainage basin system and includes mini case studies. There is also an exam question included.
This lesson is also available as part of Enquiry Question 1 Bundle and a Water Bundle.
Thank you for looking.
Spanish, Polish and Lithuanian translations (checked by native speakers) for GCSE geography for Section A of Challenges in the human environment.
Also includes a tab of general exam words translations.
Mock exam to accompany 2024 Geography Pre-Release Booklet for Paper 3. This also includes the Mark Scheme too.
The issue being examined is the England housing crisis/urban sprawl/sustainable settlements with the proposal of Tudeley Village.
There is also another mock exam and mark scheme which can be found under my resources.
This is a lesson via powerpoint which explains a hot desert climate. This is a second lesson into deserts having done a general intro beforehand. You may wish to use the red Interactions book to support this lesson.
The lesson starts with students describing the location and by the end they should be able to explain too.
This powerpoint includes an excellent animation (which I cannot take credit for) which shows students the air flow around the Earth.