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Professional designed geography classroom resources designed by The Geography Teacher . Visit the website for free samples.

Professional designed geography classroom resources designed by The Geography Teacher . Visit the website for free samples.
Harsh Habitats Key Stage 3 Geography ENTIRE UNIT OF WORK

Harsh Habitats Key Stage 3 Geography ENTIRE UNIT OF WORK

This unit is designed for KS3 students. It includes 6 PowerPoint presentations and a workbook containing a range of activities and tasks including challenge tasks. It covers the following content: -Desert environments -Causes and impacts of desertification -Arctic environments -Impacts of climate change on arctic environments -Mountain environments -Climatic zones -Mount Kilimanjaro -Rainforest environments -Food webs -Deforestation -Locating key destinations on a map -Interpreting and analysing data The workbook also includes a student RAG rating of skills and knowledge and space for student and teacher feedback and reflection. Want a free sample? Visit The Geography Teacher website.
Economic Activity and Energy- ENTIRE UNIT- Edexcel IGCSE Geography

Economic Activity and Energy- ENTIRE UNIT- Edexcel IGCSE Geography

This is a comprehensive unit of work for the Edexcel IGCSE Geography topic Economic Activity and Energy. This includes 15 PowerPoint presentations, a detailed knowledge organiser and a 53 page PDF booklet that includes a wide range of activities and tasks suitable for all students. There are many extension/challenge questions and core geographical skills are integrated into the booklet. All resources are professionally designed. Want a free sample? Visit The Geography Teacher website.