All resources
Understanding scale in geographical enquiries
A geographer’s guide to getting the right scale of enquiry when planning a fieldwork investigation.
Understanding Hypotheses
A geographer’s guide to the nature of different types of hypotheses one can use in fieldwork investigations.
Make Your Own Point Quadrat Frame
A step by step guide to making a point quadrat frame from everyday materials.
Understanding Anomalies
A geographer’s guide to understanding how to deal with anomalies in their fieldwork data.
Planning new fieldwork experiences
A guide for teachers who are new to planning fieldwork.
Risk Assessment - Working Outdoors
This risk assessment serves as a guide to the kind of considerations one might need to make when carrying out survey tasks outdoors. It is not to be taken as a completed document and teachers should edit and tailor the content to suit the particular circumstances of their individual fieldwork location.
Space use survey (urban park)
A template data collection sheet which supports students collecting data about how people use an urban park.
Space use survey (nature reserve)
A template data collection sheet which supports students collecting data about how people use a nature reserve.
Space use survey (beach)
A template data collection sheet which supports students collecting data about how people use a beach.
Smellscape survey
A template data collection sheet which supports students collecting data about different smells in the field.
How to measure canopy cover
A field guide describing how one might measure tree canopy cover during geography fieldwork.
Soundscape survey
A data collection sheet that supports students in collecting fieldwork data on the types of sounds they can hear around them.
Space use survey (village centre)
A template data collection sheet which supports students collecting data about how people use a village centre.
Make your own fieldwork equipment
A book of nine step by step guides showing how to make a variety of pieces of fieldwork equipment using scrap or low cost materials.
Space use survey (urban river)
A template data collection sheet which supports students collecting data about how people use an urban river.
Forty minute fieldwork: Sense of Place
A step by step guide to conducting a geography fieldwork enquiry based on sense of place in your local area.
Make your own sediment sorter
A step by step guide to making a sediment sorter for use during geography fieldwork.
Make your own callipers
A step by step guide to making a set of callipers for use during geography fieldwork.
Space use survey (shopping centre / high street)
A template data collection sheet which supports students collecting data about how people use a shopping centre or high street.
Space use survey (residential area)
A template data collection sheet which supports students collecting data about how people use residential spaces.